Scientific writing, it seems, bears no light. It neither

Welcome to the LIGHT: Leaders Igniting Generational Healing and

In February of 2022, we released our first

In February of 2022, we released our first Open Call:

In February of 2023, we released our third Open Call: How

In August of 2023, we released our fourth Open Call: How might

In October of 2022, we released our second Open Call: How

In October of 2022, we released our second Open Call: How

In August of 2023, we released our fourth Open

In August of 2023, we released our fourth Open Call: How might we reimagine

The highly anticipated return of the annual LIGHT (Leaders Igniting Generational Healing and

Leaders Igniting Generational Healing & Transformation (LIGHT) is looking forward to hosting  our Third

In August of 2023, we released our fourth Open Call: How might we reimagine

In August of 2023, we released our fourth Open Call: How might we reimagine

In August of 2023, we released our fourth Open Call: How might we reimagine