NASA Earthdata Search

Launch NASA Earthdata Search


Earthdata Search combines the latest EOSDIS service offerings with user experience, research, and expertise, producing a state-of-the-art client for discovering, searching, visualizing, and retrieving Earth science data. Earthdata Search provides access to all DAAC data via a map web-based interface. This is the only interface available to users to order on-demand (higher level) ASTER data products.

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Description*Earthdata login to download data.

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Watch this previously recorded webinar to learn how about how to use Earthdata Search:

Data Tool in Focus: Earthdata Search


Individuals and groups citing the Earthdata Search tool should use the following citation:

Earthdata Search. 2019. Greenbelt, MD: Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project, Earth Science Projects Division (ESPD), Flight Projects Directorate, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). URL:

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