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Sleep and Vigilance

An International Journal of Basic, Translational and Clinical Research

Publishing model:


This journal is a unique platform for collecting and disseminating state-of-the art scientific understanding on research in the overlapping fields of basic, translational and clinical sleep medicine. The multidisciplinary journal offers a forum for biomedical and clinical researchers to share their work in research articles, case reports, clinical investigations, review articles and short communications. Coverage includes such topics as measurement of sleep across phylogeny, ontogeny; sleep functions; sleep organization at the molecular, cellular, systems, and behavior levels, molecular/genetic approaches to studying sleep; neural substrates of altered states of consciousness; large-scale computer simulations; 3D modeling and more.

Coverage includes translational and interdisciplinary sleep medicine research: diagnosis, treatment, and management of sleep disorders.

The journal is published in collaboration and with editorial support from the Indian Society for Sleep Research (ISSR).

The journal accepts Original article, Review article, Opinion article, Commentary article, Case report and Trial Design.

  • Ravi Gupta,
  • S.R.Pandi Perumal
Submission to first decision (median)
33 days
100,828 (2023)

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  17. TD Net Discovery Service
  18. Wanfang
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