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New Resource: S&P Credit Ratings (in WRDS)

by Alice Kalinowski on 2024-06-21T09:03:08-07:00 | 0 Comments

We now have access to the S&P Credit Ratings data in WRDS. It contains historical S&P-issued credit ratings for global issuers including corporates, financial institutions, insurance companies, government entities, structured finance transactions, and collateralized debt obligations. Historical data for global issuers and structured finance data is available back to 1922; public finance data is available back to 1964 (for securities still active as of Jan 1, 2007). Ratings exist for entities, securities, and instruments.

This data is available to Stanford faculty, staff, and students for Stanford-related academic research purposes.

In WRDS, you can find the web query tables under Subscriptions > Compustat - Capital IQ > Capital IQ.

Learn more about WRDS and how to request a WRDS account at Stanford.

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