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The latest poll conducted ahead of the televised Joe Biden-Donald Trump face-off shows that many voters believe the incumbent President will forget where he is during the first Presidential debate. has learned that a significant amount of voters surveyed for the poll also believe that Biden's statements at the debate will be replete with gaffes.

Joe Biden speaking during the early days of Sweden's ascension into NATO.
Many voters believe the incumbent President will forget where he is during the first Presidential debate of the year. By: MEGA

These poll results came as concerns mount nationwide about the capability of the "senile" 81-year-old president, who has repeatedly faced criticism for his age as well as his verbal blunders.

Conducted by the pollster JL Partners, the survey asked the question "Do you expect or not expect the following things to happen in the debate?" and offered a list of scenarios to a pool of voters, 49% of whom wrote that they expect President Biden to forget where he is during the June 27 presidential debate.

Furthermore, 70% of the voters wrote in the poll that they expect Biden "to mess up his words."

Notably, 40-41% of voters also bet that the President would have trouble standing up at the debate and would likely walk off the wrong side of the stage.

The overall poll continued to show a widespread loss of confidence in Biden, even among democrats who voted for him.

Concerns mount nationwide about the capability of the "senile" 81-year-old president, as reflected in the poll. By: JL Partners

"We are once again forced to choose between two terrible choices. Genocide Joe is doing everything in his power to lose," a Democrat supporter from Texas - who voted for Biden in 2020 - said when interviewed for the survey.

"They're both old idiot candidates," said another individual who voted for Biden in the previous Presidential election.

The Telegraph pointed out that President Biden's "age has come under fresh scrutiny this week after he was filmed appearing to freeze during a Juneteenth celebration at the White House, while others danced around him."

"At the G7 summit in Puglia, Italy, on [June 13], he appeared to walk away from world leaders and had to be brought back to the group by Giorgia Meloni, the Italian prime minister."

On the other hand, 79% of voters predicted in the JL Partners poll that Trump will most likely interrupt Biden and speak over him, much like he did during the 2020 Presidential debate.

Trump's team tried to delay the payment plan, arguing it was immaterial to the court.
Trump will most likely interrupt Biden and speak over him at the debate, 79% of voters predicted. By: MEGA

The poll also found 61% of voters claiming that Trump will most likely "tell a rambling story" at the debate, while 54% expect his mic to be cut off.

Notably, Biden agreed to participate in the June 27 Presidential debate on the condition that CNN use microphones that "automatically shut off when each candidate’s allotted time is complete," per The Telegraph.

It is worth noting that the survey also found a strong support base for Trump, despite his recent conviction of several felony charges.

"Well I think I'm going to vote for the felon," said one of the voters interviewed for the survey. "The Trump trial, I don't like the guy very much, but he got railroaded, so let's get him back to the office," said another.

Many voters seemed to be on board with the "wrongful indictment of Trump" rhetoric, as one individual said, "The sham trial of Trump. Would have voted third party but now I will vote for him."

The survey also found a strong supporter base for Trump, despite his recent conviction of several felony charges. By: MEGA

"'All the political indictments of Donald Trump has strengthened my support for him," another claimed.

"If you can prosecute Trump for something and Biden did exact same thing and was not prosecuted, then that tells me the Democrats have weaponized our courts and they can do anything to anyone," said a Republican supporter from Alabama, while claiming that "Freedoms are being taken away by Democrats."

Another Republican supporter from Georgia said, "I like the fact that Trump is now one of us. He knows our problems now."

As of now, it seems Dr. Allan Lichtman, the historian with a stellar record of correctly predicting nine of the last ten Presidential elections, was right in saying that Trump's voter base does not seem to have "cracked" amidst his criminal charges.