    Meet the 2024–2026 Just Tech Fellows

    The Just Tech program is happy to announce its third cohort of Just Tech Fellows. These ten visionaries will each receive two-year fellowships to tackle complex issues at the intersection of tech and social justice.

    Platforms & Infrastructure
    Critical Game Studies and Its Afterlives: Why Game Studies Needs Software Studies and Computer History

    In this field review, Whitney Pow examines the past and present of game studies and argues that the fields of critical game studies and queer game studies cannot be studied in isolation from the preexisting and ongoing work of Black women, Indigenous people, people of color and queer and trans people in the fields of transgender studies, computer history, software studies, critical surveillance studies, science and technology studies (STS), critical studies of artificial intelligence (AI), and critical code studies.

    The Real Dickheads: Investigating the Source of Patient-Physician Conflict in the United States

    In this essay, 2022 Just Tech Fellow Rua Williams examines the role Electronic Health Records (EHR) play in the antagonistic relationship between medical personnel and patients, in particular patients with disabilities and chronic illnesses. They pinpoint the neoliberal nature of the medical industry as the reason for this relationship and is seeking to build bridges between patients and doctors.

    Just Tech Fellow Johann Diedrick

    Meet Johann Diedrick, one of our 2023–2024 Just Tech Fellows. He is an artist, engineer, and educator whose work weaves together audio and AI technologies. Through his installations, performances, and sculptures, audiences can experience the world through sonic encounter. He shares his tools and techniques through listening tours, workshops, and open-source hardware/software.


Our Network

  • Profile picture of Huan He
    Assistant Professor of English | Vanderbilt University
  • Profile picture of Taylor Cruz
    Assistant Professor | California State University, Fullerton
  • Profile picture of Amelia Gibson
    Associate Professor | University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill