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     Idaho Statutes

Idaho Statutes are updated to the website July 1 following the legislative session.

67-407.  Attendance of witness — Subpoena. A subpoena requiring the attendance of any witness or the production of any papers or other materials before either house of the legislature, or a committee of the legislature, may be issued by the president or president pro tempore of the senate, speaker of the house, or the chairman of any committee before whom the attendance of the witness or the production of papers or other materials is desired. The subpoena must:
1.  State whether the proceeding is before the senate or house, or a committee;
2.  Be addressed to the witness, and name with particularity the papers or other materials to be produced by the witness, if papers and materials are requested;
3.  Require the attendance of the witness or the production of such papers or other materials by the witness at a time and place certain to be shown on the subpoena;
4.  Be signed by the president or president pro tempore of the senate, speaker of the house, or the chairman of a committee; and
5.  Inform the witness that the witness will be paid mileage, meals and lodging, if necessary, or otherwise provided necessary transportation, meals or lodging for attendance. Any witness subpoenaed under this section shall be entitled to necessary mileage, meals and lodging at the rates established by the state board of examiners pursuant to section 67-2008, Idaho Code, for official travel for state officers and employees, to be paid from the legislative account if other transportation, meals and lodging are not tendered for the witness’s attendance.

[(67-407) R.S., sec. 145; am. R.C., sec. 58; reen. C.L., sec. 58; C.S., sec. 99; I.C.A., sec. 65-407; am. 1995, ch. 232, sec. 1, p. 788.]

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