School of One at the LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland

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We are excited to announce the launch of The School of One: Solutions for Global Issues at The LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland. This is a partnership between The Center and CMSD and is particularly significant given that on the 2019 YRBS survey administered to CMSD youth, 13.4% of youth as LGB and 4.3% indicated that they were unsure of their orientation.

The School of One (SO1) at the LGBT Center will the first of its kind in the nation where a public school has a site specifically focused on LGBTQ+ youth located within a LGBT Center!! Our collective vision is to create a safe and affirming space where access to education is inclusive and equitable. The School of One at The Center is intentional about our ongoing efforts to promote equity, respect for diversity, and inclusive practices for our youth.

Why is this important??
LGBTQ+ youth face issues much different and more pronounced than their heterosexual, cisgender peers. Our youth are forced to navigate an often non-affirming landscape where culturally competent resources and support are largely unavailable. Thus, they are widely marginalized. This impacts their ability to thrive.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), LGBTQ+ youth have higher rates of depression and are 5x more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual, cisgender peers. Further, the Human Rights Campaign report Growing Up LGBT in America indicates 26% of LGBTQ+ youth do not feel accepted by family, have trouble in school/bullying, and fear being out/open. They are also 2x more likely to be physically assaulted; not surprising since most live in states without sexual orientation/gender identity protections. Due to this, schools and other outlets seen as safe havens for youth are many times the opposite for LGBTQ+ young people.
Discrimination and lack of protections create an environment that breeds emotional distress. This leads to higher rates of depression, risky behavior, and suicidal ideation. Given this, it is essential to provide LGBTQ+ youth an outlet that offers resources and social emotional support for them to gain mental, emotional, social, and academic wellbeing. School of One at The LGBT Center will provide this resource for LGBTQ+ students.
  • SO1 Mission: To develop solutions to challenges and drive innovation in a supportive, inclusive, and diverse environment for the youth of the diverse LGBTQ+ community
  • SO1 Vision: To promote equitable outcomes for marginalized populations while strengthening the community. Centered in the belief that diversity is not a problem but the basis of prosperity, it changes attitudes, mindsets, and how we perceive the world around us.

The School of One: Solutions for Global Issues at The LGBT Center will analyze issues and how they impact their communities utilizing Facing History and Ourselves curriculum. For the initial year, we envision opening with approximately 8-10 students on a rolling enrollment basis.

The Details:

  • Applications are currently being accepted - Click Here
  • In-person classes are being held at the Center
  • Day/Time: M-F 9am-2:30pm
  • Center Programming: QYou will be integrated into parts of the curriculum as class credit where appropriate in discussion with the teacher. Additionally, youth will already be at the Center and can transition right into QYou programming after they complete their school day.
  • You can follow School of One Cleveland at The School of One Cleveland on Facebook or by visiting
LGBT_Vertical CMYK

6705 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44102

(216) 651-5428

Sunday: Closed
Monday: 10 AM - 8 PM
Tuesday: 10 AM - 8 PM
Wednesday: 10 AM - 8 PM
Thursday: 10 AM - 8 PM
Friday: 10 AM - 8 PM
Saturday: Closed (4th Saturday 10 AM - 2PM)



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