USiena Press

USiena Press, Siena University open access publications, is a tool for disseminating the university’s research, teaching and third-mission activities.

The first record of the University of Siena dates to 1240. It is not only one of the world’s oldest universities, with a rich history and tradition, but also one of the Italian universities most committed to innovation in research, teaching and services.

The University of Siena was a secular institution right from the start, in a context that was particularly attentive to dissemination, so much so that in 1309 the Commune translated the Costituto, its collection of regulations, in the vernacular so that it could be understood even by those who did not know Latin.

As a publicly funded institution, in its strategic plan the University of Siena has identified open access as a key objective for the dissemination of knowledge, in line with national and international recommendations and strategies.

USiena Press is designed following the Diamond OA model, an academic publication model in which journals and platforms do not require payment from authors or readers, with the aim of increasing the dissemination of the University’s scientific production and research results – especially those of young researchers – providing support tools for teaching, promoting third mission and social impact initiatives.

(photo): The Rector’s Palace is the heart of the University of Siena