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Extended Data Fig. 8: Time restricted food access alters AgRP-neuron activity rhythms. | Nature Neuroscience

Extended Data Fig. 8: Time restricted food access alters AgRP-neuron activity rhythms.

From: AgRP neurons encode circadian feeding time

Extended Data Fig. 8

a. Average locomotor activity in mice under TRF regimen (day-17), where animals had access to food between ZT18-22, compared to their AL days (n = 7 animals, two-tailed paired t-test, *p < 0.05). b. Same as a, but TRF day-18 without food access is compared to fasted days while on AL schedule (*p < 0.05, bp < 0.01, ap < 0.001). c,d. Overlaid average locomotor activities during 24-h (c) and around food access time at ZT18 (d) in animals on TRF with and without food access (n = 7 mice, two-tailed paired t-test, *p < 0.05, bp < 0.01, ap < 0.001). e,f. Two-tailed Pearson correlation of AgRP GCaMP activity and locomotor activity in animals on TRF day-17 (e) and day-18 without food access (f). g-i. AgRP (g,h) and ARCNPY (i) neuron activities recorded from 11βHSD2 expressing (g), SCN-ablated (h) and WT control (i) mice subjected to TRF between ZT3-7 for more than 10 days and was provided no food during the recording period. Upper panels: average of n = 5 (g), n = 8 (h) and n = 4 (i) mice, middle panels: individual data from each animal, lower panels: comparison of AgRP/NPY activity in BL-1 (before light phase, ZT21-0), BL-2 (light onset, before food, ZT0-ZT3) and post-food time (Post or P1, ZT4-7), or P2 (ZT7-10, h) periods. One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple comparison test. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 j. AgRP-neuron activity recorded from mice that had been subjected to TRF between ZT18-22 for 17 days. Upper panel: average of n = 6 animals, middle panel: individual data from each animal, lower panel: AgRP activity in BL (ZT15-17.5) and post-food time (ZT19-22) periods ***p < 0.0001. Green shades depict food availability. k-o. AgRP (k-m) and ARCNPY (n,o) neuron activities recorded from 11βHSD2 expressing (k), SCN-ablated (l), SCN-ablated, under DD conditions (m), DMHPDYN-ablated (n) and intact control (o) mice that had been subjected to TRF between ZT3-7 for more than 10 days. Upper panels: average of n = 5 (k,n), n = 8 (l,m) and n = 4 (o) mice; middle and lower panels: same as in g-i, ***p < 0.001). Data are presented as mean ± SEM. For exact P-values, see Extended Data 8 Source Data.

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