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2024-02 Democracy Initiative Concept Design Round 1 (Instagram Post) (4)

It's time to fix democracy!

We are working with young people to mobilize their peers to the ballot box and provide the pathway for girls, young women, and gender-expansive young people of color to step into their power as catalysts for change through long term civic involvement.

Stay up to date on our focus group findings, national survey, and message testing efforts. We will also be sharing ways to get involved so we can fix democracy together, as an intersectional, intergenerational movement for justice and against oppression in all forms!

Our mission is to achieve social, economic, and political justice with, and for girls, young women, and gender-expansive young people of color*

*We recognize that gender and how we claim our identities is evolving across the spectrum.

We are an intergenerational, multi-racial, multi-ethnic, national gender justice advocacy organization 

by centering those most impacted to eradicate all forms of oppression

to support and sustain the momentum built by cis, and trans girls, young women, and gender-expansive young people

to address significant gaps in data about girls, young women, and gender-expansive young people of color* because we will not be invisible

Our New Name

After 140 years of operation using some form of National Crittenton as our “doing business as” (DBA) name, we are changing it to the Justice and Joy National Collaborative. We are making this change as a statement of our current and future values, identity, and our role within the ecosystem of organizations advancing gender and racial/ethnic justice with and for girls and gender-expansive young people of color, particularly those who are or have been system involved, and/or have faced chronic adversity.

Through summer 2024, we will be making changes to our website. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter for more updates.