Raising Awareness

Teenage Suicide & Mental Health

Social Media | Mental Fortitude | Physical Activity |  Drugs | Gun Safety


Mental Health | Substance Abuse | Suicide Crisis

Victim of sextortion or cyberbullying




If it happens:

Even if you comply with demands they may carry out the threat.

It doesn't matter what has happened.

If you have been a victim, please get help.

  • Report to local law enforcement | HSI & FBI may provide additional help.
  • Report to the CyberTipline | www.cybertipline.org
  • Call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline | Call or text 988
  • National Center for Missing & Exploited Children Sextortion Resources | www.missingkids.org/

'Tomorrow Needs You'

Goals of Less than Three Foundation

Raise awareness of teenage suicide and Mental Health issues. Address causing factors such Social Media, Mental Fortitude, physical activity, Drugs, and promotion of Gun Safety.
Social Media / Technology- issues such as sextortion, bullying, algorithms, catfishing. Encourage change by major companies such as Meta, Snapchat, and TikTok. Raise awareness of issues by speaking to schools, Churches and Communities. Promote No devices in private rooms such as bedrooms, bathrooms, and keep phone use to family areas.
Mental Fortitude- address lack of mental health resources available. Provide services to encourage mental fortitude, positive affirmation, and personal acceptance. Spread the teachings of Grace that have been forgotten. Help parents understand the steps to take to help a child struggling.
Physical activity- promote sports and other physical activities to encourage our youth to unplug more and interact. Promote solo activities such as running, skating, and hiking. To change an emotion, you must create a motion. Taught to parents and students.
Drugs- raise awareness of the issues drugs cause on our mental health. Promotion of drug free health and the dangers of experimenting with drugs in todays climate.
Gun Safety- raise awareness within Pro gun groups about how 1 instance can change your entire life. Provide free gun locks at events and why they are needed. Share statistics of suicide and how if a gun is available that time is as little as 3 minutes as opposed 20 minutes without a weapon.