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f.lux support

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f.lux on macOS

f.lux at work

f.lux on Windows

General questions

Troubleshooting: Flickering and Tinted screens

f.lux v3 for Windows (2013 version)

More questions

Installing & Uninstalling

Windows Install

  1. Click the f.lux Windows download link.
  2. Run the installer and the f.lux settings page will appear.
  3. Enter your location and select the type of lighting in your room at night.

Windows Uninstall

  1. If you find flux.exe running and do not want it:
  2. Go to the Start Menu > Add/Remove Programs > Uninstall f.lux

Mac Install

  1. Click the f.lux Mac download link.
  2. Click the zip file to expand it
  3. Double click the "Flux" application in your Finder window.
  4. Enter your location, set your wake time, and select the type of lighting in your room at night.

Mac Uninstall

  1. Go to the f.lux Settings panel (to the left of your system clock)
  2. Choose "Quit f.lux"
  3. In Finder, select and delete the f.lux app, and empty the trash.

    If you still have a tinted screen, keep going with these instructions until things improve:

  4. In System Preferences > Displays > Color, delete the "f.lux profile" (if f.lux was force-quit)
  5. Reboot the system
  6. Disable automatic brightness, reboot, and turn automatic brightness back on


Ubuntu-inside.me has written a great guide to using f.lux:

Note: The ubuntu-inside.me site has disappeared but thankfully Archive.org maintains a mirror (linked above) with the original information.

Want to contact us? Email support@justgetflux.com.


f.lux's map feature uses the "black marble" image from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.