Mother of God, the conclusion to Line of Duty‘s latest series has been rated the most disappointing TV finale in a new poll, beating the controversial series eight ending for Game of Thrones.

The latest series of the BBC’s police corruption drama – starring Martin Compston, Vicky McClure and Adrian Dunbar – finished on Sunday, with 30% of the 2,002 people surveyed saying it was the most disappointing TV ending.

The stat beats the grande finale to the HBO fantasy series Game of Thrones (19%), based on the books by George R. R. Martin, which prompted a 1 million signature-strong petition calling for its eight series to be remade.

Other shows featured on the list include How I Met Your MotherSherlock and Prison Break – in third, fourth and fifth place respectively.

Commenting on the findings, Katy Phillips of said: “The show has certainly captured the nation from start to finish. With series filmed over a certain time frame, the nation is captured, it builds up the suspense, where the writer allows us to create our own expectations and ending, leading to disappointment or satisfaction.

“We can only hope Line of Duty returns to our screens, and this isn’t the finale of finales.”

Over 12.8 million people tuned in to the final episode of series six, which was set to announce the identity of the corrupt police officer with links to organised crime known as ‘H’ or ‘The Fourth Man’.

Almost a third of those surveyed thought Ted Hastings was the big bad, while 15% believed it would turn out to be Kate Fleming. Only 3% correctly guessed the true identity of ‘H’.

While social media posts from the cast and creative team have indicated that the sixth series of Line of Duty may be the last, the BBC are yet to confirm whether AC-12 will make one more outing in the future.

Photo: BBC.

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