Kit has spoken to hundreds of thousands of people at conferences as diverse as Ad:Tech, The Arthur Page Society and Shop.Org; at public events hosted by Wharton, Stanford, UC Berkeley, The Fashion Institute of Technology and The Commonwealth Club, among others; and at companies including Apple, Vogue, Lowe’s, Sony, Shaw Flooring, The PGA, Delta Dental, Nestle, Forevermark, Bose, Coty, State Farm Insurance and Cisco. No matter the venue, Kit’s ratings are typically among the top 5% of all speakers.

Speaking Endorsements

“Kit’s talk at Pivot produced a flurry of tweets, blogs and discussion. She delivered fresh, meaningful research and actionable take-aways in a humorous and engaging manner. Kit’s terrific: great content and a natural on stage.”

— William Lohse, Founder, The Tomorrow Project/Pivot Conference

“You were the top rated speaker of the entire conference — scoring a 4.78 out of 5.0, almost a perfect score — wow! You are a delight — your passion radiates and people are drawn to that.”

— Amanda Powers, Senior Conference Producer, IIR Shopper Insights in Action

“You scored a 4.879 out of 5 – can’t do much better than that.” Comments included, “informative and entertaining,” “great wealth of knowledge,” “very special speaker, gave me lots to think about,” “she is warm, genuine and not boring!”

— William Rainey, Conference Chair, MACS

“Our audience ranked your session as the best of the whole 2-day event! In fact, 60% of the delegates voted your session as their favorite. You even had a write-up on the front page of the Toronto Star’s business section today.”

— Lucy Saddleton, Event Producer, Shopper Marketing Forum

“Your presentation was the second highest rated activity of our entire conference! We found your comparative examples to be both entertaining and educational and your presentation style very pleasing.”

— Ken McKenzie, Vice President, NARMS International

“The Vision Conference focuses on high-level business topics that appeal to general managers and business leaders. Kit was a fabulous addition to our conference — she is an outstanding speaker who captured the audience and gave the attendees exactly what we look for: important insights that are both relevant and actionable. We will definitely want her back!”

— Rob Johnson, INDA Vision Conference Chairman

“You were a top-rated speaker at our conference and that doesn’t surprise me at all. Your fresh content and engaging presentation style captured both the hearts and minds of our conference attendees.”

— Rachel McDonald, Senior Conference Producer, The Audience Measurement Event, IIR USA

“Kit never fails to impress. Her insights, based on the latest scholarly research, are a must for anyone trying to understand consumer and shopper behavior – and they’re delivered in an entertaining, timely and completely relevant manner. Her energizing and inspiring presentation style and industry-leading understanding of consumers provided our audience with real information they could take away and apply immediately. That’s a feat few can master. It was an honor to work with Kit, one of North America’s leading consumer marketing experts. It’s not a question of whether we will again, but when.”

— Jason Dubroy, VP Shopper Marketing, DDB

“As the keynote speaker of our Consumer Insight Summit, Kit took the audience on an intellectual and emotional journey. She helped us understand why our practices need to change, how we should do it, and most of all she inspired us to do it well.  Kit blends psychology, marketing and research together in completely fresh ways — she’s an impressive and inspiring speaker.”

— Paivi Kauppinen, Business Director, TNS-Gallup Finland

“Kit is a dynamic, entertaining, and inspiring speaker, engaging the audience on so many different levels. She gets people thinking outside the box about the power of trust and meaningful brand interactions in a rapidly changing digital world. She brings insightful examples, powerful research, and an undeniable charisma to the stage. She was a tremendous asset to our speaking program.”

— Melanie Flanigan, Senior Marketing Director, Yodlee

“Thank you for your invaluable contribution to the Stanford Executive Briefings series! Your session was one that truly resonated en-point with our executive audience. The research you presented on Generation Y and the tips on how to manage/lead them, couldn’t have been more timely for corporate leaders both in Silicon Valley and abroad.”

— Cindy Williams, Director, Stanford Breakfast Briefings

“Besides delivering important, actionable data about Gen Y, Kit’s bright, upbeat presentation style kept our group engaged and at the edge of their seats. Kit’s keynote set the tone for a very successful conference.”

— Jimmy West, Executive Director, Leading Jewelers Guild

Kit Yarrow was a real hit at our convention. Her presentation was highly rated by our delegates. She provides an informative, unique perspective on consumer attitudes in an energetic and entertaining way. Working with her was a real joy.”

— Debbie Belanger, Director of Communications, Canola Council of Canada

“Kit’s work is tremendously valuable. Her fact-based research combined with a poignant, relevant presentation style gives any leader new tools to connect with top talent, deliver more value both internally and externally, and achieve results.”

— Jennifer Povlitz, Regional Managing Director, Merrill Lynch

“Kit takes us from scholarly research to real-world examples with a sense of humor that helps us believe that the differences between generations are not insurmountable. Kit is brilliant in communicating about MIllennials and her presentation at the conference was huge success to a ‘standing room only’ audience.”

— Paula Haerr, CAMEX Gen Y Session Chair

”Thank you Kit for coming to Cisco to share your insights. Your presentation was a big hit and feedback was extremely positive with attendees noting that it was both deeply informative and also entertaining.”

— Jeanette Gibson, Director, Global Social Media, Cisco

”Thank you again for your excellent and highly compelling program. It was a sold-out event and we sold out of your books afterward as well. Among the many compliments, one comment stood out in particular—you presented statistics and research findings but also clear insight into how to use those findings and actually apply them to your own business. Both your rich content and uplifting presentation style flowed easily as you presented complex material in a thoroughly engaging manner that kept everyone on the edge of their seats — and wanting more when our time was up.”

— Kevin O’Malley, Chairman, Business and Leadership Forum of the Commonwealth Club of California

“Kit’s talk at the National Hardware Show was by far one of the most entertaining and enlightening presentations of the event. Her expert insights into how to reach and relate to consumers were tremendously relevant for the home improvement industry audience and her fun and approachable style was fantastic!”

— Doug Stephens, Session Chair, Founder and President, Retail Prophet

”We are incredibly thrilled to be working with you. Everyone was uniform in their praise of your value. Feedback included: ‘It was an amazing day, unforgettable and inspiring. Wonderful insight on our personalities for both professional and personal life. Kit’s insights into how one’s psychology influences managerial skills and team dynamics were eye-opening.’”

— Stephan Kanlain, Chairperson, Fashion Institute of Technology

“Thank you, Kit, for the excellent keynote presentation. It was obviously well received by the attendees as I saw people furiously taking notes and a lot of heads shaking in agreement to the messages you were sharing. Well done!”

— Michelle Gaston, Director, Education and Events, The Association of Horticulture Professionals Annual Convention

“Everyone enjoyed your thought-provoking presentation. It was an exploration into consumer behavior and “technovation” delivered with humor and passion.  Many thought you were the best speaker we’ve ever had. Very informative and relevant.”

— Patrick Reilly, Conference Chair, WASSA Conference

“Kit Yarrow is an awesome speaker. Our members enjoyed not only what she presented but the fun and comfortable atmosphere she created. Kit’s easy to work with and armed with relevant information for our industries. I highly recommend Kit for anyone’s conference or event.”

— Joanna Hunt, Conference Organizer, NCBA

”Your presentation to our licensees and retailers was not only insightful but also illustrated practical examples that demonstrate how marketers of all sizes and in all industries can establish a connection with Gen Y. Many of us walked away with pages of notes and ideas. Within the athletics department, we’re already discussing and planning ways to implement in the coming year.”

— Renata Hays, Director of Licensing, The University of Oklahoma

“Awesome presentation with lots of great feedback. We really appreciate you directly connecting with the attendees.”

— Shannon Park, Event Manager, SIMA-Surf Industry Manufacturers Assn.

”Thank you for your excellent and thought-provoking sessions. The Lowe’s Expo was a huge success and you were a big part of that.”

— Katherine Hurst, Lowe’s Professional Development

”Not only did you convey great information our industry really needed to hear, but your style and delivery were outstanding, very well received by our group.”

— Stan Pohmer, Cornell University Seeley Conference Chairman

”The Gen BuY presentation zeroed in on a topic of high interest to every business person today. It was filled with deep, actionable insights, many of them the audience had never heard before, so it was a great learning experience and very well received.”

— Joe Skorupa, Editor-in-Chief, RIS News – Cross-Channel Executive Summit

”Kit created for our media marketing department an in-depth analysis of young women that was presented to media planners in a seminar and also in workshops with key customers. Her insights on young women sent the audience back to their offices with new ideas and deeper understanding of the target groups’ needs.”

— Susanna Brummer, Sanoma Magazines Finland

Speech Overviews

Decoding the New Consumer Mind

A decade of swift and stunning shifts in how, when and why consumers shop and buy has created a more volatile marketplace and new, more dynamic consumer expectations. It’s also created competitive opportunities for the retailers and marketers that understand the new psychology of today’s consumers.

Retailers and marketers that tap into the psychology of today’s customers are able to connect with consumers more effectively now, and more accurately predict what’s coming next. Through case examples, videos, humor and insights from her own award-winning research, Kit will inspire attendees to make immediate use of:

Millennials Decoded: Insights and Tactics for Marketers

Millennials are a unique generation of shoppers and they’re on the cusp of having more spending power than Boomers. As the first generation to grow up with the Internet, they think, relate and buy differently than others. And as an empowered generation that’s used to being seen and heard, they expect you to know them too.

Attendees will acquire an essential understanding of how Millennials are fundamentally different from other generations, what motivates them to buy and what they’re looking for in their relationships with retailers and brands. Loaded with up-to-the-minute research, case examples and actionable psychological insights, this presentation will leave participants armed with six essential new strategies for marketing to Millennials.

The Psychologically Sophisticated Leader

Socio-cultural changes have resulted in a workplace that’s immeasurably more complex, emotional and challenging than ever before. Today’s leaders face more employee anxiety and skepticism, a more individualistic and less empathic workforce, and new thinking styles that have resulted from our use of technology. Great leaders have always been a little better at understanding people, but today they need even more psychological sophistication to be effective.

Adapted from Kit’s popular talk for Stanford Executive Briefings, this 2–5 hour interactive workshop is designed to give attendees the insight, specific tools and confidence they need to lead, manage and inspire others — particularly the Millennial workforce. Topics include: