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Donald Trump has been extensively using President Joe Biden's advancing age as one of the significant rallying points in his presidential campaign and posing himself as the younger and more active alternative for Office.

However, new reports have raised questions about the onset of Trump's own apparent "senility," has learned.

The Biden administration is attempting to brand Trump as "Broke Done". By: MEGA
The Don celebrated his 78th birthday on Friday. By: MEGA

Concerns have risen notably nationwide about the capability of 81-year-old Biden, who has repeatedly faced criticism for his age and verbal blunders.

Senior Trump aide Jason Miller said in a recent statement via AFP that the incumbent President's brain "is straight gnocchi at this point."

However, despite positioning Biden as the fumbling old man who is not fit to run for Office, Trump himself celebrated his 78th birthday on Friday, June 14, making him only 3.5 years younger than the President.

Matthew Foster, a lecturer in government at American University, told the news outlet AFP that Trump is "giving off the old, drunken uncle vibe at times when he is giving these speeches [at his public appearances], and this might be a sign of age, that you become less able to control all of your impulses."

While Foster noted that Biden does show a noticeable difference "in physical capability" as compared to Trump, he pointed out that Trump's schedule is much lighter than the President's, with more time between public appearances.

Trump has been trying to present himself as the younger, more energetic alternative to Biden. By: MEGA

Furthermore, Trump has often been seen drifting into lengthy ramblings during his speeches. AFP cited the example of Trump setting off on a maundering rant at Las Vegas that drifted through an array of topics ranging from "shark attacks to electric batteries to electrocutions."

It is worth noting that, in a new survey conducted by the pollster JL Partners, 61% of voters predicted that Trump will most likely "tell a rambling story" at the debate, while 54% expect his mic to be cut off.

AFP further highlighted that the 78-year-old challenger to the throne has "confused the leaders of Turkey and Hungary, warned that the world was headed for a second -- not third -- world war, and called fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter a 'wonderful man,'" over the past few months.

The former president is also known to often confuse Biden with Barack Obama, per Reuters.

Furthermore, there are no public records of Trump's current physical condition as he touts himself as the younger and energetic alternative to Biden. By law, the President has to undergo routine medical tests, the results of which are made public by the White House.

Trump has lately been drifting into maundering rants at some of his public appearances. By: MEGA

According to the President's "Current Health Summary" released in February 2024, Biden is an "active" 81-year-old with no concerning medical ailments. The report also noted that Biden is "fit to successfully execute duties of the Presidency."

On the other hand, Trump produced a short letter from his doctor back in November 2023, per AFP, which reportedly said that the former President was in "excellent" health and that he had lost an unspecified amount of weight.

Earlier in 2024, he told his supporters that he had undergone a cognitive exam and "aced it," adding that he would be able to tell his followers when he goes "bad."

Between Trump calling Biden old and the President calling his predecessor "unhinged" (per Reuters), it should be noted that if either is selected, they would become the oldest United States President to take Office.

When asked to pick their dream president from anyone alive today, the majority of the voters picked Trump and Obama. By: JL Partners

According to the polls conducted by JL Partners, a section of voters do not even feel like they have a proper choice in front of them for the November 2024 elections. "They're both old idiot candidates," said an individual who voted for Biden in the previous Presidential election.

"We are once again forced to choose between two terrible choices. Genocide Joe is doing everything in his power to lose," another Democrat supporter from Texas - who voted for Biden in 2020 - said when interviewed for the survey.

Notably, when asked to pick their dream president from anyone alive today, the majority of the voters picked Trump and Obama.