Cell doublets arranged in circular patterns.

July issue

This month we consider how cells form rotating doublets, celebrate a century of bosons, and feature a Review on electronic excitations at the plasmon–molecule interface.


  • Artistic schematic of two atoms forming a molecule.

    This Insight issue celebrates and reviews recent progress in the generation and study of cold and ultracold molecules and ions for applications in quantum simulation, metrology and chemistry.

Nature Physics is a Transformative Journal; authors can publish using the traditional publishing route OR via immediate gold Open Access.

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  • Current muon beams have a phase-space volume that is too large for applications in muon colliders. Now, the reduction in the beam’s transverse emittance when passed through different absorbers in ionization cooling experiments is quantified.

    • M. Bogomilov
    • R. Tsenov
    • C. Heidt
    ArticleOpen Access
  • As the energy consumption of neural networks continues to grow, different approaches to deep learning are needed. A neuromorphic method offering nonlinear computation based on linear wave scattering can be implemented using integrated photonics.

    • Clara C. Wanjura
    • Florian Marquardt
    ArticleOpen Access
  • The growth of a biofilm—a bacterial colony attached to a surface—is governed by a trade-off between horizontal and vertical expansion. Now, it is shown that this process significantly depends on the contact angle at the biofilm’s edge.

    • Aawaz R. Pokhrel
    • Gabi Steinbach
    • Peter J. Yunker
  • A multiscale model of muscle as a fluid-filled sponge suggests that hydraulics limits rapid contractions and that the mechanical response of muscle is non-reciprocal.

    • Suraj Shankar
    • L. Mahadevan
    • Many 2D or 1D materials feature fascinating collective behaviour of electrons that competes with highly localized interactions at atomic defects. By combining terahertz spectroscopy with scanning tunnelling microscopy, the ultrafast motion of these collective states can be captured with atomic spatial resolution, enabling the observation of electron dynamics at their intrinsic length and time scale.

      Research Briefing
      • Stefanie Reichert
      News & Views
    • The volume of muon beams in position–momentum space is too large to be used in a collider. A clear reduction in this volume has now been demonstrated, which brings particle physics closer to a practical muon collider for exploring the energy frontier.

      • Masashi Otani
      News & Views
    • Laser-driven acceleration is a promising path towards more compact machines. Now, proton beams with energies up to 150 MeV have been achieved with a repetitive petawatt laser.

      • Jianhui Bin
      News & Views
  • This year marks the hundredth anniversary of Satyendra Nath Bose’s paper that stimulated the study of quantum statistics. We take this opportunity to celebrate the physics of bosons.

  • It has many names and yet no name. The designation of the universal gas constant as R has remained a mystery, as Karen Mudryk recounts.

    • Karen Mudryk
    Measure for Measure
  • Construction of the European Spallation Source began 10 years ago. Upon completion, its advanced technology and sustainable design will herald a new era for neutron scattering experiments.

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