Category: Society

Here is an Excerpt From The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage

The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage is about to hit the shelves around the country. The pre-ordered copies of the first edition will be mailed in days with a formal release date of June 18th. I wanted to thank everyone who has pre-ordered the book and the generous comments of reviewers.

The book has been 30 years in the making. The book explores our struggle with free speech and why we continue to grapple with the meaning of this core, defining right. It does so in part through the stories of courageous figures who refused to yield to the demands of others to be silent, even at the risk of their own lives. The book seeks to reexamine the essence of this right and how, after a brief moment of clarity at our founding, we abandoned its true foundation as a natural or autonomous right. Many agree with Justice Louis Brandeis that free speech is indispensable but not why it is indispensable. That lack of proper foundation has left the right vulnerable to continual tradeoffs and contractions, particularly in what is now arguably the most dangerous anti-free speech period in our history.

Here is an excerpt from the book for those interested in obtaining a copy:

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Hopping Mad: Easter Becomes the Latest Flash Point in American Politics

It often seems like there is nothing left today that is not a battleground over our political and social differences. We can now add Easter. The Biden White House triggered a firestorm by picking Good Friday to announce that Easter Sunday will now be the “Transgender Day of Visibility.” At the same time, families objected to regulations on Easter egg designs, barring children from including any religious imagery or references on this religious holiday.  There are even objections to the use of eggs at the annual White House egg roll.

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Washington Post Reporter Dismisses Shoplifting Stories as the “Panic” of “a Sticky-Fingered Nation Built on Stolen Land”

Washington Post writer Maura Judkis is under fire this week for a column in which she mocks shoplifting stories as the “moral panic” of a nation built on “stolen land.” It is reminiscent of those who excused rioting in past summers “as an expression of power” and demanded that the media refer to looters as “protesters.” Now, the Washington Post is suggesting that it may be just desserts for a nation of colonizers and enslavers. Continue reading “Washington Post Reporter Dismisses Shoplifting Stories as the “Panic” of “a Sticky-Fingered Nation Built on Stolen Land””

What’s the Beef with “Cultivated Meat”? Florida Moves Toward Putting Cattle Before Capitalism

Florida this month may be forcing the question of whether the people prefer cattle or capitalism. A bill in the state would ban lab-grown meat, an effort supported by beef suppliers who want to slow the production and demand for the alternative product. The alleged “ethical and health concerns” remain speculative and unclear. As Adam Smith noted “this is one of those cases in which the imagination is baffled by the facts.”

Continue reading “What’s the Beef with “Cultivated Meat”? Florida Moves Toward Putting Cattle Before Capitalism”

“A Short Time Ago in a Galaxy Not So Far Away”… Disney was Sued by an Actress over Free Speech

We have been covering the backlash against Disney over its social and political agenda as well as the recent loss in its fight against the state of Florida. Now the company is facing a new lawsuit supported by Elon Musk that alleges that it fired actress Gina Carano over conservative views expressed on X. The complaint below makes some interesting comparisons in how liberals have been allowed to make analogous statements in the House of Mouse while conservatives are given the chop. Continue reading ““A Short Time Ago in a Galaxy Not So Far Away”… Disney was Sued by an Actress over Free Speech”

Open Borders and Closed Courts: How the Supreme Court Laid the Seeds for the Immigration Crisis

Below is my column in The Hill on the worsening situation at the Southern border and how the Supreme Court laid the seeds for this crisis over a decade ago. The courts have left few options for either the states or Congress in compelling the enforcement of federal law.

Here is the column: Continue reading “Open Borders and Closed Courts: How the Supreme Court Laid the Seeds for the Immigration Crisis”

Florida Moves to Bar Transgender Identity on Driver’s Licenses

Sample Florida License

A move by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles could present a long-awaited test case on transgender identity.  The Department is  reportedly moving to bar people from listing their transgender identity for their gender on Florida driver’s licenses. The rule could be challenged and force a court to rule on the constitutional protections afforded to sexual identity. Continue reading “Florida Moves to Bar Transgender Identity on Driver’s Licenses”

California’s New Reparations Legislation Would Restore Affirmative Action in Education

The California legislature is now moving toward implementing a series of reparation proposals after years of debate. The bills notably do not include the most talked about item: financial reparations. After years of batting around figures as high as $5 million per recipient, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) recently balked at the cost. It is not clear if voters will see this as a bait-and-switch given the building expectation of huge cash awards. However, buried in one of the items in the slew of benefits for African-Americans is the restoration of affirmative action in education. Continue reading “California’s New Reparations Legislation Would Restore Affirmative Action in Education”

The President Who Stares at Goats: The Biden Administration Struggles with Minds over Markets

In Jon Ronson’s book “Men Who Stare at Goats,” one member of a wacky new Age, unconventional warfare unit explains,  “we are trying to make the world a better place by having people jump around, screaming ‘Hoo-ah!'”

The book (and later hilarious movie) came to mind this week as various Biden Administration efforts to shape the market (and consumer choices) have collided with economic reality. President Biden looks more and more like the President who stares at goats trying to prove the power of mind over markets. Continue reading “The President Who Stares at Goats: The Biden Administration Struggles with Minds over Markets”

Battle Bots: Robotic “Companions” Are Testing the Scope of Privacy and Sexual Freedom

Below is my column in The Hill on the legal and legislative actions taken with regard to increasing numbers of robotic “companions” around the world. The resulting debate is testing the limits of privacy and sexual freedom.

Here is the column:

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“I am Become Death, the Destroyer of [Movies]”: Critic Denounces Oppenheimer as a Return to “Macho Dad Movies”

Continue reading ““I am Become Death, the Destroyer of [Movies]”: Critic Denounces Oppenheimer as a Return to “Macho Dad Movies””

MSNBC Hosts Denounce White Christians as Racist and Pledge to Censor Trump After Iowa Win

In an early glimpse of what to expect from coverage of this election, MSNBC and CNN hosts went into full rage mode with the Iowa caucus results.  MSNBC host Joy Reid led this effort by declaring that “White Christians” are racists who want minorities to “bow down” to them. Continue reading “MSNBC Hosts Denounce White Christians as Racist and Pledge to Censor Trump After Iowa Win”

Disney Loses Position as Top Grossing Film Company as Board Struggle Heats Up

We have been discussing the shareholder revolt in some companies over social and political agendas that are suppressing profits at companies like Disney and BudLight. Recently, Disney admitted that it was driving away consumers with its controversial positions and Disney CEO Bob Iger has indicated that he wants to return to selling products and not social reforms. With Disney films cratering and the company losing its position as the top grossing film company, shareholders are threatening to take action. Continue reading “Disney Loses Position as Top Grossing Film Company as Board Struggle Heats Up”