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Pepperdine | Libraries

Research with Pepperdine Libraries

Pepperdine Libraries makes it possible for researchers from all disciplines to generate, curate, transform, and publish their research through direct engagement with library staff, access to existing data sets and tools, and robust digital repositories for data and scholarly communications. Review the resources below, and let us know where you are in the research life cycle. And for faculty and staff authors interested in open access publishing, we offer open access publishing support stipends.



Connect with Research Experts

Our staff of experts is here to help you find existing research sources, curate your own data, and utilize our digital repositories. Together we'll figure out a plan to get what you need to bring your research beyond the walls of your lab or campus office.


Research Consultations

Get personalized guidance from one of our library specialists online—no question is too small.


Library research experts are here to help students with the research process.

Library Liaisons

Make an appointment with a library liaison to get the help you need to get your work done.


Pepperdine Libraries Collections Online

Ebooks: We provide access to more than a half-million ebooks. You can search for ebooks using our library catalog.

Journals: We offer online access to more than 60,000 journal titles. Search journals by title from our library catalog or browse our A-Z journals list.

Databases: We have subscriptions to more than 130 research databases. You can search and browse our A-Z databases list.

Streaming Media: Through our Streaming Video databases, students and faculty can watch and listen to hundreds of thousands of video and audio resources.

Digital Collections: Our digital collections provide remote access to Pepperdine's Special Collections and University Archives, including over 40,000 primary source documents, historical photographs, and audiovisual materials.

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