Hon. Cynthia Lopez

The Honorable Judge Cynthia Lopez was appointed to serve as a Judge in the NYC Civil Court, assigned to the Bronx County Family Court on June 14, 2021, and reappointed on January 1, 2022, where she is currently presiding over child protection cases.  Judge Lopez is a member of the Latino Judge’s Association, New York City Family Court Judge’s Association, and  the New York State Judge’s Association.  Judge Lopez is also a member of the Family Court Advisory and Rules Committee.

Judge Lopez began her legal career with New York City’s Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) Division of Family Court Legal Services (FCLS) as a staff attorney in the Queens FCLS office in 2001 after receiving both her undergraduate and law degrees from St. John’s University. Over the next 8 years, Judge Lopez was progressively promoted and in 2009 became the Manhattan FCLS Borough Chief. In this role, she exemplified what it is to be a leader, cultivating new and strong relationships with the judiciary, other legal advocacy organizations, ACS agency partners, and her counterparts across ACS. In 2011, Judge Lopez took on oversight of the Staten Island FCLS office while remaining the Borough Chief for Manhattan FCLS office, bringing her leadership, passion and wisdom to two boroughs. In 2018, Judge Lopez took her leadership skills and passion to Brooklyn when she transitioned to the role of Brooklyn FCLS Borough Chief.  Although Judge Lopez’s nearly two-decade long career at ACS was spent entirely with FCLS, her contributions to the agency as a whole and to the greater NYC Child Welfare System were abundant.   Judge Lopez’s input was regularly sought in the development of new policies and pilots; she crafted and delivered trainings to ACS staff, and her sound judgment and legal expertise were critically important time and again when reviewing difficult cases.  Judge Lopez continues her dedication to the children and families of NYC in her role as Bronx County Family Court Judge.