Rab Paterson

日本 埼玉県 連絡先情報
1682人のフォロワー つながり: 500人以上



WHAT I DO: Help students, researchers, teachers/professors, business professionals and…






職歴 & 学歴

  • Rikkyo University




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  • Collaborator

    Seibo Japan

    – 現在 5年5ヶ月

    Poverty Alleviation

    I started this collaboration by using my contacts at JALT (where I was on some senior committees) to arrange for Seibo Japan to be the coffee supplier for many JALT events as part of their Warm Hearts Coffee project. In addition, I started getting Seibo Japan staff into my classrooms to give lectures on their fundraising work to feed children in Malawi, Africa via Japanese coffee sales. After this, my students then developed some ideas to help Seibo in this regard. So these collaborations…

    I started this collaboration by using my contacts at JALT (where I was on some senior committees) to arrange for Seibo Japan to be the coffee supplier for many JALT events as part of their Warm Hearts Coffee project. In addition, I started getting Seibo Japan staff into my classrooms to give lectures on their fundraising work to feed children in Malawi, Africa via Japanese coffee sales. After this, my students then developed some ideas to help Seibo in this regard. So these collaborations between my students and Seibo Japan staff has been ongoing since 2019.

  • Japan Association for Language Teaching グラフィック

    Technical Advisory Committee / Technical Advisory and Support Committee - Member

    Japan Association for Language Teaching



    I joined JALT in summer 2008 and attended a number of their events. My formal volunteer work for them started with my becoming the Social Media Officer for Tokyo JALT (2013- 2017), Tokyo JALT Webmaster (2015-2017), Business Communications (BizCom) Special Interest Group (SIG) Webmaster (2018-2020), BizCom SIG Program Chair (2018-2020), and the Technical Advisory Committee / Technical Advisory and Support Committee - Member (2018-2022). I was also a member of the JALT CALL (Computer Aided…

    I joined JALT in summer 2008 and attended a number of their events. My formal volunteer work for them started with my becoming the Social Media Officer for Tokyo JALT (2013- 2017), Tokyo JALT Webmaster (2015-2017), Business Communications (BizCom) Special Interest Group (SIG) Webmaster (2018-2020), BizCom SIG Program Chair (2018-2020), and the Technical Advisory Committee / Technical Advisory and Support Committee - Member (2018-2022). I was also a member of the JALT CALL (Computer Aided Language Learning), MAVR (Mixed, Augmented, Virtual Realities), Mind Brain, and BizCom special interest groups and was the Plenary Speaker for the JALTCALL 2015 conference, a Featured Speaker for the main JALT International Conference in 2017, Conference Chair for the BizCom 2018 Conference, Conference Co-Chair for the Okinawa JALT conference in 2021, and was a Keynote Speaker for Okinawa JALT conferences in 2017 and 2020 as well as delivering Technology-n-Teaching (TNT) professional development workshops each year at the international conference from 2014-2021.

  • The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) グラフィック

    Fellow and Member of RSA Japan Fellows Network Board of Directors (Communications, Marketing

    The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce)


    Arts and Culture

    Helping taking the RSA Japan from a loose group of Fellows to a fully functioning regional chapter of the RSA and helped organize a number of events including somatic coaching sessions, workshops on food security, and educational themed events. From November 2020 I was a member of the Board of Directors for Communications and Marketing from 2020 - 2022, and set up our Slack channel for more efficient communications.

  • Director

    Asia Association for Global Studies



    I was the final AAGS Director as the other executives and I took the decision to close down the organisation in February 2021 as political unrest in Hong Kong then COVID-19 had caused our last two annual conferences to be cancelled. Initially I became a member in 2008, was Vice President (2009-2010), President (2010-2015) and Director in 2015. I was also acting Treasurer (2001-2014) and Webmaster (2013-2019). In my time at the AAGS I took an active role in recruiting and running the conference…

    I was the final AAGS Director as the other executives and I took the decision to close down the organisation in February 2021 as political unrest in Hong Kong then COVID-19 had caused our last two annual conferences to be cancelled. Initially I became a member in 2008, was Vice President (2009-2010), President (2010-2015) and Director in 2015. I was also acting Treasurer (2001-2014) and Webmaster (2013-2019). In my time at the AAGS I took an active role in recruiting and running the conference organising teams, finding Keynote and Plenary speakers, and acting as Site Chair when the events were at my home universities, and Conference Co-chair when they were held elsewhere. I also worked as an Associate Editor for some of the journal volumes and conference proceedings. When the 2011 event was disrupted by the earthquake in Japan that year, I was instrumental in arranging for conference fee refunds to be diverted to the Japan Red Cross (from those willing to so so) and refunded to those who were not willing to donate their fees.

  • Toyo University グラフィック

    TEDxToyo Advisor

    Toyo University



    Advisor to the student team starting the first ever TEDxToyo at Toyo University. Giving guidance on event management (as I've been involved in organising committees for 16 national/international conferences), presentations coaching, and videographys.

  • Google グラフィック

    Co-Founder & Leader - West Tokyo Google Educator Group




    I was one of the founding leaders of the West Tokyo Google Educator Group and we held regular teacher training workshops and ed-tech events at a range of venues including international schools, Japanese universities, and other premises for business focussed G Suite events.

  • Presentations Coach, Advisor, & Videographer



    Arts and Culture

    Videographer for the 1st ever TEDxICU event held at ICU on January 31st, 2015. Did the pre event set up, video / audio recording, and post-production editing for the student team. In addition, I was also the presentations coach, gave guidance to presentation sub-coaches, and gave general organizing advice drawing on my prior experiences organising a number of international conferences.

  • Edcamp Tokyo - Co-Founding Leader & Organising Committee Member

    Edcamp Foundation



    One of the founding organisers of the English language EdCamp Tokyo group, the first EdCamp group in Japan. Helped set up and run annual, and free teacher training workshops and unconferences in the greater Tokyo area.


  • Multimedia Bookreview Projects: Part 3 (with Saito, M. - my high school student)

    JALT’s The School House, Vol 30, Issue 1, Spring 2022, Tokyo

    This is the third part of our collaborative paper focusing on Multimedia Book Review Projects. In the first part, Honami Kimoto covered the blogging aspect of the course and the prewriting/planning documents and in the second part, Aya Yamauchi looked at the impact of educational technology on student motivation. Both authors gave in-depth reviews of their experiences with the apps and approaches they used in my classes on these aspects of 21st-century learning. Now, it is my pleasure to…

    This is the third part of our collaborative paper focusing on Multimedia Book Review Projects. In the first part, Honami Kimoto covered the blogging aspect of the course and the prewriting/planning documents and in the second part, Aya Yamauchi looked at the impact of educational technology on student motivation. Both authors gave in-depth reviews of their experiences with the apps and approaches they used in my classes on these aspects of 21st-century learning. Now, it is my pleasure to introduce Mitsuki Saito, the third and final member of my student team of collaborators. She will now explain her reactions to the presentation parts of the course starting with ‘normal’ in-class book review presentations given from the front of the room with a slideshow. Then she will cover the creation of book review video trailers and a design of a literature-themed website to host all these multimedia creations so students in other courses and years can view them. In her section below she makes many points that are very pertinent to teachers wanting to improve their own in-class presentations teaching work by incorporating educational technology workflows. I hope you all enjoy her section and learn from her experiences like I did.

  • Present Like A Pro - Video Coaching Series for Academia.EDU


    This course explains how to improve your chances of getting a presentation proposal accepted by improving your presentation abstract, professional bio statement, and online profiles. It then explains how to properly and professionally prepare for the presentation by covering audience analysis, room/cable/equipment setup. Next, the course gives some ideas on how to appropriately structure your information for maximising audience memory retention. And finally, it gives tips on how to practice the…

    This course explains how to improve your chances of getting a presentation proposal accepted by improving your presentation abstract, professional bio statement, and online profiles. It then explains how to properly and professionally prepare for the presentation by covering audience analysis, room/cable/equipment setup. Next, the course gives some ideas on how to appropriately structure your information for maximising audience memory retention. And finally, it gives tips on how to practice the presentation properly to ensure it all goes smoothly on the day.

  • Multimedia Bookreview Projects: Part 2 (with Yamauchi, A. - my high school student)

    JALT’s The School House, Vol 29, Issue 2, Autumn 2021, Tokyo

    In the previous part of our collaborative paper, Honami Kimoto covered the blogging aspect of the course and the pre-writing/planning documents. As well as describing the process we followed, she also gave her impressions and reactions to this style of learning. So, it is my pleasure to now introduce Aya Yamauchi, the second of my student collaborators. She will now explain the effects of the technology used in the class on student motivation, drawing not only on her own experiences but that of…

    In the previous part of our collaborative paper, Honami Kimoto covered the blogging aspect of the course and the pre-writing/planning documents. As well as describing the process we followed, she also gave her impressions and reactions to this style of learning. So, it is my pleasure to now introduce Aya Yamauchi, the second of my student collaborators. She will now explain the effects of the technology used in the class on student motivation, drawing not only on her own experiences but that of her classmates via an in-class survey conducted on their reactions to this technology rich teaching environment and the benefits they found from this educational process.

  • Multimedia Bookreview Projects: Part 1 (with Kimoto, H. - my high school student)

    JALT’s The School House, Vol 29, Issue 1, Spring 2021, Tokyo

    Student empowerment is another area I feel strongly about and whenever possible, I like to try and have my students co-present at events/conferences with me. This sets them a motivational challenge in that they know if they produce really good work, they have a chance of presenting it to a wider audience with me. In the past I have been able to do this with my university students, (Paterson et al., 2014b) , and in the COVID-19 world this year I have been able to co-present on a number of…

    Student empowerment is another area I feel strongly about and whenever possible, I like to try and have my students co-present at events/conferences with me. This sets them a motivational challenge in that they know if they produce really good work, they have a chance of presenting it to a wider audience with me. In the past I have been able to do this with my university students, (Paterson et al., 2014b) , and in the COVID-19 world this year I have been able to co-present on a number of occasions with my junior high and high school students. The focus of these presentations was their experiences with learning during the COVID-19 ERT period (Paterson, Kimoto, et al., 2020; Paterson, Hirai, Hata, Motohashi, et al., 2020; Paterson, Hirai, Hata, & Tsuji, 2020). This paper (the first of a trilogy of papers) is an extension of that practice, as my three co-writers, Honami Kimoto, Aya Yamauchi, and Mitsuki Saito, are all students from my junior high school class who co-presented the Keynote session at the Okinawa JALT 21st Century Language Teaching Conference in October 2020 with me.
    On that note, the rest of this and the subsequent papers are mostly written by these students describing the project’s processes they followed, their reflections on their own learning through this experience, the feelings they have towards the research they did as part of the project, and their reflections on doing the actual presentation with me at the event. The opinions and ideas expressed in the following section of this part and the following parts are their own, with my role restricted to advisor and editor only. So, for the remainder of this study Honami, the first of the student writers, showcases the skills she has learned.

  • Academic Identity Interrupted: Reconciling Issues of Culture, Discipline and Profession - chapter 7, pp.106-120 in:

    Savva, M., Nygaard, L (Eds.), 2021. “Becoming a Scholar: Cross-cultural Reflections on Identity and Agency in an Education Doctorate”, UCL Press, London, ISBN:978-1-78735-766-2, DOI:10.14324/111.9781787357662

    In this chapter, I reflect on how my identity continued to evolve as a result of the difficulties I encountered amid this continual shift in cultures – not only societal but also professional and academic. I examine how, as an academic, I struggled with the switch from historical and political studies to educational research and draw heavily on my prior educational and vocational experiences to help make sense of the difficulties I faced. In addition, I explore the tensions I encountered…

    In this chapter, I reflect on how my identity continued to evolve as a result of the difficulties I encountered amid this continual shift in cultures – not only societal but also professional and academic. I examine how, as an academic, I struggled with the switch from historical and political studies to educational research and draw heavily on my prior educational and vocational experiences to help make sense of the difficulties I faced. In addition, I explore the tensions I encountered juggling personal, professional, and academic aspects of my life and the mental adjustments that were demanded of me, particularly the challenge of balancing my teaching work at Japanese universities as an established professional against my residential study periods in the UK as a novice doctoral student. Finally, I reflect on how precarious work conditions in the Japanese higher education sector and the pressures this brought to bear on my time, energy, and finances – when combined with the other challenges mentioned above – ultimately led to my decision to withdraw from the Doctor in Education (EdD) programme at the MEd stage.

  • Attracting the E-Generation: Raising Japanese Education to International Level for Partner Institutions (with Hakone, K.) and International Students Around the World

    Summer Institute on International Education (SIIES), Japan - Research Consortium for the Sustainable Promotion of International Education, Report on Presentation

    These two repeated sessions were delivered by Rab Paterson and Kaori Hakone. Both of them are award-winning educators with over 25 years of international and Japanese teaching experience teaching each, and both specialising in educational technology usage in and outside of the classroom. Their aim at SIIEJ 2020 was to examine the ways in which some of the current educational practices at Japanese universities are behind international standards and therefore less attractive to learners such as…

    These two repeated sessions were delivered by Rab Paterson and Kaori Hakone. Both of them are award-winning educators with over 25 years of international and Japanese teaching experience teaching each, and both specialising in educational technology usage in and outside of the classroom. Their aim at SIIEJ 2020 was to examine the ways in which some of the current educational practices at Japanese universities are behind international standards and therefore less attractive to learners such as overseas students. As these sessions were repeated sessions the description below applies to both days, and day 1 had around 25 attendees, and day 2 had just over 30.

  • Zotero: An Online Digital Writing Tool for Digital Age English Language Learners Academic Writing - chapter 3, pp.42-60 in:

    Daniela, L. (Ed.), 2020. “Pedagogies of Digital Learning in Higher Education”. Routledge. London. ISBN: 978-0-367-89483-2

    This chapter examines plagiarism in Japanese academia to explore exploring the question, “What is the effect of using the digital reference management tool Zotero on students' university level research and writing for university level composition courses?” A summary of the teaching approach taken and apps used in addition to Zotero, is given followed by a chapter description of how the author tried to answer the above research question over the course of a three-month semester by giving…

    This chapter examines plagiarism in Japanese academia to explore exploring the question, “What is the effect of using the digital reference management tool Zotero on students' university level research and writing for university level composition courses?” A summary of the teaching approach taken and apps used in addition to Zotero, is given followed by a chapter description of how the author tried to answer the above research question over the course of a three-month semester by giving students a Pre and Post treatment test to measure their ability to create a References list for their research papers. The Pre-test consisted of 12 academic type sources and the students had to create a References list for these sources and the results were measured for accuracy and number of mistakes. Then the students were taught the referencing app Zotero and the Post-test was given. This was a direct repeat of the previous test but with 12 new sources. Finally, the References list from the students’ own papers were all measured using the same rubric as the tests. Results indicated that Zotero usage had a major and measurable impact on their ability to more accurately create References lists.

  • Digital Process Writing: An Apps Based Approach - pp.561-579 in:

    18th Hawaii International Conference on Education Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii USA, 5 - 8 January, 2020

    This paper will explain the apps and teaching approaches used in the Digital Process Writing: An Apps Based Approach workshop session. Initially, it will provide a brief overview of the digital writing approach and the apps that underpin it. Next, a short description of each app and how they are used will be given. These apps were taught to two classes of junior high school students at an International Baccalaureate school as part of their Language Acquisition course, and one Academic Writing…

    This paper will explain the apps and teaching approaches used in the Digital Process Writing: An Apps Based Approach workshop session. Initially, it will provide a brief overview of the digital writing approach and the apps that underpin it. Next, a short description of each app and how they are used will be given. These apps were taught to two classes of junior high school students at an International Baccalaureate school as part of their Language Acquisition course, and one Academic Writing class for undergraduates at a Super Global University, both in Tokyo. Next, the paper will review the student’s general feedback on the writing apps. Finally, some reflections on issues that have come up will be provided. Therefore this paper will equip readers with a fully digital age research and writing ecosystem blueprint that can easily be incorporated into any teaching workflow and used with students for efficient and easy academic writing.

  • When Words Are Not Enough: Going Beyond Language in Business English Communication - pp.538-560 in

    18th Hawaii International Conference on Education Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii USA, 5 - 8 January, 2020

    In the Business English Communication sector in Japan, most of the teaching focuses on vocabulary building and traditional conversation/information exchange type language skills needed for international business. This comes after the Japanese school system, which focuses on grammar in their English language classes. So this paper will initially provide a background to the educational sector in Japan to explain why these limitations exist. However, for a higher chance of success in the…

    In the Business English Communication sector in Japan, most of the teaching focuses on vocabulary building and traditional conversation/information exchange type language skills needed for international business. This comes after the Japanese school system, which focuses on grammar in their English language classes. So this paper will initially provide a background to the educational sector in Japan to explain why these limitations exist. However, for a higher chance of success in the international business world, Intercultural / Cross Cultural competence is also necessary, as language alone without understanding the culture and mindset of those others in any conversation is limiting. This is arguably even more neglected in most aspects of Japanese education. As these are of such great importance this paper will then cover some of the research done in these areas by looking at the work of Geert Hofstede in his National Culture Compass tool and the Seven Dimensions of Culture by management consultants Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner and students’ reactions to the National Cultural Compass. These conceptual tools lay the foundation for more effective communication via a better understanding of others, and this promotes a greater chance of success in business as these allow for the language used to be better tailored to the needs of the other parties when they come from other countries and cultures.

  • The Future of Education (with Sanavio, S.)

    RSA Japan Fellows Network Events blog

    This is a report for the RSA Network in Japan's blog on the 'Future of Education' event held in early December 2019 at the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan, co- hosted in collaboration with the RSA Japan Fellows Network. The event was conceived and organised by Kirsten O’Connor of QuestTokyo (https://questtokyo.com), an educational consultant group in Japan. After a short networking time over snacks and drinks Kirsten called the session to order and started by giving a brief overview of…

    This is a report for the RSA Network in Japan's blog on the 'Future of Education' event held in early December 2019 at the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan, co- hosted in collaboration with the RSA Japan Fellows Network. The event was conceived and organised by Kirsten O’Connor of QuestTokyo (https://questtokyo.com), an educational consultant group in Japan. After a short networking time over snacks and drinks Kirsten called the session to order and started by giving a brief overview of her own educational background - she used to be the head of the primary school at the British School in Tokyo - and on some of the issues she saw developing in the educational sector and beyond in Japan for her experiences in this role.
    In brief, these issues and topics were:
    1 - the dichotomy between academics or fun & play of formal,
    2 - the top 10 challenges faced by UK headteachers,
    3 - the top 10 skills for 21st century success as suggested by the World Economic Forum,
    4 - how the classrooms of the future would look,
    5 - how these future classrooms and learning styles could help students gain knowledge of the SDG’s and the WEF’s suggested skills,
    6 - the most in-demand new jobs according to LinkedIn
    Attendees then discussed these topics and shared their ideas and opinions with the group at large.

  • The Spark: Igniting Innovations in Communications for Global Businesses - JALT Business Communication SIG 2018 Conference Proceedings (Associate Editor)

    JALT Business Communication SIG

    Our publications and events have covered not only language teaching techniques and traditional ESP areas, but also culture and identity, politeness and pragmatics, university teaching and in-company training, traditional learning and new learning technologies, and the needs of non-Japanese students who are appearing more and more in our classes. This volume, containing a selection of papers, reflects these changing concerns well. The five articles have been chosen from the 3rd annual SIG…

    Our publications and events have covered not only language teaching techniques and traditional ESP areas, but also culture and identity, politeness and pragmatics, university teaching and in-company training, traditional learning and new learning technologies, and the needs of non-Japanese students who are appearing more and more in our classes. This volume, containing a selection of papers, reflects these changing concerns well. The five articles have been chosen from the 3rd annual SIG conference that was held over two days in September 2018 at the Tokyo, Hakusan Campus of Toyo University. As one of the Japanese Government’s Global Universities, Toyo is embracing the challenge of global business realities by developing new globally-oriented programs, and their progress is reported herein by Yuko Kobayakawa. There was also a decidedly technological slant to the conference with a number of speakers reporting on ICT issues. Kesinee Srirat from Chiang Mai Rajabhat University in Northern Thailand describes a pragmatic application of technology to meet the needs of small businesses in the tourist industry. Alex Sheffrin introduces a few ideas for classroom uses of TV commercials, widely available on online video-sharing platforms such as Youtube. Anthony Townley’s study touches on both technology and pragmatics. He reports on an email interaction between lawyers, highlighting the significance of (im)politeness behaviour when it comes to business communication. And finally, Jeffrey Martin and Maiko Sawada discuss the importance of learning about the motivations of non-Japanese students – a prescient theme as Japan opens up to foreign workers. The variety of themes represented here will surely be a feature of Business English teaching in Japan for the foreseeable future and the JALT BizCom SIG will continue to be a valuable forum to explore them.
    Jo Williamson (Editor)

  • Glasgow - chapter 4, pp.29-65 in

    Hakone, K (Ed.). 2019. See-Think-Wonder Around the World Guidebook, EdTech Kobo, Apple iBookstore

    I wrote the chapter on Glasgow for the guidebook. In addition I also did some of the minor editing for other chapters and recruited the artist Bronwyn Gilgallon to illustrate my chapter of the book. The chapters are designed to get students thinking about what they see, especially unusual sights.

  • The Power of EMPs - Educational Multimedia Projects - part II, chapter 10, pp.393-414 in:

    Daniela, L. (Ed.), 2018. The Didactics of Smart Pedagogy, Springer Berlin. ISBN:978-3-030-01550-3

    My chapter provided an academic justification for the use of Educational Multimedia Projects and gave detailed results from the students who did this type of work in my classes. The results were overwhelmingly positive and make a good case for adopting this type of teaching approach.

  • An e-Vangelical Approach to Professional Development and 21st Century Teaching

    Japan Association for Language Teaching - College and University Educators Circular Vol.6

    A short article on the need for college and university teachers and trainers to more fully integrate educational technology into their teaching.

  • T.E.A.C.H. - Technology Education Academia Combined Here: An Examination of the Digital Literacy Issue for Undergraduate Students in Japan

    KOTESOL Proceedings 2017: “Why Are We Here? Analog Learning in the Digital Era”, Proceedings of the 25th Annual KOTESOL International Conference. Presented at the KOTESOL International Conference, Korea TESOL, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul.

    This paper is from a presentation I gave at the “Why Are We Here? Analog Learning in the Digital Era”, Conference of the 25th Annual KOTESOL International Conferenceat Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul. It examines the issues behind the lack of widespread implementation of educational technology in Japan. I focus on the lack of readiness of students to utilise this technology and how to address these limitations.

  • Writing Across Borders: Panel Findings on Collaborative Writing (with Walker, C., MacLean, G.R., & Fewell, N.)

    KOTESOL Proceedings 2017: “Why Are We Here? Analog Learning in the Digital Era”, Proceedings of the 25th Annual KOTESOL International Conference. Presented at the KOTESOL International Conference, Korea TESOL, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul.

    This was a paper that resulted from an engaging and lively panel discussion on collaborative writing given at the “Why Are We Here? Analog Learning in the Digital Era”, Conference of the 25th Annual KOTESOL International Conference at Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul.

  • The Good Work Workshop with Tony Greenham

    RSA Japan Fellows Network Events Blog.

    This was a report on the Good Work Workshop given by Tony Greenham of the RSA UK for the RSA Japan Fellows Network blog. It covered the advice the RSA gave to the UK government on the role satisfaction in their work plays on staff motivation.

  • The Growth of e-Learning in Higher Education: Preparing an Agenda for a Professional Development Workshop in e-Learning

    Language Research Bulletin (LRB) Vol. 32

    Demand for higher education and the abundance of technologies are reasons why e-learning in higher education can be expected to grow. The rapid development of communication technologies used for e-learning has implications for teacher training. Through the lens of e-learning, the authors discuss the implications the above factors have for ongoing professional development in higher education.

  • RED (Read Essay Debate) Program iBook

    Temple University Japan Internal Publications

    This was the official iBook for the RED program for exceptional Junior High School students thinking of attending US universities after High School. It was organised by the Temple University Japan, Musashi University and the Nezu Foundation. The book containing self grading quizes, multimedia content (video, photo, and audio files) and textual information written to match the course themes, and learning outcomes.

  • A Call To Apps

    International Christian University Faculty Development Newsletter, Vol. 19, No. 2

    A short newsletter article extolling the value of using apps in a modern teaching approach. The article also looks at current best practices in connected campuses and examines how ICU needs to improve in this regard as there are many areas where these practices are not being followed at all. So this article was a kind of wake-up call for the administrators and decision-makers, hence the play on words in the title.

  • The Learning Technologists Toolkit: An Overview of Digital Pedagogies for 21st Century Teaching

    Language Research Bulletin (LRB) Vol. 29

    This paper provides an overview of a variety of digital age pedagogies for the modern teacher. Furthermore it is an action research oriented paper as it argues for the widespread utilisation of these approaches. First of all a description of the various pedagogies is given and then a justification for their incorporation into existing teaching styles is outlined. Next a set of suggestions for how teachers can actually implement and fine-tune these approaches into their teaching is provided…

    This paper provides an overview of a variety of digital age pedagogies for the modern teacher. Furthermore it is an action research oriented paper as it argues for the widespread utilisation of these approaches. First of all a description of the various pedagogies is given and then a justification for their incorporation into existing teaching styles is outlined. Next a set of suggestions for how teachers can actually implement and fine-tune these approaches into their teaching is provided. This paper draws on my experiences using these pedagogies as well as the experiences and feedback of students learning via these approaches in ICU’s Academic Reading and Writing, Advanced English Presentations, Research Writing, and other classes over the past 7 years. This papers therefore aims to highlight the ways in which current best practices in digital pedagogy could influence the adoption of these pedagogies more generally at ICU in the future.

  • Experiencing Globalizations: Religion in the Contemporary World (Book Co-Editor)

    Anthem Press

    Reviewer & Publisher descriptions:
    “The engaging essays in this book show that religion—though intensely parochial—is also persistently global. It can manifest transnational cultural and social currents at the same time that it is shaped by them. This book explores these issues theoretically, comparatively and with special reference to Taiwan. It is an important addition to the emerging field of global studies and the growing library on global religion.” —Mark Juergensmeyer, author of…

    Reviewer & Publisher descriptions:
    “The engaging essays in this book show that religion—though intensely parochial—is also persistently global. It can manifest transnational cultural and social currents at the same time that it is shaped by them. This book explores these issues theoretically, comparatively and with special reference to Taiwan. It is an important addition to the emerging field of global studies and the growing library on global religion.” —Mark Juergensmeyer, author of “Global Rebellion: Religious Challenges to the Secular State” and editor of “The Oxford Handbook of Global Religion”

    Today, in an age of globalization, religion represents a potent force in the lives of billions of people worldwide. Yet when social theorists examine the impact of globalization on contemporary religious movements, they tend to focus on issues such as Islamic fundamentalism and threats to US or global security. This collection of essays takes a different approach, analyzing – with special reference to Asia – religion through lived experience. The key issues covered in the volume include: how religious impulses contribute to globalization; how religious groups and organizations repackage traditional beliefs for transcultural appeal; how religious adherents cope with external threats to identity; how new technologies are reshaping the nature of religious beliefs and images; and how local and global religious influences blend and/or clash. Far from religion being a subject of peripheral concern to globalization, the contributors demonstrate that from the most basic level of our interactions with the natural environment to the socio-political behavior of the “great religions” – and even to the profusion of folk and pop culture phenomena – the influence of religion upon globalization, and vice versa, is apparent at all levels.

    • Browne Onuoha
    • Patrick Strefford
    • Onyeka Osuji
    • Biagio Zammitto
    • Adugna Lemi
    • Maureen S. Hiebert
    • Evangelos Voulgarakis / Bei Dawei
    • Derrick M. Nault
  • Asia Journal of Global Studies, Vol. 6, No.1 (Associate Editor)

    Asia Association of Global Studies

    ISSN 1884-0264
    The Asia Journal of Global Studies (AJGS) is the official journal of the Tokyo, Japan-based Asia Association for Global Studies (AAGS). The journal features research articles on Asia and other world regions from an Asian regional perspective. AJGS' other regular offerings include guest columns by global studies experts in Asia, reader commentaries, and book reviews.

    Multidisciplinary in scope, AJGS accepts contributions from authors with backgrounds in the humanities…

    ISSN 1884-0264
    The Asia Journal of Global Studies (AJGS) is the official journal of the Tokyo, Japan-based Asia Association for Global Studies (AAGS). The journal features research articles on Asia and other world regions from an Asian regional perspective. AJGS' other regular offerings include guest columns by global studies experts in Asia, reader commentaries, and book reviews.

    Multidisciplinary in scope, AJGS accepts contributions from authors with backgrounds in the humanities and social sciences. The journal encourages historians, political scientists, sociologists, anthropologists, linguists, philosophers and others to submit their work for consideration. It particularly welcomes research that dissolves academic boundaries, looks beyond traditional notions of the nation state, and aims for a holistic view of the past, present and future.

  • iPad Integration: An Examination of Mobile Learning Issues in an English Language Academic Skills Class at ICU

    Language Research Bulletin (LRB) Vol. 28

    This is a report on an early experiment with iPad 2’s in a university setting. In this action research project, 19 students in an Academic Reading and Writing class for those with high-level English were given iPad 2’s for five weeks for their own personal use. As ICU has campus-wide Wi-Fi, this effectively made every classroom a type of computer room, whereas actual computer rooms were in such short supply and high demand that other classes were limited to one session per week in a computer…

    This is a report on an early experiment with iPad 2’s in a university setting. In this action research project, 19 students in an Academic Reading and Writing class for those with high-level English were given iPad 2’s for five weeks for their own personal use. As ICU has campus-wide Wi-Fi, this effectively made every classroom a type of computer room, whereas actual computer rooms were in such short supply and high demand that other classes were limited to one session per week in a computer room, even when the classes met five times a week. These iPad equipped students were also doing multimedia project work in addition to their normal class tasks. This study aimed to find out their reactions to the iPad experience in their academic and multimedia work in the hope that the results would influence the adoption of multimedia tablets like iPads at ICU in the future.

  • Students Presented at the Educational Technology Conference

    ICU Homepage News Article

    This short news article I wrote was a report of a presentation I did with 3 of my students at the 'Paperless: Innovation and Technology in Education' conference held at at Kanda University of International Studies on Feb. 2014. I originally brought the idea of the conference to KUIS along with another ADE (Kaori Hakone) and my presentation with my students was a big success.

  • Professor Rab Paterson has become a Google Certified Teacher (GCT)

    ICU Homepage Article

    This was a short news style article regarding my experiences at the 2013 Google Certified Teacher Award (now renamed as the Google Innovator award) institute where I received recognition as an edtech specialist and attended numerous training session on digital education.

  • Expanding Students’ Creativity

    The ICU - International Christian University

    ICU publishes ” The ICU ” (inaugural number: December 2000 issue) in June and December every year. Every issue introduces a special feature of ICU, providing news about the education, research and student life on campus, as well as information about JICUF and donations. This was a short article I wrote for them on how I was using educational technology in my classes with students. I also breifly covered why it is important to try to instill a creative / growth mindset in students.

  • Asia Journal of Global Studies, Vol. 5, No.2 (Associate Editor)

    Asia Association for Global Studies

    ISSN 1884-0264
    The Asia Journal of Global Studies (AJGS) is the official journal of the Tokyo, Japan-based Asia Association for Global Studies (AAGS). The journal features research articles on Asia and other world regions from an Asian regional perspective. AJGS' other regular offerings include guest columns by global studies experts in Asia, reader commentaries, and book reviews.

    Multidisciplinary in scope, AJGS accepts contributions from authors with backgrounds in the humanities…

    ISSN 1884-0264
    The Asia Journal of Global Studies (AJGS) is the official journal of the Tokyo, Japan-based Asia Association for Global Studies (AAGS). The journal features research articles on Asia and other world regions from an Asian regional perspective. AJGS' other regular offerings include guest columns by global studies experts in Asia, reader commentaries, and book reviews.

    Multidisciplinary in scope, AJGS accepts contributions from authors with backgrounds in the humanities and social sciences. The journal encourages historians, political scientists, sociologists, anthropologists, linguists, philosophers and others to submit their work for consideration. It particularly welcomes research that dissolves academic boundaries, looks beyond traditional notions of the nation state, and aims for a holistic view of the past, present and future.

  • Asia Journal of Global Studies, Vol. 5, No.1 (Associate Editor)

    Asia Association of Global Studies

    ISSN 1884-0264
    The Asia Journal of Global Studies (AJGS) is the official journal of the Tokyo, Japan-based Asia Association for Global Studies (AAGS). The journal features research articles on Asia and other world regions from an Asian regional perspective. AJGS' other regular offerings include guest columns by global studies experts in Asia, reader commentaries, and book reviews.

    Multidisciplinary in scope, AJGS accepts contributions from authors with backgrounds in the humanities…

    ISSN 1884-0264
    The Asia Journal of Global Studies (AJGS) is the official journal of the Tokyo, Japan-based Asia Association for Global Studies (AAGS). The journal features research articles on Asia and other world regions from an Asian regional perspective. AJGS' other regular offerings include guest columns by global studies experts in Asia, reader commentaries, and book reviews.

    Multidisciplinary in scope, AJGS accepts contributions from authors with backgrounds in the humanities and social sciences. The journal encourages historians, political scientists, sociologists, anthropologists, linguists, philosophers and others to submit their work for consideration. It particularly welcomes research that dissolves academic boundaries, looks beyond traditional notions of the nation state, and aims for a holistic view of the past, present and future.

  • English for Liberal Arts: Towards a New Paradigm in University Language Teaching (with Wadden, P., Hale, C.C., Rush, E., Punyaratabandhu, D., Kleindl, M., & Engler, S.)

    JALT Conference Proceedings Paper – Teaching, Learning, Growing Conference

    The paper attempts to articulate a novel approach to English language teaching in which language reproduction itself is not the ultimate goal of instruction, but rather the ultimate transformation of the learner in the pursuit of understanding what it means to be human. This goal has long been a feature of liberal arts education, and the authors believe that it should not be limited to students in liberal arts colleges in the West but can form the basis for a dynamic approach to language…

    The paper attempts to articulate a novel approach to English language teaching in which language reproduction itself is not the ultimate goal of instruction, but rather the ultimate transformation of the learner in the pursuit of understanding what it means to be human. This goal has long been a feature of liberal arts education, and the authors believe that it should not be limited to students in liberal arts colleges in the West but can form the basis for a dynamic approach to language teaching at the university level. The authors observe that East Asia is an attractive venue for challenging and enriching students with the values and educational goals of the liberal arts through the teaching of English as a foreign language, and they illustrate some of the pedagogical implications of an English for Liberal Arts approach they advocate in several common course types and traditional skill areas.

  • The Creditors in Competition: Chavez and the Bank of the South versus the IMF - chapter 7, pp.171–189 in:

    Nault, D.M., England, S.L. (Eds.), 2011. “Globalization and Human Rights in the Developing World”. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. ISBN: 978-0-230-31696-6

    Many different groups and individuals have had the stated aim of improving the lives of the world’s poor. Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez was a charismatic and polarising figure who also claimed to be championing the working and peasant class. To many neo-liberals and those on the political right who championed the IMF as the savior of the poor, he was seen as a dangerous and destabilizing factor in their stated mission to raise the poor out of poverty. However to many poor people and those…

    Many different groups and individuals have had the stated aim of improving the lives of the world’s poor. Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez was a charismatic and polarising figure who also claimed to be championing the working and peasant class. To many neo-liberals and those on the political right who championed the IMF as the savior of the poor, he was seen as a dangerous and destabilizing factor in their stated mission to raise the poor out of poverty. However to many poor people and those on the political left he was seen as a visionary people’s champion working against the ravages of Globalisation and Neo-Liberal economics, as they argued that his policies had greatly benefited Venezuela’s poor and the poor of the Latin American region in general in contrast to the effects of previous IMF policies. This paper then examines these contrasting claims in detail to determine the validity of each side's arguments. From this analysis, it becomes clear that Chavez’s policies had a beneficial effect on the poor in Venezuela and that by trying to set up The Bank of the South to replicate these policies region-wide he was attempting to extend those benefits to the wider South American region. This put The Bank of the South in opposition to the IMF in Latin America and as an oil-rich nation, Venezuela had the money to lend, as its oil finances were boosted in the early 2000s by the effects of the US / UK invasion of Iraq on world oil prices. The later fall in oil prices is also examined to see to what extent this affected Chavez’s lending plans and by extension the long-term economic future of the region in terms of development loans from Venezuela and the Bank of the South. This paper examined all these issues in detail as well as the relevant background history to try to understand the ramifications for the economic future of this region.

  • Japan in Crisis: Demographic Difficulties to the Fingerprinting of Foreigners

    Asia Association for Global Studies 2011 Conference Proceedings

    This paper examines the declining and aging population in Japan by looking at possible population scenarios for Japan in the near future as extrapolated from its current situation by the UN and other researchers. The reasons for this current situation are then explored to see if the factors causing this
    the situation can be modified to effect a positive change in Japan’s demographic difficulties. After arguing that they cannot and therefore that mass immigration is inevitable for the…

    This paper examines the declining and aging population in Japan by looking at possible population scenarios for Japan in the near future as extrapolated from its current situation by the UN and other researchers. The reasons for this current situation are then explored to see if the factors causing this
    the situation can be modified to effect a positive change in Japan’s demographic difficulties. After arguing that they cannot and therefore that mass immigration is inevitable for the maintenance of Japan’s internal social and economic stability and manufacturing needs the paper then moves on to how the Japanese government has approached this topic. This naturally brings up the ‘Partial Amendment to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act’ and the way it was presented to the Japanese public in response to Japan’s looming demographic change. By looking behind the façade of the law’s public anti-terror rationale this paper brings to light an entirely different motive for its implementation, that of monitoring and thereby controlling the large numbers of foreigners Japan must attract to deal with its demographic difficulties. The conclusion is that this is a law that could backfire and ultimately harm Japan’s economic and diplomatic future by discouraging immigration to Japan, something it desperately needs to solve its population problems.

  • The Culture Program Report, ICU Studies in Japanese Language Education, Vol. 8, p.87 in:

    Research Center for Japanese Language Education, International Christian University

    A report on the activities of the Culture Program component of the Summer Course in Japanese for foreign students at International Christian University. I was the Director of the culture component that year (I volunteered at the last minute as the existing Director left) and the report highlighted the successes and areas for further improvement for the summer period when I was in charge.

  • Teacher / Student Perception Gap In Online Learning (with Miyazoe, T., & Saeki, M.)

    JALT Conference Proceedings Paper - The Teaching – Learning Dialogue: An Active Mirror Conference

    This study presents the results and implications of an experiment on the perceptions of a learning com- munity. Four universities (three in Tokyo, Japan, and one in Taipei, Taiwan), four language instructors, and nine classes (200 Japanese and 36 Taiwanese students) participated. All followed the same blended course design of regular face-to-face instruction and online instruction developed on a learning manage- ment system (LMS). Topic-based online forum discussions in the target language…

    This study presents the results and implications of an experiment on the perceptions of a learning com- munity. Four universities (three in Tokyo, Japan, and one in Taipei, Taiwan), four language instructors, and nine classes (200 Japanese and 36 Taiwanese students) participated. All followed the same blended course design of regular face-to-face instruction and online instruction developed on a learning manage- ment system (LMS). Topic-based online forum discussions in the target language (English for Japanese students; Japanese for Taiwanese students) were the common feature. Similar questionnaires were given to both instructors and students. The results revealed that in general the students evaluated the blended course design positively, but the instructors and students held differing perceptions of the strength of class community. The study therefore suggests a possible perception gap between instructors and stu- dents on the criteria of what a good virtual classroom is.

    • Terumi Miyazoe
    • Masayo Saeki
  • Education in Japan: The University as a Business, Teachers and Students as Commodities

    Journal of Management & Social Sciences (JMSS), Vol. 4, No.2, - Pakistan’s Institute of Business & Technology (BIZTEK)

    Education is one of the keys to individual and national advancement and development in life. In many countries, university education is open to all while in other nations such as Japan, it has to be paid for. Irrespective of the costs, university students should receive a quality education from universities and universities should expect quality academic work from students. As educators are professionals working in the field of delivering education they should have even higher expectations for…

    Education is one of the keys to individual and national advancement and development in life. In many countries, university education is open to all while in other nations such as Japan, it has to be paid for. Irrespective of the costs, university students should receive a quality education from universities and universities should expect quality academic work from students. As educators are professionals working in the field of delivering education they should have even higher expectations for the quality of education being delivered than students. However, in today’s Japan are these expectations of quality teachers and students actually being met? This paper first provides a general overview of post-war university education in Japan. Then university education is examined in detail to see if these academic expectations are being met and argues that on the whole, they are not. The areas where Japanese universities are deficient, namely in the quality of education delivered and treatment of teachers and students alike are then examined. Also, areas where the university’s actions have been detrimental to the development, academic or otherwise, of students and teachers alike are covered. Later it examines the university as a business rather than an educational establishment to try and explain the actions of universities that are often contradictory to the educational ideals expected by teachers and students at universities. Lastly, this paper offers suggestions for improving the quality of education at Japanese universities and shows why this is necessary for the survival of universities in Japan.

  • The Fall of Fortress Singapore: Churchill's Role and the Conflicting Interpretations

    Sophia International Review - Sophia University Issue 30 (Spring), Sophia University Faculty of Liberal Arts

    This short paper is an examination of British and Japanese domestic politics, and the international chain of events, in the years preceding the outbreak of hostilities between Japan and the U.K. until the fall of Singapore in February 1942. After examining these events, and the actions and motives of the main parties involved, this paper attempts to determine the most likely explanation for the relatively rapid fall of Singapore to the Japanese Army in World War II. Particular attention is paid…

    This short paper is an examination of British and Japanese domestic politics, and the international chain of events, in the years preceding the outbreak of hostilities between Japan and the U.K. until the fall of Singapore in February 1942. After examining these events, and the actions and motives of the main parties involved, this paper attempts to determine the most likely explanation for the relatively rapid fall of Singapore to the Japanese Army in World War II. Particular attention is paid to the role of Prime Minister Winston Churchill in these events as his role has been relatively underresearched and is therefore not so well known, especially to British citizens. In conclusion this paper shows that Churchill and his military/strategic deci- sions had a huge impact on weakening Singapore, and that this was the single biggest factor in its quick fall in 1942.

  • International Foundation Year, International Relations syllabus

    Northern Consortium UK Internal Publications

    This was a syllabus written with the overall aim to ensure that students planning to study this discipline have a solid introduction to all aspects of the study of International Relations and to enable students to feel confident in undertaking undergraduate studies in this discipline. In its scope, this syllabus provides an introduction to the understanding of the modern world and how nation-states interact.

  • Time Out Guide to Tokyo - Festivals and Events Chapter, 4th Edition (2005)

    Time Out Guides

    From futuristic skyscrapers to ancient temples, sex clubs to sushi bars, it's all here. Learn how to navigate the city with no street names, and make the most of the numerous shopping options, from must-have souvenirs to electronics bargains. The guide also explores sights beyond Tokyo, including Japan's second city, Yokohama, the hot springs of Hakone and the slopes of Mount Fuji. 'Well written by people who know what they're talking about' Dally Yomiuri, Tokyo

  • Pre Masters Programme, Social Science syllabus

    Northern Consortium UK Internal Publications

    This syllabus was written to ensure that students have a solid introduction to all aspects of the study of Social Sciences at the post graduate level, and to enable students to feel confident in their undertaking of studies in this discipline. In its scope, this module will provide a graduate level introduction to the understanding of the modern social sciences and how this affects societies and the people who live in them.

  • BMD: Ballistic Missile Deceit? A Critical Analysis of the Justification for the US Ballistic Missile Defense System

    Graduate School for Asia Pacific Studies Journal (Spring 2002) - Waseda University

    This paper begins by stating its opposition to the US’s BMD system. It then covers the various historical deceptions practiced by those who support such a system. By examining all these issues in detail, and by paying particular attention to the relevant background history the reader can start to understand the motives of the various actors in the present as well as trying to understand what the ramifications for the future may be from these actions. An example of this is the benefits to arms…

    This paper begins by stating its opposition to the US’s BMD system. It then covers the various historical deceptions practiced by those who support such a system. By examining all these issues in detail, and by paying particular attention to the relevant background history the reader can start to understand the motives of the various actors in the present as well as trying to understand what the ramifications for the future may be from these actions. An example of this is the benefits to arms manufacturers and their supporters BMD brings rather than the ‘peace’ it is supposed to bring and sustain become evident. Next the officially stated needs and aims are explored in this paper, along with some unofficial ones, less stated reasons, and again the reality is shown to be somewhat different from the hyperbole. Building on this then the paper concludes with a more realistic set of motives behind the US’s desire for a BMD system and argues against its introduction as it will work against sustaining peace.

  • The World Cup – A Bridge Between Nations

    Center for International Education Online Newsletter, 2002 Autumn Edition - Waseda University

    This was a short newsletter article written ahead of the 2002 FIFA World Cup on Japan, and looking at how this major international sporting event had the potential to create better communications between citizens of different nations in Japan.


  • BA Course - Approaches to History


  • BA Course - Chinese Peasants and Revolution 1921 - 1952


  • BA Course - Cultural Foundations of Contemporary South East Asia


  • BA Course - Europe Overseas 1415 - 1815


  • BA Course - History of China from 1800


  • BA Course - History of South East Asia from the Early Nineteenth Century


  • BA Course - History of South east Asia: Middle 14th to Early 19th Century


  • BA Course - Rural South East Asia


  • BA Course - The United States and the Vietnam War 1967-68 (1)


  • BA Course - The United States and the Vietnam War 1967-68 (2)


  • BA Course - The Vietnam War (at the War Studies Department of Kings College London)


  • Challenge Based Learning, Keynote / Presentations, iTunes University, and iPad training courses


  • FutureLearn - Open University (UK) MOOC - Introduction to Cyber Security


  • Google Apps training


  • Introduction to TEFL course


  • MA Course - Basic Japanese 1


  • MA Course - Dissertation in History


  • MA Course - International History of the Indochina Peninsula


  • MA Course - International Politics of Asia


  • MEd Course - Foundations of Professionalism


  • MEd Course - Institution Focused Study


  • MEd Course - International Education


  • MEd Course - Methods of Enquiry 1


  • MEd Course - Methods of Enquiry 2


  • MS / CoETaIL Course - SUNY - Digital Authoring for Educators / Visual Literacy: Effective Communicators and Creators


  • MS / CoETaIL Course - SUNY - Instructional Design and Problem Solving with Technology / Technology: Best Practice as a Catalyst for Learning


  • MS / CoETaIL Course - SUNY - Instructional Technologies / Applied Web 2.0 Tech for Learning


  • MS / CoETaIL Course - SUNY - Internet for Educators / 21st Century Literacy Ideas, Questions & Issues


  • MS / CoETaIL Course - SUNY - Networking for Educators / Information Literacy and Ourselves as Learners


  • MS Course - SUNY - Cloud Based Computing with GAFE


  • MS Course - SUNY - Design Thinking/Instructional Strategies for More Effective Teaching


  • MS Course - SUNY - Digital Citizenship for Educators / Curriculum & Leadership


  • MS Course - SUNY - Methods and Techniques of Educational Research (action research)


  • PhD Course - American Studies


  • PhD Course - East Asian Area Studies


  • PhD Course - History of US-Japanese Relations


  • PhD Course - International History


  • PhD Course - International Relations in the Asia Pacific Region


  • PhD Course - Japanese 1


  • PhD Course - Security Issues on Korean Peninsula


  • PhD Course - US Foreign Policy to Asia-Pacific Region


  • PhD Course - War, Security Threats, and Conflict Resolution in East Asia


  • Post Introductory Course in TEFL


  • RSA / UCLES TEFLA class


  • SCE Higher Grade English, Technical Drawing


  • SCE Higher Grade Mathematics


  • SCOTEC ONC - Naval Architecture, Engineering Science, and Industrial Communications


  • SCOTVEC - Sports Science, Recreation Studies, and Communication Studies


  • Zotero training course


  • iLife and iWork training course



  • Delivering & Teaching Professional Presentations

    As a Google Certified Innovator I received access to the online TEDx Training course for presenters. And as part of my Apple Distinguished Educators Institute project ADE's have to create some online materials. So I decided to combine both of these and create new videos for my YouTube channel on the delivery aspects of professional presenting to complement the slideshow design videos already there on the presentations subsection of my YouTube channel and the set of videos I made for…

    As a Google Certified Innovator I received access to the online TEDx Training course for presenters. And as part of my Apple Distinguished Educators Institute project ADE's have to create some online materials. So I decided to combine both of these and create new videos for my YouTube channel on the delivery aspects of professional presenting to complement the slideshow design videos already there on the presentations subsection of my YouTube channel and the set of videos I made for Academia.edu at https://www.academia.edu/courses/Yly8Z1?tab=0&v=bRk1pE. These videos like the others are all open to the general public.

  • Concept Creator - Admin and GAFE Advisor - Organisational Transition to a Google Communication system

    JALT is one of the biggest language teaching organisations in Japan and it has many different regional chapters and Japan-wide thematic special interest groups. So as it was part of one of the supplementary ideas I had for my Google Innovator project back in 2013, I decided to get moving on it when I had finished all the other parts. The main project was to get the Asia Association for Global Studies (AAGS) fully onboard with Google and is now complete. Then I looked at getting ICU (where I…

    JALT is one of the biggest language teaching organisations in Japan and it has many different regional chapters and Japan-wide thematic special interest groups. So as it was part of one of the supplementary ideas I had for my Google Innovator project back in 2013, I decided to get moving on it when I had finished all the other parts. The main project was to get the Asia Association for Global Studies (AAGS) fully onboard with Google and is now complete. Then I looked at getting ICU (where I worked until 2015) onto a GAFE account and that is now done. Next I wanted to get TokyoJALT going with Google and that's now up and running. So now I'm looking at a bigger target at the National JALT organisation. The challenge first of all is to get agreement for the switch. Then the technical aspects of the switch need to be dealt with. And finally the major challenge is to get non-Google users fully integrated into a Google-centric workflow and get them comfortable with this way of operating.

  • Concept Creator - Axis of Awesomeness & Other Student Video Projects

    In Spring 2013 after returning from the ADE Institute in Bali I decided to start a video project with my students. I started teaching them how to use the iMovie app for video editing, various styles of movie making, how to find appropriately licensed Creative Commons Audio / Photo / Video content and how to work as a team to plan, design and execute video making projects using a variety of educational technology / multimedia apps. The best examples of the student's work are all hosted on my…

    In Spring 2013 after returning from the ADE Institute in Bali I decided to start a video project with my students. I started teaching them how to use the iMovie app for video editing, various styles of movie making, how to find appropriately licensed Creative Commons Audio / Photo / Video content and how to work as a team to plan, design and execute video making projects using a variety of educational technology / multimedia apps. The best examples of the student's work are all hosted on my YouTube channel under the Axis of Awesomeness subsection here -
    Also, many of my students went on to win awards at the JALT Performance in Education Student Filmmaking Contest in 2021 and these are also on my YouTube channel here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJLMSRz7mEYjySxf9lCTNWJiZge74ilpL.

  • Preventing Plagiarism with Zotero

    I started looking at the plagiarism issue in Japanese higher education and how use of reference management apps can help address this problem. And I wrote my MS Thesis on this topic. Parts of this thesis were then developed into a chapter called ‘Online Digital Writing Toolsets for Digital Age English Language Learners’ in: Daniela, L. (Ed.), 2020. Smart Pedagogy of Digital Learning, published by Taylor & Francis (Routledge). London

  • Concept Creator - Webmaster / Google Apps For Education Advisor - TokyoJALT's Transition to Google

    As one of the many parts of my Google Innovator Action Plan my idea was to get TokyoJALT using Google Apps for our work. As the National JALT organisation now has a Google NPO account (again stemming from my Google Innovator Action Plan) TokyoJALT is finally going to host a website on a Google site. And TokyoJALT is going to be the test case ahead of moving all the other regional chapters and special interest groups over to Google Sites and having all officers eventually using Google Apps for…

    As one of the many parts of my Google Innovator Action Plan my idea was to get TokyoJALT using Google Apps for our work. As the National JALT organisation now has a Google NPO account (again stemming from my Google Innovator Action Plan) TokyoJALT is finally going to host a website on a Google site. And TokyoJALT is going to be the test case ahead of moving all the other regional chapters and special interest groups over to Google Sites and having all officers eventually using Google Apps for our work. So I created and developed the idea of getting the TokyoJALT team and website onto Google accounts. And I have been designing the new TokyoJALT website and training the TokyoJALT executive officers how to use the site tool and the other GAFE suite of apps and tools. In addition, I have been liaising with the JALT National Executive Board to convey what TokyoJALT has been doing.

  • Concept Creator / Originator - Presentations Theory & Practice Workshops / Presentations iBook

    I am designing and delivering a series of video workshop tutorials on Presentation Theory & Practice for which may eventually lead to a multimedia iBook on presentations. Current best practices in this area have moved on tremendously in the last 10 years. Modern audiences are no longer happy with the old 1-7-7 style bullet point slides or speakers that drone on endlessly with no multimedia content in their presentations. To make modern multimedia presentations presenters need to know about…

    I am designing and delivering a series of video workshop tutorials on Presentation Theory & Practice for which may eventually lead to a multimedia iBook on presentations. Current best practices in this area have moved on tremendously in the last 10 years. Modern audiences are no longer happy with the old 1-7-7 style bullet point slides or speakers that drone on endlessly with no multimedia content in their presentations. To make modern multimedia presentations presenters need to know about Segmentation Theory and cognitively efficient structure of presentations, PSE and CRAP theories of slide design, Body Language for effective delivery as well as the type and range of content needed. Modern presenters also need to know how to use a variety of different slide ware for multimedia sharing purposes. My video workshops cover this and be based on the series of presentations videos currently on my YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/user/rabpaterson/videos?tag_id=UC0tv83FXPSjYiWISx_eHsJg.3.presentations&view=46&sort=dd&shelf_index=1 and incorporating the tips and techniques I currently teach in my presentations classes.

  • Concept Creator / Orgininator & Organising Committee Member - TokyoJALT / West Tokyo GEG / Shinjuku GEG - Google Apps For Education Tech Series Workshops

    I'm the Social Media Officer and Webmaster for TokyoJALT, and a Founding Leader of West Tokyo GEG so I set up a series of educational technology workshops for TokyoJALT delivered by West Tokyo GEG Leaders (including myself) in English, and Shinjuku GEG in Japanese. These were held at New York University's School of Professional Studies - Ali Tokyo Center and covered a wide variety of GAFE applications for teachers of all subjects, but focussed on language teaching applications. I was…

    I'm the Social Media Officer and Webmaster for TokyoJALT, and a Founding Leader of West Tokyo GEG so I set up a series of educational technology workshops for TokyoJALT delivered by West Tokyo GEG Leaders (including myself) in English, and Shinjuku GEG in Japanese. These were held at New York University's School of Professional Studies - Ali Tokyo Center and covered a wide variety of GAFE applications for teachers of all subjects, but focussed on language teaching applications. I was responsible for arranging the schedule of the workshops, the workshop leaders, SNS advertising of the events, and the post-event social activities. I was also responsible for the room bookings for the original English language West Tokyo workshops and acting as a liaison between TokyoJALT and Shinjuku GEG as I am connected to both organisations.

  • iBook Designer / Technical Advisor - Temple University Japan's RED Program

    I was the technical advisor and iBook creator and designer for TUJ's RED program. So I was responsible for finding Creative Commons licensed multimedia content for the iBook and making it according to current best practices in iBook design. in addition I was also the lead Instructor so I was teaching from the iBook as well as designing it.

  • Lead Conference Organiser / Conference Chair - Uneasy Street: Life, Work and Precarity in a Globalised World - Asia Association for Global Studies - 10th Annual International Conference, July 18 - 19, 2015, ICU, Tokyo, Japan


    I was the organiser and Conference Chair of this conference - the last of four conferences I organised at International Christian University before my contract expired. So I had to negotiate with ICU to get access to presentation rooms, the wifi network, and use of the cafeteria for the after-conference reception dinner and lunches. In addition, I also had to arrange catering, organise the students helpers, design and print signs, and arrange information packs / travel guides for overseas…

    I was the organiser and Conference Chair of this conference - the last of four conferences I organised at International Christian University before my contract expired. So I had to negotiate with ICU to get access to presentation rooms, the wifi network, and use of the cafeteria for the after-conference reception dinner and lunches. In addition, I also had to arrange catering, organise the students helpers, design and print signs, and arrange information packs / travel guides for overseas presenters coming to Japan. I also was responsible for updating the website with all conference related information. Lastly I was part of a panel that vetted the abstract applications, and made the schedule for the conference.

  • Concept Creator - GAFE Advisor - Getting International Christian University onto a Google GAFE account

    I was working at ICU when I became a Google Certified Teacher (now Google Innovator) back in 2013. So part of my GCT Action Plan plan was to get ICU to become a GAFE university and I set about doing a series of workshops at ICU to promote the utility of GAFE for university work. ICU finally went GAFE in April 2015 just before my ICU contract ended, when they partially implemented their GAFE account. As I no longer work there I cannot foresee any further implementation to their limited 'roll…

    I was working at ICU when I became a Google Certified Teacher (now Google Innovator) back in 2013. So part of my GCT Action Plan plan was to get ICU to become a GAFE university and I set about doing a series of workshops at ICU to promote the utility of GAFE for university work. ICU finally went GAFE in April 2015 just before my ICU contract ended, when they partially implemented their GAFE account. As I no longer work there I cannot foresee any further implementation to their limited 'roll out' as no-one is driving change there anymore.

  • Organising Committee Member - EdCamp Tokyo 2015

    I was again on the coordinating committee of the 2nd EdCamp Tokyo Unconference as the sole Higher Education representative. This time it was held at Jingumae International Exchange School on February 28, 2015 and was once again a great success.

  • Technical Advisor, Presentations Coach & Videographer - TEDxICU

    I encouraged my students to try and set up a TEDxICU event. When they did I was approached to be the presentations coach and videographer for the TEDxICU event, the first of which was held at ICU in Jan. 2015. I gave hands-on on coaching on the theory and practice of presentations (including some TED specific coaching) to the presentations team, gave advice on lighting and audio / video to the organisation team, and did all the video recording and editing of the event along with my wife Hitomi…

    I encouraged my students to try and set up a TEDxICU event. When they did I was approached to be the presentations coach and videographer for the TEDxICU event, the first of which was held at ICU in Jan. 2015. I gave hands-on on coaching on the theory and practice of presentations (including some TED specific coaching) to the presentations team, gave advice on lighting and audio / video to the organisation team, and did all the video recording and editing of the event along with my wife Hitomi Paterson.

  • Technical Advisor & Videographer / Webmaster - Pragmatics Videos for Japanese Students

    I was the script coordinator, videographer and webmaster for this project. The aim was to make role play videos of academic type complaints for Japanese students about to study overseas. The final videos can be seen here - https://vimeo.com/rabpaterson/videos on my Vimeo account and I made full transcripts for the commissioning teachers.

  • Concept Creator - Admin and GAFE Advisor - AAGS's Transition to a Google For Work Account

    Part of my GCT Action Plan plan was to get AAGS to move to a Google For Work account and I set about doing a series of face to face and online workshops for AAGS staff to promote the utility of Google for our work. The Asia Association for Global Studies (AAGS) itself is a small global studies organisation that runs annual conferences and produces an annual journal. I'm one of the executive officers and wanted to get the organisation fully on board with Google as it would make our workflows…

    Part of my GCT Action Plan plan was to get AAGS to move to a Google For Work account and I set about doing a series of face to face and online workshops for AAGS staff to promote the utility of Google for our work. The Asia Association for Global Studies (AAGS) itself is a small global studies organisation that runs annual conferences and produces an annual journal. I'm one of the executive officers and wanted to get the organisation fully on board with Google as it would make our workflows more efficient and collaborative. This was a success as AAGS execs now all use Google For Work accounts and our workflow is much smoother. Also our site www.aags.org is also hosted on Google Sites.

  • Organising Committee Member - EdCamp Tokyo 2014

    I was on the coordinating committee for the 2014 EdCamp Tokyo Unconference as the Higher Education representative. This was the first EdCamp Unconference to be held in Japan, it was held at Yokohama International School, and it was a great success.

  • Lead Conference Organisor - Ethics in a Globalizing World: Debates and Dilemmas - AAGS 9th Annual Conference - March 22-23, 2014, Shantou University, China

    I was the main AAGS organiser of this conference as I had previously been invited to Shantou University as an Invited Speaker for their 'New Directions in Global Studies in the 21st Century' Symposium in Nov. / Dec. 2012. before. As organiser I was the main liaison between Shantou University and AAGS, and dealt with all online communications with presenters before the event. I was also responsible for designing / uploading / printing all online and paper brochures related to the conference…

    I was the main AAGS organiser of this conference as I had previously been invited to Shantou University as an Invited Speaker for their 'New Directions in Global Studies in the 21st Century' Symposium in Nov. / Dec. 2012. before. As organiser I was the main liaison between Shantou University and AAGS, and dealt with all online communications with presenters before the event. I was also responsible for designing / uploading / printing all online and paper brochures related to the conference, and for all multimedia recording at the event. And I was also part of the editorial team vetting the abstract applications and scheduling the successful applicants. Lastly I was the MC at the event. My event review is here - https://sites.google.com/view/aags-archived-site/about/aags-blog#h.p_e6CAlRJO3Om2

  • Concept Creator / Originator & Organising Committee Member - Paperless: Innovation & Technology in Education Conference, Kanda University of International Studies, Chiba, Japan, February 1, 2014,

    I came up with the idea for this conference in April 2013, started the ball rolling to find a venue (as my own university - International Christian University - did not have the tech infrastructure to host it), and I was one of the organisers of this conference on the ADE side. As such I was responsible for recruiting ADE presenters and liaisoning with Apple on their support for the event. Here is the official advertising blurb below:
    Kanda University of International Studies (KUIS), in…

    I came up with the idea for this conference in April 2013, started the ball rolling to find a venue (as my own university - International Christian University - did not have the tech infrastructure to host it), and I was one of the organisers of this conference on the ADE side. As such I was responsible for recruiting ADE presenters and liaisoning with Apple on their support for the event. Here is the official advertising blurb below:
    Kanda University of International Studies (KUIS), in conjunction with the Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE) programme, is proud to host Paperless: Innovation and technology in education, on February 1st 2014. Paperless learning is not simply about saving trees, it is about bringing new mediums and perspectives to education, using technology to enrich pedagogic practice. This one-day conference will focus on all technology platforms, and aims to showcase innovative ways educators are flipping, enhancing and revolutionising both learning and teaching. We welcome papers from all learning sectors, and would like to encourage submissions from educators and learners across all age-ranges, in either English or Japanese.
    Paperless: Innovation & technology 2014 will have 3 focus streams:
    Institutional administrators & support staff
    Submissions on collaborative work and projects across streams are encouraged and we would like to invite proposals in all related interest areas.

  • Lead Conference Organiser - On The Move: People, Protests and Progress - The Asia Association for Global Studies 8th Annual International Conference - First Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, March 23 - 24, 2013

    I was the lead organiser of this conference and negotiated with Peter Arnett (the two-time Pulitzer Prize winning journalist to be our keynote speaker as I had met him at a symposium at Shantou University the year before. I also had to negotiate with First Hotel Bangkok to get good terms and conditions for our access to presentation rooms, the wifi network, and use of the restaurant for the after-conference reception dinner and lunches. In addition, I also had to arrange catering, organise the…

    I was the lead organiser of this conference and negotiated with Peter Arnett (the two-time Pulitzer Prize winning journalist to be our keynote speaker as I had met him at a symposium at Shantou University the year before. I also had to negotiate with First Hotel Bangkok to get good terms and conditions for our access to presentation rooms, the wifi network, and use of the restaurant for the after-conference reception dinner and lunches. In addition, I also had to arrange catering, organise the hotel staff helpers, design and print signs, and arrange information packs / travel guides for overseas presenters coming to Thailand. I also was responsible for updating the website with all conference related information. Lastly I was part of a panel that vetted the abstract applications, and made the schedule for the conference.

  • Lead Conference Organiser / Conference Chair - Humanity and Humanitarianism in Crisis - The Asia Association for Global Studies 7th Annual International Conference - International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan, March 17 - 18, 2012

    This was the third of four international conferences I organised at International Christian University before my contract expired and this was the rearranged conference as the previous year's was cancelled due to the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. I was again the main AAGS organiser of this conference as I was working at ICU at the time. As organiser I was the main liaison between ICU and AAGS, and also dealt with all online communications with presenters before the event. I was also…

    This was the third of four international conferences I organised at International Christian University before my contract expired and this was the rearranged conference as the previous year's was cancelled due to the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. I was again the main AAGS organiser of this conference as I was working at ICU at the time. As organiser I was the main liaison between ICU and AAGS, and also dealt with all online communications with presenters before the event. I was also responsible for designing / uploading / printing all online and paper brochures related to the conference. And I was also part of the editorial team vetting the abstract applications and scheduling the successful applicants. Lastly I was the MC at the event, and was did all multimedia recording at the event.

  • Concept Creator - Educational Experimenting with iPads

    In Oct. 2011 I negotiated a two-month loan of a class set of the newly released iPad 2’s from Apple for a class research project. Students learned how to conduct research and daily studies in a connected classroom environment as International Christian University (ICU) had just installed wifi a few months before. The experiment was fully written up as an action research project with suggestions for ICU. And the report was eventually published in the English for Liberal Arts department's…

    In Oct. 2011 I negotiated a two-month loan of a class set of the newly released iPad 2’s from Apple for a class research project. Students learned how to conduct research and daily studies in a connected classroom environment as International Christian University (ICU) had just installed wifi a few months before. The experiment was fully written up as an action research project with suggestions for ICU. And the report was eventually published in the English for Liberal Arts department's Language Review Bulletin at ICU in March 2014 (see publications section of profile for details) with the report being online.

  • Lead Conference Organiser / Conference Chair - The Global Future: Issues and Trends for the 21st Century - Asia Association for Global Studies 6th Annual International Conference, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan, March 12 - 13, 2011

    This was the second of four international conferences I organised at International Christian University before my contract expired. I was the main AAGS organiser of this conference as I was working at ICU at the time. As organiser I was the main liaison between ICU and AAGS, and also dealt with all online communications with presenters before the event. I was also responsible for designing / uploading / printing all online and paper brochures related to the conference. And I was also part of…

    This was the second of four international conferences I organised at International Christian University before my contract expired. I was the main AAGS organiser of this conference as I was working at ICU at the time. As organiser I was the main liaison between ICU and AAGS, and also dealt with all online communications with presenters before the event. I was also responsible for designing / uploading / printing all online and paper brochures related to the conference. And I was also part of the editorial team vetting the abstract applications and scheduling the successful applicants. Lastly I was supposed to be the MC at the event, and was prepared for all multimedia recording at the event. However the tragic events of the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami occured the day before our conference. So I had to cancel the event at the last minute as ICU was suddenly closed due to structural damage in the main buildings. So we hastily arranged a social get together for those able to get to Tokyo and collectively decided to donate all refunds to the Japanese Red Cross to help those made homeless by the earthquake and to rearrange things for the following year.

  • Sole Conference Organiser / Conference Chair - Peace as a Global Language, 2010 Conference, ‘Resisting Business as Usual, Reclaiming Space for Peace’, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan, December 4 - 5, 2010

    I was the organiser and Conference Chair of this conference - the first of four conferences I organised at International Christian University before my contract expired. So I had to negotiate with ICU to get access to presentation rooms, the wifi network, and use of the cafeteria for the after-conference reception dinner and lunches. In addition, I also had to arrange catering, organise the students helpers, design and print signs, and arrange information packs / travel guides for overseas…

    I was the organiser and Conference Chair of this conference - the first of four conferences I organised at International Christian University before my contract expired. So I had to negotiate with ICU to get access to presentation rooms, the wifi network, and use of the cafeteria for the after-conference reception dinner and lunches. In addition, I also had to arrange catering, organise the students helpers, design and print signs, and arrange information packs / travel guides for overseas presenters coming to Japan. I also was responsible for updating the website with all conference related information. Lastly I vetted the abstract applications, and made the schedule for the conference as I was working alone after the other organisers dropped out at the last minute.

  • Course Developer and Coordinator - Communication via Multimedia

    I was the creative force behind the creation, implementation and coordination of the Communication via Multimedia course at ICU. The preceding course had no multimedia content at all so the content had to reflect the title and provide a skills base that was relevant to students in a 21st-century educational environment in the class.



  • Invited Speaker, JALT Performance in Education SIG with Okinawa and Hokkaido JALT Chapters, ’4th Performance in Education: Research & Practice Conference, “Present Like A Pro!: Strategies, Tips, and Tricks to Efficiently Teach Presentations to Students”

    Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)

    I was an invited speaker to present at the ALT Performance in Education SIG with Okinawa and Hokkaido JALT Chapters, ’4th Performance in Education: Research & Practice Conference in Hokkaido with my former TGUISS Junior High, High School, and Private University Students - Ara, Selik, Yamauchi, Aya, and Kim, Tohi.

  • Invited Symposium Leader, JALT Okinawa Chapter Conference, ‘The Challenge of Change’, Junior High School Mini Symposium: “Changes in Education Through Returnee’s Perspectives”

    Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)

    I was an invited symposium leader for an online session on changes needed in the Japanese school system with my returnee junior high school students: Ara, Selika, Fukushima, Yuna, Takayama, Karen, and Nakajima, Koto.

  • Invited Symposium Leader, JALT Okinawa Chapter Conference, ‘‘The Challenge of Change’, High School Students Mini Symposium: “Changes needed For Implementation in the Japanese School System”

    Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)

    I was the invited symposium leader for an online session on changes needed in the Japanese school system with with my returnee high school students: Yamada, Tenki, Matsumoto, Miki, Saito, Mitsuki, and Inoue, Sara.

  • Invited Symposium Leader, JALT ‘Reflections and New Perspectives’, 47th International Conference Teaching Younger Learners SIG Forum: “Focus on Feedback: What Students Want and Need From Teachers” (Online)

    Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)

    This was an invited session where I was the Symposium leader for a group of my Junior High and High School students: Ara, Selika, Nakajima, Koto,
    Yamauchi, Aya, Matsushima, Shoki, and Aoyagi, Chisaki, on what students want from teachers in their education.

  • Invited Symposium Leader, JALT ‘Reflections and New Perspectives’, 47th International Conference, Teaching Younger Learners SIG Forum: “Technology in Action: Student Filmmaking” (Online)

    Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)

    I was the symposium leader for a session on student filmmaking with 6 of my Junior High and High School students after they successfully won awards at another JALT Student Filmmaking contest.

  • Invited Speaker, SIIEJ 2021 Conference , “International Education: Why globally minded Japanese students don’t chose Japanese universities”, (Online)


    This is a online presentation session I did for SIIEJ with my former High School students Mayuko Kubo (University of Sydney) and Tohi Kim (Yonsei University).

  • Keynote Speaker, JALT Okinawa Chapter - “21st Century Language Teaching” Online Conference, ‘Multimedia Bookreview Projects’, (with my Junior High School students Honami Kimoto, Aya Yamauchi and Mitsuki Saito)


    This was a Keynote presentation I gave with 3 of my junior high school students on my approach to teaching via Multimedia Bookreview Projects. We ended up winning the Michele Steele Best of JALT award for that presentation, and also we wrote three papers from the session.

  • Invited Speaker, Apple Distinguished Educators Festival of Learning, “Remote Learning: A Student's Eye (Opening) View”, (with my High School students Minori Hirai, Toko Hata and Arisa Tsuji)

    Apple Distinguished Educator program

    This was an online session for Apple's ADE program where I co-presented with 3 of my high school students how we thrived under online teaching during the COVID 19 period.

  • Invited Speaker JALT Fukuoka Chapter / Mind Brain Special Interest Group, Invited Speaker Lecture / Workshop, “A Call to Apps: Current Best Practices in Digital Pedagogy”,

    Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)

    This was an invited speaker lecture / presentation on digital literacy and educational technology. It focused on how teachers and use a range of apps and tools to leverage these in their classroom. In retrospectthis was very president given it occurred just before the COVID 19 lockdown that greatly impacted teachers.

  • Invited Speaker, Japan Business Communication Association workshop, “Presenting for Professionals: Don’t Get Caught Out by Copyright”

    Japan Business Communication Association

    This was an invited speaker presentation on presentation theory and practice. It specifically focused on copyright issues on photos and images used in presentations and how to avoid copyright infringements.

  • Featured Speaker Workshop - The Spark: Igniting Innovations in Communications for Global Businesses’, Japan Association for Language Teaching, Business Communication Special Interest Group 3rd annual conference, Toyo University


    I gave a Featured Speaker Workshop called “Training Staff Mindsets for Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace” at The Spark: Igniting Innovations in Communications for Global Businesses’, Japan Association for Language Teaching, Business Communication Special Interest Group 3rd annual conference, Toyo University, Tokyo.

  • Keynote Speaker - Okinawa JALT - Trends in Language Teaching Conference, Okinawa Christian University


    I gave the Keynote presentation called “Classroom Space: The Final Learning Frontier”, at the Okinawa JALT - Trends in Language Teaching Conference, at Okinawa Christian University, Naha, Okinawa.

  • Featured Speaker Workshop Leader - JALT ‘Language Teaching in a Global Age: Shaping the Classroom, Shaping the World’, 43rd International Conference


    I gave a Featured Speaker Workshop called “Classroom Space: The Final Learning Frontier” twice at the JALT ‘Language Teaching in a Global Age: Shaping the Classroom, Shaping the World’, 43rd International Conference at the Tsukuba Conference Center in Ibaraki.

  • Apple Showcase Presenter - Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) Academy, Kyoto - “Designing the Perfect Classroom Space”


    I was selected to be a Showcase Presenter for the Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) Academy, in Kyoto in 2017. My session covered a Project Based / Challenge Based learning process I used with my students.

  • Invited Speaker - RSA Japan Fellows’ Network, Going Beyond Ideas Presentation Series - "LogHouse Living: From Dream to Reality"

    RSA Japan Fellows’ Network

    I gave a workshop presentation called "LogHouse Living: From Dream to Reality" and the workshop part was a design thinking exercise modeled on the Stanford D School's Wallet Challenge but for houses.

  • Invited Speaker - TEDxSophiaUniversity, Sophia University - “Create to Innovate: How creating unusual lifestyle lead to an innovation in teaching style ”,

    Sophia University TEDxSophia Committee

    I gave a TEDxSophia presentation called “Create to Innovate: How creating unusual lifestyle lead to an innovation in teaching style ”, on how transforming my living space had a major effect on the creativity I bring to my teaching.

  • Invited Speaker @ 21st Century Learning Conference in Hong Kong

    21st Century Learning

    Invited Speaker @ 21st Century Learning Conference in Hong Kong, China, March 2017, talk entitled, ”Digital Writing for Digital Age Students: Using online resources for modern writing”,

  • Invited Workshop Leader & Speaker, at Meio University, Okinawa,

    Meio University

    Invited Workshop Leader & Speaker, at Meio University, Okinawa, Japan, February 8, 2017, workshop entitled, “Get Going With Google: An Introduction to G-Suite for Education and More”.

  • Invited Workshop Leader, at Asia Association for Global Studies - 2017 Conference,

    Asia Association for Global Studies / Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University, Pampanga, Luzon, Philippines,

    Keynote Speaker & Invited Workshop Leader, at Asia Association for Global Studies - 2017 Conference, @ Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University, Pampanga, Luzon, Philippines, February 4, 2017, workshop entitled, "An Intro to Google G Suite for Education and Related Apps”.

  • Keynote Speaker at Asia Association for Global Studies - 2017 Conference,

    Asia Association for Global Studies / Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University, Pampanga, Luzon, Philippines,

    Keynote Speaker, at Asia Association for Global Studies - 2017 Conference, @ Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University, Pampanga, Luzon, Philippines, February 4, 2017, talk entitled, “The Future of Education is Now: Is Your Pedagogy Stuck in the Past”.

  • Invited Speaker - EduTECH Conference and Expo - "Beyond the comfort zone: Who is best placed to drive innovation culture in an HE setting?"​

    EduTECH - Terrapinn

    Invited speaker talk entitled - Beyond the comfort zone: Who is best placed to drive innovation culture in an HE setting? I covered the following aspects of ed tech innovation in Japanese Higher Ed and how Japan is under performing in this arena.

    • Where and how decisions are taken in the institution - who should be driving change?
    • Aligning decision-making structure with the strategic objectives
    • Being competent in communication, consultation, clarity and openness.
    • Driving…

    Invited speaker talk entitled - Beyond the comfort zone: Who is best placed to drive innovation culture in an HE setting? I covered the following aspects of ed tech innovation in Japanese Higher Ed and how Japan is under performing in this arena.

    • Where and how decisions are taken in the institution - who should be driving change?
    • Aligning decision-making structure with the strategic objectives
    • Being competent in communication, consultation, clarity and openness.
    • Driving predictable, efficient and inclusive decisions

  • Featured Speaker - "Making Innovative Mindsets" - workshop, JALT PanSig Innovations in Education Conference

    JALT PanSig Innovations in Education Conference Committee / TokyoJALT (sponsor)

    JALT PanSIG Conference, Featured Speaker Workshop, ”Making Innovative Mindsets”, Meio University, Okinawa, Japan, May 21, 2016. I was a featured speaker (sponsored by TokyoJALT) at JALT's PanSIG conference giving a workshop on how to develop creative, critical, and lateral thinking potential in people.

  • Invited Speaker - Apple ADE Meet Up 2015, “iMovie for Creativity with 21st Century Learners” Workshop

    Apple Distinguished Educator Program

    Apple ADE Meet Up 2015, “iMovie for Creativity with 21st Century Learners” Workshop, Apple Japan Headquarters, Roppongi, Tokyo, November 28 - 29, 2015. I built on the work I was doing with my students at Hosei University (and earlier work with other students elsewhere) as they were making iMovie presentations at that time.

  • Invited Speaker - Pink Cow Connections Presentations - Business Networking Meetup, “Google For Work and Business”

    West Tokyo GEG (Google Educator Group)

    Pink Cow Connections Presentations - Business Networking Meetup, “Google For Work and Business”, Pink Cow, Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan, October 13, 2015. I gave a presentation on how businesses can profit from 'Going Google'.

  • Invited Speaker - “Creativity and Motivation in Japanese Higher Education Students”

    The Japan Association of Private Universities and Colleges

    I was invited by The Japan Association of Private Universities and Colleges to give a talk at their annual conference on active learning. So I gave a presentaiton entitled, “Creativity and Motivation in Japanese Higher Education Students” at the Hanky Hotel, Osaka, Japan, August 28, 2015.

  • Future of Learning Institute - Individually Invited Attendee

    Harvard University's Graduate School of Education

    I was selected as one of the few individual attendees for the Future of Learning Institute at Harvard University's Graduate School of Education on July 27 - 31, 2015. Most attendees are part of a group from the same educational workplace, very few are individuals. So I was lucky enough to be selected and the experience at Harvard being surrounded by very creative and talented people was fantastic.

  • Invited Speaker for Oxford University Press Round Table Discussion at Japan Association for Language Teaching's Computer Aided Language Learning Conference

    Japan Association for Language Teaching - Computer Aided Language Learning Special Interest Group

    I was one of three speakers chosen for Oxford University Press's Round Table Discussion at the JALTCALL, ‘Language Learning Technologies & Learner Autonomy’ conference at Kyushu Sangyo
    University in Fukuoka, Japan - June 7, 2015.

  • Plenary Presenter - "Creativity, innovation, and 21st century literacies as a path to student academic autonomy"

    Japan Association for Language Teaching - Computer Aided Language Learning Special Interest Group

    I gave the plenary presentation at the annual JALT CALL presentation on June 7, 2015. The title and abstract are below and it is online here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EudFOYTeZDw&feature=youtu.be.

  • Selected for an ICU International Exchange Endowment Grant to attend and present at 21st Century Learning conference at Hong Kong Exhibition Centre 2014

    International Christian University

    I was selected for an ICU International Exchange Endowment Grant to attend and present twice at 21st Century Learning conference at Hong Kong Exhibition Centre 2014. My sessions were entitled, “EMP: Educational Multimedia Projects” and “Multimedia Usage & Creative Commons Licensing”.

  • Selected for an ICU Faculty Development Grant to attend and present at Learning 2.0 conference at NIST in Bangkok

    International Christian University

    I was selected for an ICU Faculty Development Grant to attend and present at Learning 2.0 conference in Bangkok. My presentation was entitled, “Putting the Present in Presentations with 21st Century Style Presentations” at NIST International School in Bangkok on October 2 - 4, 2014.

  • Google Certified Innovator (previously Google Certified Teacher award) - Award Winner

    Google Education Divison / EdTech team

    Google Innovators are ambassadors for change and are charged by Google with empowering other educators and students in their educational workplaces. I won the award in December 2013 when it was still called the Google Certified Teacher award. So I attended 2 days of amazing hands-on professional development at Google's London HQ on December 3 - 4.

  • Selected for a Faculty Development Grant from ICU to attend Google Boot Camp Training @ Hong Kong International School

    International Christian University

    I won a Faculty Development grant to attend the Google Boot Camp Training Course on June 6 - 7, 2013 to help prepare for the Google Educator exams and Google Training exams. It was a great experience to be surrounded by other committed and forward thinking educators.

  • Apple Distinguished Educator - Award Winner

    Apple Distinguished Educators Program

    The Most Innovative Educators in the world. This is how Apple welcomed Apple Distinguished Educators (ADEs) to the Institute in Bali in March 23 - 29, 2013, when I won admittance to this select group of amazingly talented educators. ADE's are part of a global community of education leaders recognized for doing amazing things with Apple technology in and out of the classroom. They explore new ideas, seek new paths, and embrace new opportunities. That includes working with each other — and with…

    The Most Innovative Educators in the world. This is how Apple welcomed Apple Distinguished Educators (ADEs) to the Institute in Bali in March 23 - 29, 2013, when I won admittance to this select group of amazingly talented educators. ADE's are part of a global community of education leaders recognized for doing amazing things with Apple technology in and out of the classroom. They explore new ideas, seek new paths, and embrace new opportunities. That includes working with each other — and with Apple — to bring the freshest, most innovative ideas to students everywhere. ADEs work closely with Apple to lead innovation in education. ADEs advise Apple on integrating technology into learning environments — and share their expertise with other educators and policy makers. They author original content about their work. They advocate the use of Apple products that help engage students in new ways. And they are ambassadors of innovation, participating in and presenting at education events around the world. Being part of the ADE community is much more than an honor — it’s an opportunity to make a difference. There are now more than 2,000 ADEs worldwide, from the United States to China, New Zealand to Turkey. And they gather every year at ADE Institutes and education events around the world as well as online in the ADE community to collaborate on solutions to the global education challenges of today and tomorrow.

  • Selected to Present at TEDxTokyoTeachers - “E.M.P. – Educational Multimedia Projects”

    TEDxTokyoTeachers ‘Staying Curious' event @ Tokyo International School

    I was selected to give a presentation entitled “E.M.P. – Educational Multimedia Projects” for TEDxTokyoTeachers at their ‘Staying Curious' event @ Tokyo International School, Tokyo, Japan - March 1, 2013. A video of my presentation is available on the TEDxTalks YouTube channel here -

  • Invited Speaker - “The Wonders of Web 2.0: Digital and Information Literacy as Emancipatory Agents in the 21st Century”

    Shantou University's Center for International Studies, ‘New Directions in Global Studies in the 21st Century’ Symposium, @ Shantou University, Shantou, China

    I was an invited to give a presentation entitled, “The Wonders of Web 2.0: Digital and Information Literacy as Emancipatory Agents in the 21st Century”, for the ‘New Directions in Global Studies in the 21st Century’ Symposium, @ Shantou University, Shantou, China, in November – December 2012. This presentation built on the work I was doing with my post graduate students in my thesis writing class at the University of Tokyo.

  • Selected for a Faculty Development Grant from ICU to attend iWork and iLife Training Course

    International Christian University

    I was selected for a Faculty Development Grant from ICU to attend iWork and iLife Training Course @ Splice Computer Training Center, Toronto, Canada in November 2010.

  • Selected for a Faculty Development Grant from ICU to attend Zotero Trainers Course


    I was selected for a Faculty Development Grant from ICU to attend Zotero Trainers Course @ University of Washington, US in February 2010.

  • Won Monbusho Doctoral Research Scholarship


    I was a winner of the Monbusho Doctoral Research Scholarship @ Waseda University, Tokyo,
    Japan in 2001.

  • Won Monbusho Postgraduate Research Scholarship


    I was a winner of the Monbusho Postgraduate Research Scholarship @ Waseda University, Tokyo,
    Japan in April 2000

  • Won Daiwa Japan Foundation Research Grant

    Daiwa Japan Foundation (UK)

    I was a winner of the Daiwa Japan Foundation Research Grant in London, UK in November 1999.


  • English


  • Japanese



  • Royal Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) - Japan Fellows Network

    Executive Team Core Member and SNS & Technology Advisor

    – 現在

    At the (RSA) - Japan Fellows Network: I was an Executive Team Core Member and SNS & Technology Advisor from 2017 - 2020, and a member of the Board of Directors (Marketing) from 2020 onwards.

  • Google Certified Trainers


    – 現在

    I am a member of the Google CT group and give over 12 training sessions each year to maintain my status.

  • Google Certified Innovators


    – 現在

    I am a member of the Google CI group and have presented for Google at a number of EDU focused events.

  • Apple Distinguished Educators


    – 現在

    I am a member of the Apple ADE group and was also the moderator of the History and Social Science forum from 2014-2015.

  • Royal Asiatic Society (RAS) of Great Britain and Ireland


    – 現在

    Elected as a Fellow in Oct 2010.

  • Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)

    Member of Technical Advisory Committee

    I was in the Business Communication (BizCom), Computer Aided Language Learning (CALL), Mixed, Augmented and Virtual Realities (MAVR), and Mind, Brain and Education (MBE) Special Interest Groups. In addition, I was a Member of the Technical Advisory Committee (2018 - 2021), and the Technical Advisory and Support Committee (2021 - 2022).

  • Google Educators Group - West Tokyo

    Leader & Forum Moderator

    We were the first GEG in Japan and had almost 200 members before the group was mothballed in 2020 due to most Leaders moving away from Tokyo.

  • Asia Association for Global Studies

    Director, Treasurer & Webmaster (previously President, VP, Conference Chair)

    I was: Director from 2015 - 2020, President from 2010-2015, VP from 2009-2010, Acting Treasurer from 2010-2013, Webmaster from 2013 - 2020, and Conference Chair or Co-Chair from 2011-2020.




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