!!! Welcome to Apache JSPWiki

[Apache JSPWiki|https://jspwiki.apache.org/] is a leading open source [WikiWiki] engine, feature-rich and built around standard [JEE] components (Java, servlets, JSP).

Some of its [features|JSPWikiFeatures] include:
* Two wiki syntaxes: [JSPWiki|TextFormattingRules] and [Markdown|Markdown Support], with the capability to create and plug in new ones
* File attachments
* Templates support
* Data storage through your choice of two [WikiPage Providers|WikiPageProviders], with the capability to create and plug in new ones
* Search support through your choice of three [Search Providers|SearchProviders], with the capability to create and plug in new ones
* Fine grained control over [authorization, authentication and ACLs|Wiki.Admin.Security], yet simple to configure
* Easy [plugin|JSPWikiPlugin] and [page filter|WikiFilters] interfaces
* UTF-8 support
* JSP-based
* Easy-ish [installation|Getting Started]
* Page locking to prevent editing conflicts
* Support for [Multiple Wikis]
* [Custom User Preferences|CustomUserPreferences]

You can see who is using [JSPWiki today|JSPWikiSites], and the [WikiMatrix|http://www.wikimatrix.org/show/JSPWiki] page shows you a comparison with other wiki's.

JSPWiki is open-source software that is released under the Apache Public License. This website ([https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org]) serves as the platform for project collaboration. The JSPWiki community welcomes any help with the project. You don't need to be a software developer to get involved -- there are many other ways to contribute. See the [Getting Involved|Getting Involved] page for more details.

! Project Status

* __23-Jun-2024__: Apache JSPWiki [CVE-2024-27136] vulnerability disclosure

* __17-Jun-2024__: Official [Apache JSPWiki 2.12.2|NewIn2.12#NewInJSPWiki2.12.2ReleasedOn17062024] release is out!

* __11-Aug-2023__: Official [Apache JSPWiki 2.12.1|NewIn2.12#NewInJSPWiki2.12.1ReleasedOn11082023] release is out!

* __24-May-2023__: Apache JSPWiki [CVE-2022-46907] vulnerability disclosure

* __23-May-2023__: Official [Apache JSPWiki 2.12.0|NewIn2.12#NewInJSPWiki2.12.0ReleasedOn23052023] release is out!

* __02-Aug-2022__: Apache JSPWiki [CVE-2022-27166], [CVE-2022-28730], [CVE-2022-28731], [CVE-2022-28732] and [CVE-2022-34158] vulnerability disclosures

* __02-Aug-2022__: Official [Apache JSPWiki 2.11.3|NewIn2.11#NewInJSPWiki2.11.3ReleasedOn02082022] release is out!


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