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Negligent Security Seminar | March 2015

Florida personal injury lawyers



    $1,160,000 Verdict – Electrocution Death (Florida)

    We have all heard that oil and water don’t mix.  So what happens when electric current is mixed with water?  Electrocutions happen, that’s what.  It’s particularly dangerous when the electricity and water involve children.  In this case, our client’s son was using an electric boat life on a canal at a private home.  The lift took the boy to the water but once it contacted the water it electrified the child.   He was killed by the electrical current.

    $1,160,000 verdict on behalf of parents of teenager electrocuted by defectively wired boat lift on west coast of Florida. John Elliott Leighton represented the father of the deceased boy. Estate of S. v. Multiple Parties.  The boat lift was one of several electrical projects by an electrician whose work had been “red tagged” in the area for not meeting standards and codes for electrical safety.  In this case the defective wiring cost a boy his life, and his parents lost their son.

    In Florida, electrical accidents are too common.  Because so much of the state is on or surrounded by water, electrical standards must be strict.  Salt water is particularly damaging to electrical equipment.  Proper insulation, wiring and grounding is essential to prevent electrocution or electrical injuries (electrocution means death by electrical current). At Leighton Panoff Law we have represented many families who have lost loved ones to electrocutions or who have suffered electrical injuries.


    Disclaimer: The information about past verdicts and settlements of the firm’s cases are based on the unique facts of each case. These amounts reflect the gross recovery in each case (before attorneys fees, expenses and medical costs are deducted). Although these results were obtained by our firm, they may not indicate the success or value of any other case. By clicking on Verdicts and Settlements you are acknowledging that each case is unique and must be evaluated on its own merits. The information contained here has not been reviewed or approved by The Florida Bar.