Allison Adelle Hedge Coke

Allison Adelle Hedge Coke’s books include (poetry) The Year of the Rat, Dog Road Woman, Off-Season City Pipe, Blood RunBurn, and Streaming, as well as a memoir, Rock, Ghost, Willow, Deer. Her latest release is a National Book Award finalist, Look at This Blue, a book-length love poem/letter/song for what is at stake in California, forming a taxonomy of threatened lives — human, plant, and animal — marked by climate emergency and detrimental colonialism of statehood. She is the editor of the anthologies Sing: Poetry of the Indigenous AmericasEffigies, and Effigies II and is a Distinguished Professor at the University of California, Riverside. Hedge Coke came of age working fields, factories, and waters and is currently at work on a film, Red Dust: resiliency in the dirty thirties, a new CD, and new poems.
Her work can also be found in the summer 2022 issue of The LARB Quarterly, no. 34: Do you love me?
