Group of people in Lymphoma Action t-shirts

Find the support you need

We are the UK’s only charity dedicated to lymphoma, the fifth most common cancer. We're here to help, however you are affected. 

Preparing for Treatment Service

Our new online service is for people who are about to start treatment for lymphoma and for those supporting them. The service aims to give key information to help people prepare for treatment after a new diagnosis of lymphoma, or after a period of active monitoring or remission. 

Find out more about our Preparing for Treatment Service

Latest news and views

Read our latest personal story

Zoe talks about her diagnosis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, decisions around fertility, treatment and hair loss.

10 July 2024

Upcoming events and support meetings

Your stories


The challenge of a diagnosis of anaplastic large T-cell lymphoma and thoughts around having a stem cell transplant. 


Samantha talks about her diagnosis of nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma and coping with treatment.

Staff holding thank you lettering

Support our work

Every 26 minutes someone in the UK is diagnosed with lymphoma.

With your help we can provide the vital information and support they need to cope with their diagnosis, treatment and living with lymphoma.

Together we can make sure no one faces lymphoma alone.

Donate today