Archive of Recorded Sound: listening and viewing on-site

Listen and view music collections today

Study sound recordings, piano rolls, and moving images on specialized equipment in an environment designed for individual and small-group work. 

Visit the Archive of Recorded Sound

Who can request items 

This service is available to students, faculty, and researchers. 

What to expect

Digitized collection materials are available for walk-in listening and viewing. If something is not available, we will help you gain digital access within a reasonable time frame.

We have specialized rooms and equipment

The Archive of Recorded Sound has two media preview rooms: 

  • One with a projector and audiophile speakers for small-group work. 
  • A smaller room outfitted with midfield audio monitors and professional audio converters in an acoustically treated environment.

Questions about viewing and listening to collection materials? 

Contact the Archive of Recorded Sound staff via email or call (650) 723-9312

Last updated July 7, 2023