Antifa Radicals Elected to the French and European Parliaments

For many years, I have testified and written about Antifa and its growing anti-free speech philosophy. Some Democratic leaders have embraced this violent movement, which continues to gain strength on campuses and its cities across the nation. It is also a global movement. That is reflected in the alarming election of Antifa candidates to the French National Assembly as well as the European Parliament.  That is quite an accomplishment for a movement that President Joe Biden dismissed as “just an idea.”

As discussed in my new book, “The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage,” I explore the history of Antifa as a movement that began in Germany:

“Antifa originated with European anarchist and Marxist groups from the 1920s, particularly Antifaschistische Aktion, a Communist group from the Weimar Republic before World War II. Its name resulted from the shortening of the German word antifaschistisch. In the United States, the modern movement emerged through the Anti- Racist Action (ARA) groups, which were dominated by anarchists and Marxists. It has an association with the anarchist organization Love and Rage, which was founded by former Trotsky and Marxist followers as well as offshoots like Mexico’s Amor Y Rabia. The oldest U.S. group is likely the Rose City Antifa (RCA) in Portland, Oregon, which would become the center of violent riots during the Trump years. The anarchist roots of the group give it the same organizational profile as such groups in the early twentieth century with uncertain leadership and undefined structures.”

Despite the denial of its existence by figures like Rep. Jerry Nadler (D., N.Y.), I have long written and spoken about the threat of Antifa to free speech on our campuses and in our communities. This includes testimony before Congress on Antifa’s central role in the anti-free speech movement nationally.

As I have previously written, it has long been the “Keyser Söze” of the anti-free speech movement, a loosely aligned group that employs measures to avoid easy detection or association.  Yet, FBI Director Chris Wray has repeatedly pushed back on the denials of Antifa’s work or violence. In one hearing, Wray stated “And we have quite a number” — and “Antifa is a real thing. It’s not a fiction.”

We have continued to follow the attacks and arrests of Antifa followers across the country, including attacks on journalists.

Some Democrats have played a dangerous game in supporting or excusing the work of Antifa. Former Democratic National Committee deputy chair Keith Ellison, now the Minnesota attorney general, once said Antifa would “strike fear in the heart” of Trump. This was after Antifa had been involved in numerous acts of violence and its website was banned in Germany.

Ellison’s son, Minneapolis City Council member Jeremiah Ellison, declared his allegiance to Antifa in the heat of the protests this summer. During a prior hearing, Democratic senators refused to clearly denounce Antifa and falsely suggested that the far right was the primary cause of recent violence. Likewise, Joe Biden has dismissed objections to Antifa as just “an idea.”

It is at its base a movement at war with free speech, defining the right itself as a tool of oppression. That purpose is evident in what is called the “bible” of the Antifa movement: Rutgers Professor Mark Bray’s Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook.

Bray emphasizes the struggle of the movement against free speech: “At the heart of the anti-fascist outlook is a rejection of the classical liberal phrase that says, ‘I disapprove of what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.’”

Bray admits that “most Americans in Antifa have been anarchists or antiauthoritarian communists…  From that standpoint, ‘free speech’ as such is merely a bourgeois fantasy unworthy of consideration.”

The movement continues to take hold among parties on the left. An Antifa leader who is on France’s national security watchlist was elected to the National Assembly as a member of the New Popular Front leftist bloc.  Raphaël Arnault will represent Vaucluse in Provence in the French parliament after winning with 54.98 per cent of the vote, according to Le Figaro.

French President Emmanuel Macron and his moderate party worked with the New Popular Front in a power deal to defeat conservatives. Antifa was part of that front.

In Italy, Ilaria Salis, a school teacher by trade from Milan, Italy, has been elected to the European Parliament despite being arrested in 2023 in Budapest for allegedly taking part in the organized attack by Antifa on attendees of an event commemorating the anniversary of the siege of the Buda castle by the Soviet forces in 1945. Salis’ far-left green alliance Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra (AVS) succeeded in securing the seat with the backing of far-left Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s La France Insoumise (LFI) party — a member of the New Popular Front alliance.

These two milestones were secured only with the help of mainstream parties and leaders who continue to delude themselves about Antifa and its true agenda. While convenient allies now to win elections, these same leaders could soon find themselves the next reactionaries denounced by these same radical groups as they gain greater power.

197 thoughts on “Antifa Radicals Elected to the French and European Parliaments”

  1. ” While convenient allies now to win demoncrats some elections and vengeance ”

    The asylum is now dangerous and the demoncrats love it, projecting beyond all imagination, lying through their teeth and giggling like little girls when “the right” gets attacked injured deplatformed silenced shadowbanned demonetized elections stolen emplyment stripped companies shuttered dogs shot cars keyed threatened at their homes by mobs etc etc etc etc

    One part of this nation is still serious, the sick perverted foreigner hate the USA global world disorder tyranny on transformation part, commonly known as the demoncratic seed, utterly incompatible with a representative republic as many of our Founders pointed out.

    At some point those whistling in the wind and ducking away will find it has become so serious they have nowhere to hide, then the blood comes, since nipping it in the bud like we used to do has been adandoned.

  2. Turley probably doesn’t even know how the French government is organized. Their populace voted, let the chips fall and possibly educate yourself on dual parlimentary structures.

    This “article” is nothing but scaremongering, which is all Turley is capable of – for many years now.

  3. “Had AA [Weimar Germany’s Antifa] and its allies been successful perhaps the murder of 6 million Jews could have been prevented and the loss of 35 to 85 million in WWII.”

    That’s like claiming: If only the Crips had beaten the Bloods, there’d be peace in the neighborhood.

    AA was (and still is) a communist organization. In Weimar Germany, it answered to Stalin. It was “anti-fascist” in the same way that the Crips are anti-Bloods. If AA had been successful in Weimar Germany, there would have been purges, forced famines, a slave state — just as there was for decades under communist Russia.

    Today, Antifa still worships dictatorial rule and open, wanton violence as the means to that end. It is Stalinist.

    P.S. Please do not try to assert that AA then, and Antifa today, are *not* communist. They proudly proclaimed then, and do today, that they in fact are.

    1. What about the 8 million Germans massacred after the surrender ? Anyone care about those people ?
      That’s two million more than the highest fraud number of the you know what.

  4. Je m’excuse for testing but I have the Blood of Charlemagne, so I shall not do the slinking around as an unnamed person:

    1. OH! I must be doing the login each time! No, there is the Save My Name! I must do that.

    1. Yes, but every escalation of the war risks a similar escalation by Russia.

      The odds of Putin “going nuclear” are small. But the consequences would be globally disasterous.

    2. Or they could just meet in a third party nation, agree to a cease fire, hammer out a peace deal and end the war.
      Kinda like they did in Istanbul in the spring of 2022.
      But then Biden squashed the deal.

      1. But that would violate international law, where Ukraine’s borders are already defined, and set a dangerous precedent which facilitates more land grabs in the future by other dictators, undermining the entire point of the United Nations.

  5. A difference between Ukrainian and Palestinian civilians is that
    Ukrainians didn’t celebrate the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York.
    Ukrainians don’t support a terrorist organization or pass out candy to children in celebration of successful terrorist attacks.
    Don’t expect sympathy from America if you think that “Death to America!” is a catchy slogan.
    Thank you for letting me put this matter to rest.

  6. Jonathan: Oops! One of my loyal followers pointed out that I forgot to sign in when posting my comment yesterday (@7:26 pm). Correctly noted because I don’t want any confusion.

    That said, John Say responded to my comment by saying “I do not accept you as a reliable source” (7/9/24@10:41). For John’s benefit he should know my comments are all based on impeccable reliable sources. My previous comment was based on an article by NBC News yesterday by Zoe Richards. the article provides a link to the 9th Circuit “Judicial Conduct and Disability Complaint Number 22-90121” (7/8/24) that details the complaints against former Judge Kindred. John should read the judicial conduct report before shooting from the hip–which he often does.

    But John doesn’t let facts get in the way. He engages in “whataboutism”–what about “the number of left wing judges and politicians who have engaged in similar conduct?” he asks. OK, John, here is your chance. Confining ourselves to judges, point out any “left wing judge” who has been forced to resign due to sexual harassment complaints by clerks of the judge–similar to those filed against Kindred. Please provide your “reliable source”. Come on John, put up or….

    1. How reliable was your source that said that “AR-15s ruin the meat”?

      How reliable was your source that said that “the ideal athlete is 6’2” and 175 lbs”?

      How reliable was your source that said that “the House doesnt have the votes for an impeachment inquiry”?

      How reliable was your source that said that “Fat guys cant play golf”?

      Shall i go on, Dennis?

      I have a whole list, but we’ll await your answer for these first.

      I suspect you will play the coward and run away again.

    2. ‘Dennis’, as the person who saw that you didn’t sign in yesterday
      calling me one of your ‘loyal followers’ is just another of your countless lies.
      If that was just sarcasm it fell flat as your other comments always do.
      Your ‘impeccable reliable sources’ are so bad you get called out every time you post.
      I pointed out your regular whataboutism and now you’re accusing others of it.
      Like Gigi being told she writes like she’s mentally ill. Her next comments accused others of the same.
      Other people here have asked you many questions many times,
      but you mostly just avoid them (unless spreading more BS).
      The main thing you accomplish being here is showing others to NOT be on Your Team.

    3. “For John’s benefit he should know my comments are all based on impeccable reliable sources. My previous comment was based on an article by NBC News yesterday by Zoe Richards”
      The MSM is not a reliable source – much less an impeccable reliable source.

      Do I have to list the myriads of news stories that have ultimate proven to be false ?
      The democratic party is in the midst of a crisis at the moment because the media has for more than 4 years echoed the idiocy that Joe Biden was not cognitively impaired. This would be the same media that told us that Trump colluded with Russia, Joe cooperated with the FBI and NARA – when in fact he KNEW he illegally possessed classified documents for Decades and when movers discovered some while moving his Biden Center material and reported it to lawyers it took almost 9 months to notify NARA and the FBI – delaying long enough to get past the 2022 election.
      This is the same media that told us that the Hunter Biden laptop was “Russian disinfomation”, that Trump was not spied on.
      Must I go on and on with the LIES the MSM has reported.

      NO the MSM is NOT an impeccable source.

      “the article provides a link to the 9th Circuit “Judicial Conduct and Disability Complaint Number 22-90121” (7/8/24) that details the complaints against former Judge Kindred. John should read the judicial conduct report before shooting from the hip–which he often does.”
      Why should I read something that you provide absolutely no reference to or link to ?

      While I addressed your claims regarding Kindred for the most past as if they were true – I have no intention of defending the conduct ALLEGED.

      At the same time – With good reason I am highly skeptical of allegations made by you. I am nearly as skeptical of claims made by your “impeccable sources.
      I do not know specifically about Zoe Richards but the vast majority of the MSM have openly admitted that they nop longer see it as their job to neutrally report facts, but to advance their political agenda. That by definition makes them unreliable.

      Next you cite a Judical complaint – which AGAIN is not a reliable source – a Complaint is the arguments of ONE side in a case. A complaint is advocacy for the party making the complaint. Complaint are often True. But they are far from always true.

      In your post you alleged that there were also findings – but you still have not provided those. Findings by a credible court carry more weight than MSM reporters or complaints. But Findings – especially today fall far short of proof of anything. John Eastman lost at every level of review in California, until he reached the highest court of review – either the 9th circuit or the CA supreme court where the complaint was dismissed as meritless.

      Further as you are well aware – because you carp on it repeated – Multiple courts in Manhattan have found improper conduct of one kind or another by Trump. Lawyers, prosecutors, Judges, Juries.
      And yet the most important jury of all – the people either finds those decisions in error, or “muach ado about nothing”

      We have seen the left weaponize the legal system – and particularly complaints against judges and lawyers.
      So no – even a finding by a judicial review board all to often falls short of credible.

      “But John doesn’t let facts get in the way. He engages in “whataboutism”–what about “the number of left wing judges and politicians who have engaged in similar conduct?” he asks. OK, John, here is your chance. Confining ourselves to judges, point out any “left wing judge” who has been forced to resign due to sexual harassment complaints by clerks of the judge–similar to those filed against Kindred. Please provide your “reliable source”. Come on John, put up or….”
      Right off the top of my head – Supreme court Justice Abe Fortas – while that was not sexual harrassment – it was based on allegations of misconduct.

      Regardless if you had read my response you would be aware that several Democrat members of the Pennsylvania Supreme court were forced to resign when sexually inappropriate emails were made public.

      Other Democrat Judges actually convicted of crimes, Judge Joe Brown,
      Mark Ciavarella, Michael Conahan convicted in “Kids for Cash”
      Robert Frederick Collins – a carter appointee
      Tracie Hunter
      Menis Ketchum
      Rolf Larsen
      Thomas J. Maloney
      Lance Mason – murder
      Walter Nixon – perjury

    4. Reports of sexual harassment by judges are so commonplace that a decade ago the US Supreme court office of court administration started independently tracking them and provides a yearly report.

      Again I have no idea of the truth regarding Kindred – you are so unreliable that I am not automatically willing to accept that Judge Kindred exists, that the reporter you claim reported on him exists, that the complaint you claim exists.

      It is likely – as is typical that your post contains SOME factually correct elements – Like MTG’s post on the age of signers of the declaration. But also like her post it cantains spin and errors.

      But the most important problem is that even if the facts you allege are 100% true – the argument that you have made is total fallacy.

      You can not argue from the alleged fact that a republican judge made inapproriate remarks to his clerks to generalizations about republicans or Trump or the Federalist society – it is logical error plain and simple.
      It is a huge non sequiitur.

      But you CAN argue from the Fact that Joe Biden is non-compis mentis and has obviously been for many years – according to Hurr back to 2016, and that this has been reported – though not by the MSM and has been publicly observable and captured on video FOR YEARS, that YOU, the left, the MSM, Democrats have been LYING to the american people about Biden’s competence.

      And you can argue that people – like you who tell deliberate lies – for YEARS, or who buy the obvious lies of others – and not inconsequential errors like your MTG posts – but real lies over matters of REAL CONSEQUENCE,
      That those who are repeatedly caught doing that – should not be trusted.

      Is that your Zoe Richards ? I do not know, but I am long past trusting MSM journalist and so is much of the country.
      Is that NBC ? Absolutely.

      You constantly rant about Fox – which frankly I see very little of. Do I think Fox is inherently trustworthy – Absolutely not.
      Do I think they are more trustworthy than CNN, MSNBC, NYT or Wapo on anything political – absolutely.

      Regardless, as I have said over and over, there are a number of independent Journalists that have established a reputation for trustworthy reporting – and THOSE are sources I trust. Though even their – while I Trust them for Facts, I recognize that they come with their own Biases. I have listed Barri Weis and Alan Derschowitz among those I trust. At the same time I EXPECT that BOTH of them even though they will get the facts right – will spin things to favor Israel as an example. That does not mean I absolutely reject them. Only that I am aware of their biases and when those biases will unconsciously spin their reporting and arguments.

      You are not even aware of your own spin and biases. You rant about MTG while ignoring far more consequential errors – often outright lies by Schiff or Swallwell or Warner or any of a very long list of democrats.

      Sen Schumers public threats to supreme court justices in front of the supreme court were immoral, unethical and wrong.
      They were also constitutionally protected free speech.
      You are completely incapable of understanding that the first amendment necessarily protects spin, lies, misrepresentation, disinformation – except in a very few limited instances.
      Conversely Trump’s remarks at the elipses were not only constitutionally protected free speech – even more so than Schumers, but were NOT threats – and most specifically did not target specific people, were not immoral or unethical, and were not wrong.

      Regardless the response for bad speech is more speech.

      You are free to vote against MTG – if you are in her district – for any reason that you want. You can do so because you do not like the way she dresses or the color of her hair. But you are not entitled to FORCE others to do as you do.
      Nor deprive them of the information to make up their own minds.

      MTG represents District 14 in GA – the voters in that district chose her.
      AOC represents District 14 in NY – the voters in that district chose her.

      The later has a lower IQ than the former, and gets facts wrong far more frequently, and outright lies constantly.
      But it is up to the voters in their respective districts who they will vote for.

      As judicial misconduct goes – what you allege regarding Kindred – while sufficient for his resignation, is not that uncommon, nor is what you have alleged criminal.

      Your source claims that Kindred FORCED a clerk to have sex with him. Did he PHYSICALLY rape her ? Did he threaten her with violence ? If not then you are abusing the word FORCE.

      My Wife clerked for a federal judge. He was nasty, abusive, and demanded lots of things far outside of the duties of a Judicial clerk.
      Ultimately he made a demand that was immoral, unethical and illegal (as well as actually unconstitutional).
      My Wife did a very difficult thing – the right thing. She quit. When you say you FORCED someone to do something – that means used REAL FORCE or the Threat of real force. It does not mean you overtly or implied threatened something that was within your power, that was not theirs by right – such as their job.

      I would note that Judge Merchan and Judge enmoron used actual force – their power as judges to infringe on the first amendment rights of Trump – that is actually a crime – the infringement of rights under color of law.

      I do not know the truth about Kindred. You remain the source. and you are not trustworthy.
      But if he actually did exactly the things you claim – without spin or distortion, then if he resigned – that is appropriate.

      I would further note that the alleged conduct – if true says absolutely nothing about his decisions as a judge.

      Alex Kozinski who was a major feeder judge of clerks to the Supreme court, a supreme court prospect himself,
      and an incredible jurist, also resigned over claims of inapproiate remarks to female clerks.

      But it is typical for you to reason from some totally unrelated claim to whatever is your prefered political position.

      It is also typical for you and those on the left to conflate character assassination with argument.

      It is relevant that Joe Biden is non compis mentis because he is the president of the united states and the only person constitutionally allowed to weild the executive power of the united states, and he is unable to decide how to get to a podium or off a stage. Further not only his incompetence but that of the democratic party as a whole is evident from the long string of failures of his administration.

  7. If Russia can attack a Ukrainian childrens’ hospital, then it is only fair that Ukraine can fire missiles at the Kremlin and Putin’s palace.

  8. “In America you will stay out of prison even if you make planes that fall out of the sky, crash the economy w/ mortgage backed securities, and pay off doctors to flood the country with addictive pain pills.

    But if you ignore a congressional subpoena from the fake J6 committee or are an old lady praying outside an abortion clinic, you get frog marched to the gulag.” @rachelbovard

    Jul 9, 2024



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