Orlando, Florida, June 3, 2024 – Kaplan Strategies has released a new poll for Colorado’s 4th Congressional District, showing a strong performance by Congresswoman Lauren Boebert in the upcoming Republican primary. The poll, conducted on May 31, 2024, surveyed 343 registered likely Republican voters and has a margin of error of ±4.3%. CO CD4 (06022024) with writeup


Key Findings:


  • Improved Favorability: Boebert’s favorability rating has improved significantly since February. She now has a 47% favorable rating, up from a previous negative rating. Only 31% of voters view her unfavorably, with 19% having no opinion and 3% not having heard of her.
  • Opponent Recognition: Boebert’s name recognition far exceeds that of her opponents. Her most known opponent, Mike Lynch, has a favorability rating of 9%-10%, with 46% of voters not recognizing him. Peter Yu, her least known opponent, is recognized by only 37% of voters.
  • Primary Support: Boebert is currently supported by 40% of likely primary voters, with another 40% undecided. Her five opponents each receive between 3% and 5% support. Importantly, 44% of undecided voters indicate they might consider voting for Boebert.
  • Character and Judgement: Boebert’s perceived character and judgment have also seen positive shifts. Previously viewed negatively by a 45%-31% margin, she is now seen positively by 41% of voters, with only 30% viewing her negatively.
  • Key Issues: The economy and immigration remain the top concerns for Republican primary voters, with 47% prioritizing the economy and 43% focusing on immigration.
  • Trump’s Influence: The poll also gauged voter sentiment following Donald Trump’s recent conviction. Trump holds a 75%-22% favorable rating among primary voters, with 58% willing to support a candidate convicted of a felony. Additionally, 48% say they are more likely to vote for Trump in the general election post-conviction.


This poll underscores Boebert’s strengthened position in Colorado’s 4th Congressional District, buoyed by increased favorability and a divided opposition.


For further details, please contact Doug Kaplan at (407)-242-1870 or doug@kaplanstrategies.com.


About Kaplan Strategies: Kaplan Strategies is a leading polling and strategic consulting firm specializing in delivering actionable intelligence to political campaigns, businesses, and organizations. Our experienced team utilizes cutting-edge methodologies to empower clients to make informed decisions and achieve success in today’s dynamic political landscape.


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