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Exercitia Latina, Ch. 16: "...nāuigantī..."

My question stems from a task of comprehension from the exercises for Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata Familia Romana. What is the grammatical class of "nāuigantī" in the following excerpt ...
Mr. Blythe's user avatar
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LLPSI: Ch. 14, Ln. 38, "et oculōs aperiēns..."

My question stems from a passage of Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata Familia Romana in chapter 14 on page 104 beginning at line 38 as follows. Question Does "aperiēns" modify oculōs even ...
Mr. Blythe's user avatar
6 votes
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LLPSI: Ch. 13, Ln. 120, 'Hōc annī tempore...'

My question stems from a passage of Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata Familia Romana in chapter 13 on page 99 beginning at line 120 as follows. Question What is the role of “Hōc annī tempore” in the ...
Mr. Blythe's user avatar
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Haec verba tandem mercātōrem perturbātum aliquid cōnsōlāri videntur

In page 236 line 12–126 of lingua latina per se illustrata there is the following sentence Haec verba tandem mercātōrem perturbātum aliquid cōnsōlāri videntur. I gets to me that it is trying to say ...
Dolphínus's user avatar
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Syntax of sentences with the verb "pudet"

In Lewis and Short, I have seen that the verb pudeo is chiefly used as an impersonal verb. In fact, I have found some examples of such usage in chapter XXIII of Lingua latina per se illustrata. ...
Charo's user avatar
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LLPSI: Cap. XIII, '...quibus haec sunt nōmina...'

My question concerns the sentence which begins at Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata, chapter 13, line 1. What are the cases of 'haec' and 'nōmina' in the following excerpt? "Annus in duodecim ...
Mr. Blythe's user avatar
6 votes
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LLPSI: "Mārcus Quīntum ad terram cadere uidet."

I am attempting to come to a elementary understanding any clauses in the Latin sentence "Mārcus Quīntum ad terram cadere uidet" on page 73 in the work entitled "Lingua Latina Per Se ...
Mr. Blythe's user avatar
2 votes
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Case query: LLPSI FM p. 82

What is the syntax of "Aemilia nōn putat medicum puerum aegrum sānāre posse."? I cannot understand the agreement of "medicum puerum aegrum sānāre posse.". Regards
Mr. Blythe's user avatar
11 votes
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Difference between filiī and liberī

I was reading Orberg's Lingua Latina per se Illustrata and I found the following sentences: Marcus et Quīntus sunt dūo filiī. [...] In familia Rõmāna tres līberī sunt. Now I deduce both words ...
Pablo Ivan's user avatar