Category: Uncategorized

Biden’s Voldemortian Theory of Privilege: The President Whose Voice Must Not Be Heard

Below is my column in The Hill on the curious claim of executive privilege over the audiotape from President Joe Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur.  It is the first time that I know of where the content of a presidential conversation was treated as unprivileged but the audio of the conversation claimed as privileged. It is also an invocation on answering questions about alleged criminal acts committed while a private citizen. It is, in my view, entirely without merit but Attorney General Merrick Garland appears more interested in running out the clock than prevailing on the claim.

Here is the column: Continue reading “Biden’s Voldemortian Theory of Privilege: The President Whose Voice Must Not Be Heard”

Majority of Northwestern’s Anti-Semitism Task Force Members Resign Over Deal With Protesters

The backlash over the settlement of Northwestern University with pro-Palestinian protesters continues to mount. In a letter acquired by The Daily Northwestern,  seven out of 11 members of the “President’s Advisory Committee on Preventing Antisemitism and Hate” resigned this week in protest. Continue reading “Majority of Northwestern’s Anti-Semitism Task Force Members Resign Over Deal With Protesters”

Court to Decide Trump Contempt Sanction Including Objection to Use of Turley Quotation

C-Span/YouTube Screenshot

I will confess that there are at times a level of contempt expressed in my columns. However, today will be the first time that a column becomes a legal matter for contempt. Among the ten postings by former president Donald Trump being raised by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg in his contempt sanction is the use of a quotation from one of my columns. Continue reading “Court to Decide Trump Contempt Sanction Including Objection to Use of Turley Quotation”

“#arrestme”: JK Rowling Dares Scotland to Enforce Anti-Free Speech Law

We have previously discussed the growing anti-free speech movement in Scotland with the expanding criminalization of political and religious speech. The new Scottish law is a perfect nightmare for free speech, expanding the potential of a jail sentence for merely insulting language. In response, author JK Rowling has taken a stand and dared the Scottish police to come and arrest her for criticizing transgender status. Continue reading ““#arrestme”: JK Rowling Dares Scotland to Enforce Anti-Free Speech Law”

RES IPSA HITS 80,000,000

crowd vj dayThis morning, Res Ipsa passed the 80,000,000 mark in views on the blog.  We have used these moments to give thanks for our many regular readers around the world and share our traffic data to give you an idea of the current profile of readers around the world. We do not have a running data page so these periodic postings allow our community to see the traffic profile of our blog. Because of the growth of the blog, we have gone from million to five million view markers. So let’s get at it. Continue reading “RES IPSA HITS 80,000,000”

From Riot to Insurrection to Terrorism: January 6th Continues to be a Tragedy in the Eye of the Beholder

For years, I have maintained that January 6th was a disgraceful riot but not an insurrection. That issue came to a head with the litigation over disqualifying former president Donald Trump and similar calls to block dozens of Republican incumbents from ballots. Now, the protest that became a riot has been elevated from an insurrection to a terrorist attack.  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and other democrats are using the description despite no one being charged with insurrection or terrorism. Continue reading “From Riot to Insurrection to Terrorism: January 6th Continues to be a Tragedy in the Eye of the Beholder”

Willis v. Willis: Fulton County District Attorney Goes Head to Head with Her Prior Self in Trump Case

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has finally broken her silence with CNN. Willis insisted that she has done nothing wrong while declaring that “the train is coming” for Donald Trump. On this occasion, CNN can be excused for not having an opposing view. Willis circa 2020 denounced Willis circa 2024. Continue reading “Willis v. Willis: Fulton County District Attorney Goes Head to Head with Her Prior Self in Trump Case”

The “Unassailable” Theory Faces a Potential Unanimous Rejection

This week, the argument before the Supreme Court in Trump v. Anderson captivated the nation as the justices considered the disqualification of former President Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot. For some of us, the argument brought back vivid memories of covering Bush v. Gore almost 25 years ago. While one justice (Clarence Thomas) remains on the Court, the last major intervention of the Court into a close presidential election is a matter of distant history. Continue reading “The “Unassailable” Theory Faces a Potential Unanimous Rejection”

State of the Blog: The Record Year of 2023 on Res Ipsa

We often use the end of the year to do a quick review of the state of the blog. In 2023, the blog had another record year in traffic. We will soon pass our 78,000,000 view mark and our community continues to grow rapidly around the world.  As a mark of that growth, we are now staggering our periodic updates that used to occur with each new millionth marker since we are now surpassing a million such views on average in less than a month.

Continue reading “State of the Blog: The Record Year of 2023 on Res Ipsa”


Happy New Year to everyone on our blog! We rang in 2024 at home in Virginia after returning from Chicago for Christmas.  New Year’s Eve is also my wedding anniversary. Twenty-six years ago,  Leslie and I eloped in Old Town Alexandria after dating eight years. (We used my high school ring to seal the deal). Once again, we will celebrate two anniversary dates. I count the anniversary as our 34rd while Leslie insists on counting this year as our 26th anniversary.  (She takes a purely contractual calculation in going by the date on the marriage certificate while I apply a relational calculation). We toasted our anniversary and the New Year (as we did 26 years ago and every year since) with a bottle of Schramsburg Cremant. Continue reading “HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!”

Mouse Hunt: Disney Dissenters Move to Secure Two Seats on Board

We have been discussing the Disney’s recent acknowledgment that its political and social agenda has hurt profits at the company. In recent filings, the company agreed that there has been a “misalignment with public and consumer tastes and preferences,” including “consumers’ perceptions of our position on matters of public interest, including our efforts to achieve certain of our environmental and social goals.” There are also major disagreements over strategic financial decisions made by the company. Some shareholders appear eager for a change — and a challenge to CEO Bob Iger. Continue reading “Mouse Hunt: Disney Dissenters Move to Secure Two Seats on Board”

Forty Percent of Baltimore’s Public Schools Do Not Have a Single Student Proficient in Math

I have previously written about the near total meltdown of our public education system in some major cities. Prominent in these discussions has been Baltimore, which continues to fail inner city children in teaching the most basic subjects. This week, that failure is on full display with a report that forty percent of Baltimore’s schools lack a single student who has achieved grade-level proficiency in math.  In various cities, the response of administrators has often been to lower the standards to continue to move kids out of the system without the skills needed to thrive in this economy. Continue reading “Forty Percent of Baltimore’s Public Schools Do Not Have a Single Student Proficient in Math”