“I first worked with Kit on a re-positioning project for GE Lighting. Her work was a revelation for me and the team. I have been a fan of hers ever since. Kit rocks!”

Richard Costello, President, MagicEcho; formerly Manager of Corporate Marketing Communications, General Electric

Consumer insight — expertly analyzed and practically applied — is the foundation of truly great marketing. Understanding what motivates and moves today’s complex consumer requires a deeper understanding of their emotional lives, needs and wants.

As a psychologist, Kit is trained to discover the deeper, more relevant emotional needs that drive desire and influence behavior. As an experienced marketer she’s able to translate those needs into inspiring ideas and actionable solutions.

Kit’s client list includes: General Electric, Del Monte, Starkist, AAA and the other fine companies listed below.

Client Logos

According to The McKinsey Quarterly, the highest performing
consumer packaged goods companies are three times more
likely than average to utilize external consumer experts.

“Kit’s focus group facilitation for design work led to truly superior decisions and outcomes.”

Xander Shapiro, Director Consumer Innovation, Del Monte Foods

Kit Yarrow Insights

Kit Yarrow has special insight into and perspective on the psychology and behavior of Gen Y. When I first reached out to her, it was because of her expertise as a psychologist and well-respected researcher. I’ve continued to work with her because she has a unique ability to translate her research into tangible, thoughtful and interesting implications and opportunities for marketers.”

Alison Taubman, EVP, Chief Strategy Officer, Doner

“Working with Kit is like having x-ray vision into the minds and hearts of consumers. Her driving curiosity and keen insights benefit her clients many fold.”

Tom Quarton, President, Philos Consulting; formerly President, Landor Associates Western Region

“Kit’s a master ethnographer, incredibly observant and insightful.”

Kathleen Kusek, Del Monte Consumer Research and Insight Consultant

“Kit’s work is tremendously valuable. She gives leaders the tools to deliver.”

Jennifer Povlitz, Regional Managing Director, Merrill Lynch