Las Vegas Sun

July 9, 2024

New commenting system comes to, makes participation easier for readers

For years, visitors to have been engaging every day in online discussions about news and issues in Las Vegas and around the world.

Now, the site is being upgraded to make it more convenient for users to participate. The enhancement also will improve the flow of the discussion and open it to a broader group of people through a connection between the site and social media. has switched its reader commenting system for an online dialog application supported by LiveFyre.

LiveFyre will offer a number of improvements to the commenting experience. Among them:

• Visitors will no longer need to log into a user account to post a comment. LiveFyre is an integrated online dialog tool that allows users to post comments on sites like while also accessing multiple social media platforms. What's more, LiveFyre users can do all of this with a single log-in.

• Comments will be threaded, meaning users can post replies to other visitors directly below their comments. Under the current system, comments appear in the order in which they are made. Often, a reply appears well below the original comment, which can be confusing.

• The comment section will now interact with some social media platforms so users can sign in with their social media accounts and tweets and public Facebook comments about stories will now appear on the stories with comments left directly on the Sun site.

• LiveFyre makes it easier for staff members to moderate comments and participate in the dialog, which will facilitate greater civility while at the same time fostering more conversation.

The Greenspun Media Group, publisher of the, has already rolled out LiveFyre on Las Vegas Sun sister site and will soon implement it at

"A key part of our mission at GMG is to provide a forum for healthy dialog about issues that matter to our visitors in Las Vegas and beyond," said Ric Anderson, managing editor of the Las Vegas Sun and the Greenspun Media Group newsroom. "We believe the LiveFyre application will be a big improvement, not only in terms of adding convenience for our loyal visitors but in attracting new voices to the conversation."

Participating in the comments section of the sites is easy, even if readers do not already have a LiveFyre account. Simply go to the comment section on any story and click the sign-in button to make an account. Readers can also type their comment first and then click the "Post comment as" button to save their thoughts before signing up.

The registration for new users can be accomplished by quickly logging in with a Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn or Open ID account, or users can set up a LiveFyre account by providing a username, password and email address. If needed, more detailed instructions are available here.

Visitors who encounter problems may click here to contact the Sun.

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Check this out for a full explanation of our conversion to the LiveFyre commenting system and instructions on how to sign up for an account.

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