Private Equity For Women (PE4W) - Luxembourg

Private Equity For Women (PE4W) - Luxembourg

Marchés des capitaux

Luxembourg, Luxembourg 474 abonnés

LPEA's platform aiming to advance the discussion and representation of women within the PE industry in Luxembourg.

À propos

An initiative, open to both women and men, which aims to build a platform for more equal opportunities for women in Private Equity in Luxembourg. PE4W will help professional women in PE, through dedicated initiatives including:  Mentoring: Boost women confidence  Empowerment: Empower women to succeed  Networking: Open opportunities  Advocacy: Promote women public shareholders LPEA hopes to make PE4W become a powerful network that will help to advance the discussion and representation of women within our industry, and empower them to succeed.

Site web
Marchés des capitaux
Taille de l’entreprise
2-10 employés
Siège social
Luxembourg, Luxembourg

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