Manage academies in Viva Learning

Use Viva Learning academy to curate pages for selected learners to develop the business-critical capability through a facilitated learning experience. The academy goes beyond technical and functional skills and focuses on the business capabilities a company needs to thrive. Academy can be curated using a group of Learning paths focused on Academy specific learning objectives.

Academies can be set up and managed within the admin tab of Viva Learning under Manage Academies.

Creating and editing academies involves managing featured sets and learning paths.


Creating and managing an academy requires a premium license for Viva Learning or Viva Suite.

Existing Microsoft 365 admins, knowledge admins, and knowledge managers can create and manage academies.

Set up an academy

  1. Select Manage academies.

  2. Select Set-up an academy.

  3. Enter an academy name.

  4. Write a description of the academy.

  5. Upload an academy logo.

  6. Choose whether you want the academy open to all learners or select a maximum of specific learner groups.

  7. Select Save.

Image of the Set up an academy popup within Manage academies. It requires an academy name, description, logo and user group access information

You now see your newly created academy for configuration.

Image of the options for the newly created academy, with options to enable academy, add a featured set, and add learning path

Configure academy

Configure the academy by selecting the featured set and learning paths.

  1. Under the featured set, select Add to select existing Draft Featured set created for Academy.

  2. Go to the featured set tab to create a new featured set.

  3. Select Add New at the top to create new featured set.

  4. Enter a featured set name.

  5. Select the list of learning objects, which are displayed in the featured set.

  6. Select Save. The draft featured set are displayed in the dashboard.


Only individual learning objects can be added to a featured set, not entire learning paths. A maximum of six learning objects can be added to one featured set.

Image of the new featured set screen with fields to add title, find courses, and a list of your featured queue.

  1. Select Activate on the draft featured set.

  2. Select the academy where you want the featured set to be displayed.

    1. This maps the featured set to the academy. The featured set is now activated.

Screenshot of an academy with an activated featured set.

Add learning paths.

  1. Navigate to Learning paths within Viva Learning admin.

  2. Select Create to generate a new learning path. Refer to the article on creating learning paths

  3. Publish the learning path.

  4. Navigate to Manage Academies to select the Academy and select Configure.

Image of a configured academy where you can add a learning path

  1. Select Add to find the learning paths you want to include and Add them. You can reorder the list by clicking and dragging the content.

  2. Select Save.

Enable academy

  1. Toggle the Enable Academy switch to enable the Academy to the learner group.

Image of an academy after it has been enabled

  1. Select the Copy Academy link icon next to Enable Academy to copy and share the Academy deep link url.

Microsoft Copilot Academy

Microsoft Copilot Academy is built in to develop user skills associated with Copilot usage. This experience provides structured educational content within Viva Learning to help users learn about, discover, and use Copilot effectively.

Prerequisites for Microsoft Copilot Academy

Users need to meet the following criteria to access Microsoft Copilot Academy:

  1. A user profile provisioned within a tenant that has Copilot for Microsoft 365 licenses.

  2. Assigned a paid license of Microsoft Viva Suite or Viva Learning.

Configure Microsoft Copilot Academy

Microsoft Copilot Academy is enabled by default and discoverable for users who meet the criteria within their Viva Learning app under the Academies dropdown navigation menu.

Admins can disable Microsoft Copilot Academy from the Admin tab in Viva Learning under the Manage academies section.

Language support

Microsoft Copilot Academy is currently only supported in English with a planned expansion to other languages.

Create your own custom academy

You can create a new Academy tailored to your needs by utilizing learning objects from the Copilot Academy. This approach allows you to maintain the essence of the Copilot Academy while also incorporating your organization's unique requirements. Here’s how:

  • Create learning paths: Start by creating learning paths that mirror the learning paths available in the Copilot Academy. This step forms the foundation of your custom academy.

  • Add to your new academy: Once your learning paths are set, you can seamlessly integrate them into your new academy for a personalized learning experience.