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Pepperdine | Caruso School of Law

Spiritual Life

Pepperdine University Theme Tower

Pepperdine Caruso Law is a school rooted in the Christian tradition, and as spirituality is an important component of student life, individuals from all faith traditions (and those with no faith tradition) are welcomed into the Pepperdine community.

Christian Legal Society

The Christian Legal Society serves as the primary community for Christian students at the law school. Although the Christian Legal Society does not host a large formal Bible study or prayer group, there are numerous small groups that form through and within the organization.

Wednesday Night Dean's Bible Study

Dean Paul Caron and his wife, Courtney, host a large group Bible study in their home each Wednesday of the academic year at 7 p.m. The Bible study is organized and led by law students and includes worship music, prayer, and a guest speaker. The majority of speakers are faculty, administrators, and staff members from Pepperdine who the students invite to come and share their faith.

Interfaith Student Council

The Interfaith Student Council was created to ensure that students from all faith backgrounds feel welcome in the Pepperdine community. The Interfaith Student Council meets throughout the academic year to discuss spiritual life matters at the law school and to get to know one another across religious lines. The members of the council represent all of the religious groups that exist in the student body of the law school, including Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, Latter Day Saints, and more.

Student Organizations

Some of our Student Organizations at the Caruso School of Law focus on the intersection of law and religion, or offer the opportunity for students to gather and explore law within the context of spirituality.

Jewish Law Students Association

Through speakers, symposia, and social events, the JLSA promotes greater understanding of the diverse aspect of the Jewish religion and culture. The organization also provides services to that nourish the identities of the Jewish students at Pepperdine Caruso School of Law.

J. Reuben Clark Law Society

The JRCS promotes high moral and professional standards in the legal profession and in service to society. The Society is guided by the philosophy, personal example, and values of its namesake, J. Reuben Clark, Jr., an attorney, civil servant, and prominent leader in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


a stack of case files for inmates in a Uganda prison

Global Justice

The Sudreau Global Justice Program, part of the Nootbaar Institute on Law, Religion, and Ethics, is focused on international human rights, religious freedom, global development, and the advancement of the rule of the law worldwide.

Stauffer Chapel exterior at Pepperdine

Places of Worship

Explore a list of organizations and places of faith near our campus to serve variety of religious and spiritual needs.