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  4. How to set up your Contact Form 7 form

How to set up your Contact Form 7 form

The Contact Form 7 extension allows you to capture leads from your Contact 7 forms into your Jetpack CRM as Leads.

The Standard Contact Form 7

The way that Contact Form 7 is setup means that there’s some mapping required before the data will be captured in your CRM.

When you first activate the Contact Form 7 plugin there’s a default form that looks like this:

Your Name (required)
    [text* your-name]

Your Email (required)
    [email* your-email]

    [text your-subject]

Your Message
    [textarea your-message]

[submit "Send"]

Turning it into a Jetpack CRM Contact Form

To use the form to capture data into Jetpack CRM you’ll need to edit the fields. Here’s what you need to capture first name, email and notes.

It’s also important that you add a hidden field with jetpackcrm-add. This tells the Contact Form 7 plugin that this is a form you want captured into Jetpack CRM.

First Name fname and Email email are required fields for submissions to be added into Jetpack CRM as contacts. Without these fields, submissions will not be added into Jetpack CRM.

First Name (required)
    [text* fname] 

Last Name (required)
    [text* lname] 

 Your Email (required)
    [email* email] 

 Subject (required)
    [text* subject]

 Your Message (required)
    [textarea* notes] 

[hidden jetpackcrm-add "jetpackcrm-add"]
[hidden status "Lead"]

[submit "Send"]

In the above example, Subject is not passed through to Jetpack CRM. However, it is used as the subject line in the Contact Form 7 confirmation email (and imported into the help desk software).

The “Mail” tab

It’s also important to make sure the Mail tab is setup correctly in Contact Form 7. Notice the fields in the Mail tab need to match the fields in the Form tab.


The form example above will add contacts with a Lead status. To change that, replace Lead with the desired status in the following line:

[hidden status default:status = "Lead"]

The status should already be defined in the Field Options settings.

Custom Fields

To capture a custom field you use the slug of the custom fields which is shown in Jetpack CRM > CRM Settings > Custom Fields.

Add whatever Contact Form 7 field you’d like. Then add the custom field slug into the field, like this:

 Your Choice
    [select food-choice  "Chicken" "Pork" "Beef"]

Hidden Field

You can pass information through a hidden field. You can create this by using this format:

[hidden custom-field-slug]

and replace custom-field-slug with your custom field’s slug that you can set and find under Jetpack CRM > CRM Settings > Custom Fields section.

An example:

A cf-7-tags custom field has been created. For this example, we used a field type Autonumber.

Include a hidden field in the Contact Form with the created custom field cf-7-tags:

[hidden cf-7-tags]

Once the form has been submitted, you will see the hidden custom field when viewing the CRM contact.


You can also add tags to your contacts by adding a field like this:

[hidden jetpackcrm-tags "tag one,tag two"]

This will add two tags to your contact — “tag one” and “tag two”.

Additional Fields

You can find a full list of available contact fields here. It’s important to make sure your field labels in Contact Form 7 match the Jetpack CRM field.

Connecting Contact Form 7 from an external site to a CRM site

If you are using Jetpack CRM on a separate site and want to add contacts via Contact Form 7 from an external site, please follow the steps in this guide.

Updated on June 21, 2023
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