The Young Professionals Council (YPC) serves as a catalyst for community connection, outreach, and expansion of the capabilities of the Board of Directors and LPTM at large. YPC members act as ambassador for LPTM on behalf of the Board and organizational leadership. Additionally, the YPC will act as a training ground for future Board Members to increase Board sustainability and longevity.

YPC Leadership

  • Dylan Tally, YPC Lead, Senior Consultant at EY, LPTM Board of Directors Member
  • Andrew Blickle. YPC LPTM Lead & LPTM Community Engagement Manager

Strategic Working Group (SWG)

  • Jordan Howie, YPC Strategic Lead. Systems Engineer at the Aerospace Corporation
  • Lynn Kha, YPC SWG Member. Data and Analytics Consultant at EY
  • Justin Morgan, YPC SWG Member. PhD Student at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
  • Julien Blaney, YPC SWG Member. Institutional Advancement Assistant at the Aspen Institute

Development Working Group (DWG)

  • Victoria Gonsalvez, YPC Development Lead. Consultant at Eagle Hill Consulting
  • Trevor Smith, YPC DWG Member. Program Associate at the Surdna Foundation
  • Erica Brackett, YPC DWG Member. Law Student at Duke Law School
  • Austin Hunte, YPC DWG Member. Executive Assistant at the American Academy of Nursing

Program Working Group (PWG)

  • Francisco Del Toro, YPC Program Lead. Senior Real Estate Analyst at US Bank
  • Joi Wright, YPC PWG Member. Clinical Research/Patient Navigator
  • Daquan Ashton, YPC PWG Member. LPTM Percussion Instructor/Co-Educator
  • NajyaWilliams, YPC PWG & Recent Harvard University Graduate

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