Services et conseil en informatique

Montreal, Quebec 1 486 487 abonnés

À propos

Allier savoir et faire Fondée en 1976, CGI figure parmi les plus importantes entreprises de services-conseils en technologie de l’information (TI) et en management au monde. Nous sommes guidés par les faits et axés sur les résultats afin d’accélérer le rendement de vos investissements. Pour nos 21 secteurs d’activité cibles et à partir de plus de 400 sites à l’échelle mondiale, nous offrons des services-conseils complets, adaptables et durables en TI et en management. Ces services s’appuient sur des analyses mondiales et sont mis en œuvre à l’échelle locale.

Site web
Services et conseil en informatique
Taille de l’entreprise
+ de 10 000 employés
Siège social
Montreal, Quebec
Société cotée en bourse
Fondée en
Business consulting, Systems integration, Intellectual property, Managed IT, Business process services, Digital transformation, Emerging technology et information technology


Employés chez CGI


  • Voir la page d’organisation pour CGI, visuel

    1 486 487  abonnés

    We were thrilled to sponsor Pride Night with the Sacramento Kings, a celebration that showcased our commitment to diversity and inclusion. The evening was a vibrant display of unity, with CGI and the Kings coming together to spread a message of acceptance and empowerment. Attendees were treated to a spectacle of solidarity, with the crowd treated to co-branded rainbow balls and thunder sticks, symbolizing our collective support for the LGBTQ+ community. Highlights included announcements about our role in fostering an inclusive culture alongside the debut of new banners that signaled our ongoing efforts to make a positive impact in Sacramento. The night was capped off with our presentation of a $5,000 donation to the Sacramento LGBT Community Center, and recognition of CGI VPs Megan Panson and Shavinder Singh with the Lavender Library’s 2024 Equality Award. The energy and message of the evening continue to inspire us. At CGI, we believe in creating a workplace where everyone can truly be themselves, supported by a culture of empowerment. Join us in celebrating diversity on special occasions and every day. #LifeAtCGI #CGIPride #DiversityAndInclusion #SacramentoKings #CGIForGood

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