Dear Reader

As we approach the end of 2015, and mark the completion of the second volume of Drug Safety - Case Reports, the editors and production staff at Adis wish to reflect on a successful year’s achievements and pay thanks to all those who have contributed their time and effort to guarantee the exceptional quality of our content.

We are delighted to have seen the conclusion of formalities surrounding the joint venture between Springer Science + Business Media and Nature Publishing Group, Palgrave Macmillan, Macmillan Education in early May. Substantial ground has already been made in the integration of business within the resulting Springer Nature company and we at Adis look eagerly toward the future, as the benefits of the collective expertise and capabilities of this company carry us forward.

The majority of our journals saw a rise in ISI impact factor against the previous year. Most notably, BioDrugs increased by 41 % to 2.989; the European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics increased 19 % to 1.563; CNS Drugs increased by 17 % to 5.113; Targeted Oncology increased 16 % to 4.000; Pediatric Drugs increased 15 % to 1.975; Drugs & Aging increased 13 % to 2.838; and Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy increased a further 12 % to 2.891, having already jumped 53 % in the preceding year. We hope to build upon these gains, once more, in 2016.

The Adis Book programme has grown substantially and 20 new titles will have been published over the course of the year. Over 50 further titles are currently in development with leading academics, internationally, and we continue to add more to the list. Our thanks, again, to all who have submitted these valuable proposals to date.

We offer our sincere thanks to all authors who have contributed articles to Drug Safety - Case Reports since the journal’s launch in 2014. Their skill and dedication are critical to the continued publication of the journal. The world-class quality of published articles is, similarly, testament to the significant efforts of the peer reviewers, whose commitment ensures that our content is held to the highest possible standard. In addition to the members of our Honorary Editorial Board, we would like to thank the following individuals who acted as reviewers for articles published in Drug Safety - Case Reports since the journal began receiving submissions:

Frank Andersohn, Germany

Gary Asher, USA

Umit Avsar, Turkey

Jane P.F. Bai, USA

Donald L. Batisky, USA

Liberato Berrino, Italy

Corrado Blandizzi, Italy

Cheng Leng Chan, Singapore

Pieter-Jan Cortoos, Belgium

Paul de Boissieu, France

Thomas De Rijdt, Belgium

Kyle Eckhardt, Canada

Moses S. Elisaf, Greece

Jonathon Fanaroff, USA

John Fanikos, USA

Jacques Genest, Canada

Sophie Gosselin, Canada

Tuncay Gunduz, Turkey

Sebastian Harder, Germany

Iain P. Hargreaves, UK

Yi Ji, China

Christian Junghanss, Germany

Lisa Kalisch Ellett, Australia

Michel Lanteri-Minet, France

Setu Mathur, India

Bruno B. Megarbane, France

David Mendelowitz, USA

Martin Michel, Germany

Olivier Mimoz, France

James J. Nawarskas, USA

Brian C. Nelson, USA

Beth Parker, USA

Kaksha Patel, India

Verica Pavlic, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Emanuel Raschi, Italy

Cornelia Reichert, Switzerland

Gail Rowan, Australia

Stefania Scotto, Italy

Michael J. Shattock, UK

Satwika Sinha, India

Souad Skalli, Morocco

Claudia Spies, Germany

Nikol Sullo, UK

Melanie R. Symoniak, USA

Anne B. Taegtmeyer, Switzerland

Paz Toren, Israel

Albert Trinh-Duc, France

Marco Tuccori, Canada

Vedat Turhan, Turkey

Laszlo Vecsei, Hungary

Prabha Viswanathan, USA

Felix-Martin Werner, Germany

Elizabeth M. Williamson, UK

Erik B. Wilms, The Netherlands

Sameer A. Zope, India

We hope that you have found the articles published in Drug Safety - Case Reports to be both interesting and informative. The editors have appreciated the high quality of content contributed to the journal to date and look forward to keeping you up to date with drug safety-related case reports and case series in the year to come.

With best wishes from the staff of Drug Safety - Case Reports and all at Adis Publications.