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     Idaho Constitution

The Idaho Constitution is updated to the website July 1 following the legislative session.



Section 19.  Local and special laws prohibited. The legislature shall not pass local or special laws in any of the following enumerated cases, that is to say:
Regulating the jurisdiction and duties of justices of the peace and constables.
For the punishment of crimes and misdemeanors.
Regulating the practice of the courts of justice.
Providing for a change of venue in civil or criminal actions.
Granting divorces.
Changing the names of persons or places.
Authorizing the laying out, opening, altering, maintaining, working on, or vacating roads, highways, streets, alleys, town plats, parks, cemeteries, or any public grounds not owned by the state.
Summoning and impaneling grand and trial juries, and providing for their compensation.
Regulating county and township business, or the election of county and township officers.
For the assessment and collection of taxes.
Providing for and conducting elections, or designating the place of voting.
Affecting estates of deceased persons, minors, or other persons under legal disabilities.
Extending the time for collection of taxes.
Giving effect to invalid deeds, leases or other instruments.
Refunding money paid into the state treasury.
Releasing or extinguishing, in whole or in part, the indebtedness, liability or obligation of any person or corporation in this state, or any municipal corporation therein.
Declaring any person of age, or authorizing any minor to sell, lease or incumber his or her property.
Legalizing as against the state the unauthorized or invalid act of any officer.
Exempting property from taxation.
Changing county seats, unless the law authorizing the change shall require that two-thirds of the legal votes cast at a general or special election shall designate the place to which the county seat shall be changed; provided, that the power to pass a special law shall cease as long as the legislature shall provide for such change by general law; provided further, that no special law shall be passed for any one county oftener than once in six years.
Restoring to citizenship persons convicted of infamous crimes.
Regulating the interest on money.
Authorizing the creation, extension or impairing of liens.
Chartering or licensing ferries, bridges or roads.
Remitting fines, penalties or forfeitures.
Providing for the management of common schools.
Creating offices or prescribing the powers and duties of officers in counties, cities, townships, election districts, or school districts, except as in this constitution otherwise provided.
Changing the law of descent or succession.
Authorizing the adoption or legitimization of children.
For limitation of civil or criminal actions.
Creating any corporation.
Creating, increasing or decreasing fees, percentages, or allowances of public officers during the term for which said officers are elected or appointed.

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