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Extended Data Fig. 5: Impairing input from PVNTRH does not affect rhythms for feeding and AgRP activity. | Nature Neuroscience

Extended Data Fig. 5: Impairing input from PVNTRH does not affect rhythms for feeding and AgRP activity.

From: AgRP neurons encode circadian feeding time

Extended Data Fig. 5

a. Schematic and representative image of in vivo fiber photometry recording of TRH neuronal Ca2+ activity in PVN. ft: Fiber tract. Scale: 300 μm. b,c. Average PVNTRH Ca2+ activity overlaid with AgRP-neuron activity (from Fig. 1) in AL (b) and fasted (c) states. n = 6 AL, n = 7 fasted animals. d. Rayleigh-plot of PVNTRH activity in AL fed (mean peak time ZT14.7, not significant) and fasted (mean peak time at ZT21, not significant) mice. Phases do not differ significantly. e. Two-tailed Pearson correlation between average fasted PVNTRH and average AgRP activities. f. Schematic of in vivo fiber photometry recording from ARCNPY neurons in mice with PVNTRH ablation. Representative images of ARC:GCaMP7s and PVN showing AAV-tdTomato marking the site of caspase injection (upper scale: 300 μm lower scale: 250 μm). g. Average ARCNPY GCaMP activity in animals with PVNTRH ablation (PVNTRH-X) or with intact PVNTRH neurons (Ctrl). Average of 3 days and n = 4 Ctrl and n = 7 PVNTRH-X mice. h. Rayleigh-plot of ARCNPY GCaMP activity in PVNTRH-X mice (mean peak at ZT7) versus control (mean peak time at ZT7.08). Phases do not differ significantly between two groups. i. Comparison of dark and light phase ARCNPY activity in mice with or without PVNTRH ablation, two-tailed, unpaired t-test, n = 4 ctrl, 7 PVNTRH-X mice. j,k. Feeding pattern of PVNTRH-X mice (j, n = 8 Ctrl and 10 PVNTRH-X mice) and total consumed food during daytime and nighttime (k) compared to control animals, two-tailed, unpaired t-test, n = 8 Ctrl and 10 PVNTRH-X mice. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. For exact P-values and statistics, see Extended Data Fig. 5 Source Data.

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