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Model-Derived Global Aerosol Climatology for MISR Analysis ("Clim-Likely" Data Set)

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Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) monthly, global 1° x 1° "Clim-Likely" aerosol climatology, derived from 'typical-year' aerosol transport model results are available for individual 1° x 1° boxes or as global monthly files. This data set was developed as an initial step in identifying a range of components and mixtures for the MISR Standard Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm climatology, and as one standard against which to compare MISR aerosol air mass type retrieval results. Six component aerosols included in the model were medium and coarse mode mineral dust, sulfate, sea salt, black carbon, and carbonaceous aerosols. Five aerosol air mass "Mixing Groups" and thirteen sub-groups were identified from a cluster analysis of the entire set of data. Each Mixing Group contains the four most abundant component particles in the column for climatologically common aerosol air masses. Each sub-group identifies the dominant particles within the Mixing Group.

Data sources, assumptions, Mixing Group definitions, and overall data characteristics are given in Section 2 of the paper below. Examples are shown on page 18,225. Values reported are percent of total column mid-visible aerosol optical depth (AOT) for each component, total column mid-visible AOT, and the Mixing Group. Please reference this paper when using the "Clim-Likely" data in published work.

Kahn, Ralph, Pranab Banerjee, and Duncan McDonald (2001). The sensitivity of multi-angle imaging to natural mixtures of aerosols over ocean. J. Geophysical Res., 106 (D16), 18219-18238. ( Kahn full text PDF)

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