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Extended Data Fig. 10: Allostatic regulation of AgRP-neuron activity by past circadian feeding experience. | Nature Neuroscience

Extended Data Fig. 10: Allostatic regulation of AgRP-neuron activity by past circadian feeding experience.

From: AgRP neurons encode circadian feeding time

Extended Data Fig. 10

a. Proposed model for daily fluctuations in relative AgRP-neuron activity levels. Outside of feeding window, AgRP-neuron activity is relatively unaffected by feeding status (at least on the first day in food deprivation), whereas during feeding time the activity is highly sensitive to food availability. The ‘Adapted feeding window’ is the time of day during which feeding periodically occurred in previous days. In free feeding mice, this window is dark phase and synchronized by light; however, it can be dissociated from circadian phase and reset by restricted food access. b. Schematic depiction of long-term regulation of AgRP-neuron activity by previous day’s circadian feeding experience. Feeding time is encoded into AgRP-neuron activity such that activity rises if anticipated food access does not occur. Top: Under free feeding conditions, AgRP-neuron activity directly or indirectly synchronizes to light through a process that requires intact SCN. Bottom: In time restricted feeding, AgRP activity uncouples from light and synchronizes to feeding time in a process that required intact DMH input.

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