
laird Pro

Favorite films

  • Raising Arizona
  • It Felt Like a Kiss
  • Starcrash
  • The Whole Shootin' Match

Recent activity

  • We Are the Best!


  • Nobody Is Innocent

  • Prince of Space

  • Ninja Condors

Recent reviews

  • We Are the Best!

    We Are the Best!


    Earlier this week I watched a docudrama from 1986 about teenage punks on the outskirts of Mexico City. We Are The Best is about teen girls forming a punk band in 1982 Stockholm. In 2024, I'm sure in every major city you could find a dimly lit club, perfumed by decades of ash and spilled beer, hosting young, angry, youths in leather and spiked hair shouting slogans and anthems into an overdriven microphone against a wall of machine gun drums…

  • Venom


    I would have watched this way sooner in my life if I knew it wasn't just a killer snake movie, but it was a killer snake *and* a hostage movie. I love a good double-subgenre feature. I also assumed Oliver Reed and Klaus Kinski wouldn't be on screen much or together at all, but they spend most of the movie sharing scenes with each other which just begs the question of how out of control the set must've been between…

Popular reviews

  • Masculin Féminin

    Masculin Féminin


    Jean-Pierre Leaud failing to look cool while flipping a cigarette up into his mouth, failing to find the right way to express his feelings, failing to engage in philosophy or poetry beyond laundromat soliloquies and record-your-own-record booths, failing to engage with politics beyond graffiti slogans and condescending interviews conducted with young women, failing to impress the projectionist with his knowledge of aspect ratios, and failing to impress anyone with his whistling.

  • The Wicker Man

    The Wicker Man


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

