



We are a strategic holding company that invests in AI and other technologies for the betterment of humanity.


The SoftBank Group is a global technology player that aspires to drive the Information Revolution. The SoftBank Group is comprised of the holding company SoftBank Group Corp. (TOKYO: 9984) and its global portfolio of companies, which includes advanced telecommunications, Internet services, AI, smart robotics, IoT and clean energy technology providers. In September 2016, Arm Limited, the world's leading semiconductor IP company, joined the SoftBank Group. SoftBank Group Corp. is investing in the SoftBank Vision Fund, which is deploying up to $100 billion in committed capital to support the global businesses and technologies that the SoftBank Vision Fund believes will enable the next stage of the Information Revolution.

社員 201-500名




  • ソフトバンクグループの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    "Try hard, have fun" is at the core of our values and DNA at the SoftBank Group, a mentality that propels us to keep growing for the next 300 years. Amongst the #values that guide the Group is to always question the status quo and to continue taking on new #challenges without fear of failure. Over the years, we have faced many challenges, but our resolve to build a more connected, empowered, and joyful world by accelerating human progress through technology remains undeterred. The 5 key values that drive all employees are: No.1, Challenge, Reverse Planning, Speed, and Tenacity. These values are our compass, guiding our actions and helping us thrive in an ever-changing business environment. Together, they empower us to surmount any challenge we face. Check out more on our core values here: https://lnkd.in/gaj6zduN

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  • ソフトバンクグループの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    In uncertain times, building a workplace culture of support and mentorship is paramount. Data from SoftBank Investment Advisers’ annual CHRO survey showed that manager effectiveness is the top area of focus in 2024. Companies are rolling out programs like coaching scenarios and discussion groups on how to handle difficult conversations. Plus, professional growth takes center stage with employees expecting opportunities to learn and develop internally. Read our full story that features people leaders making changes for healthier and more productive work environments. https://lnkd.in/gsB9dtzN

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  • ソフトバンクグループの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    True contentment with one’s own achievements cannot be found in monetary value. Chairman & CEO of SoftBank Group Corp., Masayoshi Son, has told the story of this realization numerous times. Read on for more insight! When Masayoshi Son was 25 years old, he was told by doctors that he had just 5 years left to live, based on a diagnosis of chronic hepatitis. During his hospital stay, all he could think about was the happiness of the people, “if I could see the smiles on the faces of my family, employees, and customers, if little kids in a faraway country, a total stranger, whose name I do not even know, could be happy and thankful because of the SoftBank Group’s actions, regardless of whether they knew of the SoftBank Group or not, that would make me truly content.” It was then that he resolved to devote his life to those thoughts, the method for actualization being the driving of the Information Revolution. This unchanging conviction is encapsulated in our philosophy, Information Revolution—Happiness for everyone. Through our business, we strive to bring emotional meaning and happiness to lives and in everything we do, we aim to drive the Information Revolution to build a more connected, empowered, and joyful world. You can learn more about what the Information Revolution means to us at the following page: https://lnkd.in/g6dGSY4k

  • ソフトバンクグループの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    SoftBank Group Corp. Chairman & CEO Masayoshi Son’s Strategic Thinking Framework that provides a guiding principle for many of his decisions was strongly inspired by the teachings from historical figures. Son developed his framework in his mid-twenties, integrating Lanchester’s Law, his interpretation of Sun Tzu's teachings, and insights from over 30 books along with his own ideas. The framework consists of 25 focus areas categorized into five overarching levels: Philosophy, Vision, Strategy, Leadership, and Tactics. Each focus area represents a unique teaching, collectively covering all aspects of company management. Follow for more insights on each focus area.

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  • ソフトバンクグループの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    Did you know that nine years ago, in July 2015, we, SoftBank Group Corp. underwent a name change? In order to clearly identify our role as a holding company driving future global development, we changed our name from SoftBank Corp. to SoftBank Group Corp (TYO: 9984). At the same time, our #Japan-based #telecommunications subsidiary also changed its name from SoftBank Mobile Corp. to SoftBank Corp. (TYO: 9434), following a merger of major #telecom subsidiaries in April 2015. Follow us for more key milestones in our #history. The complete history of the SoftBank Group can also be found here on our website: https://lnkd.in/g_p-PkTi

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  • ソフトバンクグループの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    Arm is crucial to the progression of #AI and the realization of ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence). Watch the short soundbite from our AGM to discover why Arm is indispensable to the AI revolution. Follow the link to watch SoftBank Group Corp. Chairman & CEO Masayoshi Son's full keynote presentation from our AGM and access all related materials: https://lnkd.in/gPSYE4Mt

  • ソフトバンクグループの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    Mapbox, a SoftBank Vision Fund-backed digital mapping and #navigation startup founded in 2010, has experienced remarkable success. Despite facing industry giants, Mapbox has achieved significant milestones. Today, its #technology is utilized by 40% of Fortune 500 companies, with over 4 million registered developers using its APIs and SDKs. Mapbox's technologies impact 700 million monthly active users and are integrated into over 45,000 mobile apps. The company has positioned itself as a formidable player in multiple fields from navigation, autonomous vehicles, and #logistics to #AI. Click on the images to see what other startups can learn from Mapbox's success and follow the link for more on Mapbox's story: https://lnkd.in/gvDf3443

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  • ソフトバンクグループの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    A company's #philosophy can describe in just a few words a company's #why. Our philosophy of "Information Revolution — Happiness for everyone" means building a more connected, empowered, and joyful world through the Information Revolution. This philosophy is one of the key foundation blocks of our “SoftBank Next 30-Year Vision” announced by SoftBank Group Corp. Chairman & CEO Masayoshi Son in 2010. When developing the Next 30-Year Vision, we asked every group employee about their vision for the company. We got an overwhelming number of responses related to “contributing to the #happiness of people”. But in order to make people happy, it’s important also to understand what makes people sad. When we put the question to the general public, loneliness seemed to be one of the saddest things in life. However, the happiest thing in life was connecting with something or someone. By driving the Information Revolution to build a more connected, empowered, and joyful world for everyone, the SoftBank Group hopes to deliver to the world more experiences that are rooted in connection. Check our website for a deep-dive into “SoftBank Next 30-Year Vision”: https://lnkd.in/ghiMkufk

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  • ソフトバンクグループの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    "AI chips are essential to this ASI world. Of course, Arm cannot do it alone. We will do it in partnership with many others. We do not have to go at it alone. I hope we can achieve our goal together with like-minded people." SoftBank Group Corp. Chairman & CEO Masayoshi Son - 44th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Our history is one of partnerships and collaborating with others to achieve a common #goal. The journey to achieving our mission - making #ASI a reality - is no exception. With Arm at the center, we are currently working with a number of industry leaders, cutting-edge #robotics companies, and startups to accelerate the #AI revolution. Find out more here: https://lnkd.in/gYBaxZUv

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  • ソフトバンクグループの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    SoftBank Group Corp.'s shareholder value (Net Asset Value, "NAV") increased by JPY20 trillion over the past year, as of June 20, 2024. This can largely be attributed to Arm's growth. In his keynote presentation at this year's AGM, SoftBank Group Corp. Chairman & CEO Masayoshi Son emphasized, "Our history is one of evolution and multiplication." This principle of constant evolution and expansion has been the cornerstone of our strategy, driving both growth and increased shareholder value. By continuously evolving our #businessmodel, we have created unique businesses and then strategically sold them. From acquisitions and starting new businesses to forming strategic partnerships, we have anticipated key turning points in the Information Revolution, ensuring consistent #growth. In recent years, in anticipation of the rapid advancement of #AI, we have further evolved our business model through the creation of the Vision Funds and our investments in AI-related businesses. Arm continues to be at the center of our AI-focused #strategy, proving increasingly vital to the progress of the AI revolution. Watch the short animation to see how the composition of our NAV has evolved and shareholder value has increased over the years. You can find the full materials from our AGM here: https://lnkd.in/gggwHHrK




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