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Robert F. Kennedy (RFK Jr.), America’s independent election contender, has been accused of animal cruelty and the abuse of a babysitter. has learned that RFK Jr., who comes from a pedigree of politicians, allegedly committed these infractions as early as 26 years ago.

Robert F. Kennedy Junior
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been accused of abuse and animal cruelty. By: MEGA

According to a Variety exclusive, Kennedy’s latest questionable action occured in 2023. It pertained to a photo of himself, an unknown female, and the barbequed carcass of what a veterinarian thinks is a dog.

In the photo, Kennedy and the female appear to be mimicking taking a massive bite out of the animal. This photo was forwarded by Kennedy to a friend who was traveling in Asia at the time.

Along with the photo, Kennedy noted that there was a restaurant in South Korea serving dog, and that said unnamed traveler could enjoy canine meat there.

According to the exposé, the photo’s metadata indicated that it had been taken in 2010 which was the same year Kennedy had had a dead tapeworm in his brain.

RFK Jr. & Nicole Shanahan
RFK Jr. & Nicole Shanahan paired up for his attempt at being elected. By: Kennedy 24

A second never-before-heard accusation surfaced in the article and this stemmed from the diary of Eliza Cooney, who was 23 at the time. Cooney worked as a babysitter for Kennedy and his wife Mary Richardson in 1998.

Her first uncomfortable brush with the politician occured during a meeting between herself, a volunteer at the politician’s Riverkeeper nonprofit organization, and Kennedy.

While sitting next to him, Cooney claimed, she felt his hand moving up and down her leg. 

At the time the babysitter was not completely oblivious of the Kennedys and their colorful track records.

Her diary entry at the time betrayed her concerns:

“From everything everybody says about the Kennedys + their Babysitters, they had me worried. Like I have to watch out, be careful.”

RFK Jr. has 16% of the American voter base. By: MEGA

“And the other night in the kitchen w/ Murray I could have sworn he was touching my leg + hand. It seemed like he thought I was somebody else or wasn’t paying attention. Like he would come to every once in a while and snap out of it or I would move away. It was like he was on something or really tired or was missing Mary or was testing me,” she wrote.

When the now 48-year-old Cooney was asked for comment on the matter, she said: “In the back of my mind, I was hoping it wasn’t what it actually was”—but weeks later, Kennedy would make things uncomfortable again.

Cooney found him standing shirtless in her room and he asked her to rub lotion on his back. She claims to have completed the task quickly while thinking: “Isn’t Mary home?”

“Doesn’t she do this for you?”

Kennedy would make a more robust pass at Cooney on a third occasion. She recalled standing in the pantry in her sports bra and leggings when he groped her.

“My back was to the door of the pantry, and he came up behind me. I was frozen. Shocked,” Cooney’s diary entry noted.

The harassment was cut short by another worker entering the kitchen and saying something along the lines of “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” or “Don’t do anything you wouldn’t want your wife to know about.”

Robert f. Kennedy jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. photographed on August 3, 2023, during one of his campaign appearances. By MEGA

According to an Ipsos poll, Kennedy along with his Silicon Valley running mate, Nicole Shanahan, currently enjoys 16% of the American voter base.

The two’s campaign has been characterized by fringe thinking and conspiracy theories with one of their most illustrious insinuations being that the U.S. government is being ruled by “demonic” forces, per MSNBC News.