• JustLove

    Discussion on Juneteenth, Freedom and the # 1 Catholic App that Is Helping People to Build and Strengthen Their Faith

    This week on Just Love, during the last weekend of the month we commemorated the “Juneteenth” National Holiday back on June 19th. Monsignor Kevin Sullivan is joined by Prof. Fields-Black Associate Professor – Department of History & Author of “COMBEE: Harriet Tubman, the Combahee River Raid and Black Freedom during the Civil War” at Carnegie Mellon University. She speaks about her recently published book from Oxford University Press titled: “Combee: Harriet Tubman, the Combahee River Raid and Black Freedom during the Civil War” which recounts the history of the Combahee River Raid – which an ancestor of her’s participated in – and its importance to Black American History. He also…

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  • JustLove

    Advancing Inclusion: Conversations on Embracing the LGBTQ+ Community and Empowering Youth

    Ahead of the anniversary of the historic Stonewall Uprising on June 28, 1969 – a pivotal moment in the LGBTQ+ movement, Monsignor Kevin Sullivan engages in a discussion with Stan JR Zerkowski, the Executive Director of Fortunate Families. This Catholic ministry based in Lexington, Kentucky is dedicated to fostering respectful conversations within the church about the dignity of LGBTQ+ individuals. They explore ways to embrace and include the LGBTQ+ community within the church. Furthermore, Bobby Gates, Program Director of Youth Employment and College Readiness Program at Alianza Youth Services, a division of Catholic Charities, shares insights into the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP). As summer vacation begins, the SYEP not…

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  • JustLove

    Exploring American Flag Display Controversies and Supporting Fathers in Parenting Challenges

    This week on Just Love, Monsignor Kevin Sullivan delves into thought-provoking discussions with Professor John Vile, an esteemed Political Science expert, and Dean of the University Honors College at Middle Tennessee State University, on the provocative topic of the American Flag’s presentation and recent controversies surrounding the symbolic use of an Inverted American Flag as a form of protest. Additionally, Monsignor Sullivan engages in a poignant conversation with Jeff Steiner, the dedicated Executive Director of Dad’s Resources Center, shedding light on the vital significance of fatherhood and the invaluable work undertaken by the center to equip fathers with the emotional and psychological tools needed to navigate the challenges of single…

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  • JustLove

    Lessons of Resilience: Father’s Day, Cancer, and Israel’s History

    As we prepare to honor and appreciate fathers and the essential role they play in their families, Monsignor Kevin Sullivan engages in meaningful conversations with two remarkable individuals. Mark A. Harris, a fitness instructor and patient advocate, shares his experience of coping with his personal struggle with prostate cancer and the loss of his son to the disease. Drawing from his own experiences, Harris offers insights on how to support men and their families who are dealing with the diagnosis of prostate cancer. In another segment, Dr. Rami Arav, Ph.D., a Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Religion and History at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, sheds light on the ancient…

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  • JustLove

    Stories of Encounters, Impact, and Transformations

    On this episode of JustLove, Monsignor Kevin Sullivan discusses the newly published book “Mutuality in El Barrio: Stories of the Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health Services” with Prof. Brenna Moore, Ph.D., co-author of the book from Fordham University Press. The book examines the encounters of the Little Sisters of the Assumption with women and children who migrated from Mexico to East Harlem over the past 50 years, and details the impact of these encounters on the Sisters, the women and children, and the community as a whole. Additionally, Monsignor Sullivan speaks with Melina Gonzalez, the Community & Individual Engagement Manager at LSA Family Health Services, who shares her…

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