“Our Finest Hour”: Democratic Insiders Support “Blitz Primary” After Blocking Primary Competition

A proposal is circulating in Washington to dump President Joe Biden and hold a “blitz primary” to choose a replacement. The proposal is the work of Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown University law professor who worked in the Obama and Clinton administrations, and Ted Dintersmith, a venture capitalist and education philanthropist. The proposal is gaining support with party insiders and repeats the hyperbolic claim that this is essential to avoid a “democracy-ending defeat.” It is disappointing to see a law professor repeating this unfounded alarmist claim. Yet, the most glaring contradiction is found in the stated desire to give delegates a choice after the party worked to prevent any choice for voters in state primaries.

The authors promise an “uplifting” path in which candidates would pledge not to attack each other. They would then have a few weeks as named celebrities like Oprah and Taylor Swift would moderate discussions. Delegates would then use ranked voting before the August 19th convention.

The authors proclaim that “we can limp to shameful, avoidable democracy-ending defeat. Or Democrats can make this Our Finest Hour. While we hope for help from Lord Almighty, the Lord helps those who help themselves.”

One wrinkle is that Biden himself spent Sunday pledging again that he is not stepping aside. He also continued his penchant for bizarre statements like stating that “even when I was running for Senate, each time I ran – quite frankly, not a joke – Philadelphia, in particularly, got me across the line. No, I’m not joking. No, I mean it, seriously. Organizationally and in terms of fundraising, the whole deal.”

Either Biden was confessing to using Pennsylvania votes to win elections in Delaware or he was hopelessly confused. Seriously.

The “finest hour” for the party is coming a bit late given the concerted effort of the Democratic establishment to strip away opposing candidates from ballots and crush anyone offering an alternative to Biden. At the same time, both the press and pundits attacked those who raised the President’s infirmity, including calling unedited videos “cheap fakes.”

For the last year, Democratic secretaries of state were trying to remove Trump from 2024 ballots and Democratic leaders in Florida, North Carolina and other states were refusing to allow other candidates to run against Biden in their primaries. For those voters, the primary might have seemed like a “democracy ending” election.

At the same time, the Democratic establishment opposed any debate where Biden’s infirmities might have been observed when there was still time for voters to make another choice. They did so even though every poll showed the majority of Democratic voters thought Biden was too old and wanted an alternative choice. (Notably, I also favored a debate in the GOP primary. While Trump did not participate in any debate, he was widely available for media questions and pressers).

Now, after quashing opposing candidates when the public would have had a chance to make a state-by-state choice, insiders are calling for an “uplifting” blitz election by the party establishment and activists.

I am still curious how this will work. Donors gave money to the Biden-Harris ticket. That money would now have to be used for different candidates. Absent a formal acceptance to the alternative slate, it could raise tough questions under federal election laws. Likewise, the DNC is coming up on a number of states with drop-dead dates for ballot changes. Finally, there is the rather awkward problem of a President who is still very much alive and running.

As Biden objects over and over again that he will not step aside, Brooks and Dintersmith are already planning his political eulogy where Biden would be celebrated as a “modern-day George Washington.”

Once again, the Democratic Party seems to be channeling Monty Python in planning for a departure of a president who does not want to go.

249 thoughts on ““Our Finest Hour”: Democratic Insiders Support “Blitz Primary” After Blocking Primary Competition”

  1. Please, please, please don’t tell me that (Un)Democrat(ic) Party grandees are going to find a way to shove Hillary Clinton down everyone’s throats as their unelected nominee.


  2. If we are using celebrities to monitor discussion do they expect anyone to take these talks seriously? Celebrities are not a part of any political process as described in the constitution or any other rule of law. Is this a joke?

  3. “A proposal is circulating in Washington . . .”

    Altering the terms of an election at the 11th hour. Haven’t we seen that before?

  4. Slowly but surely, the Democrat party’s decision makers are turning more formerly Democrat-leaning voters into either GOP voters, or into non-voters.




  5. What’s In A Name?

    The Essence Of Whoever


    Trolls delight in contriving puppet handles.

    Ordinary names, and names that fascinate.

    Here at Puppet Watch, we know every type.


    A California-based non-profit


      Pre-Dawn Edition, Tues. July 9

      For the columns “Our Finest Hour– And, “A Death Squad– recent trends continue more pronounced.

      Floyd Estovir keeps using Green Anonymous as his most aggressive vehicle. While the names Floyd and Estovir are curiously rare.

      On “Our Finest Hour–, Floyd Estovir’s green anonymous posted almost 20 times. Upstate Farmer posted 7, Old Man From Kansas 5, and Thinkthrough 4.

      This configuration helps illustrate the troll’s regular playbook. As green anonymous he functions as both Floyd and Estovir; ‘ornery, in-your face provocateurs’.

      Then for balance Upstate Farmer, Old Man From Kansas and Thinkthrough come across as reasonable adults.

      Yet the antics of green anonymous keep us from noticing that Upstate, Old Man and Thinkthrough are all decidedly beige; no one in particular but very informative.

      Morning puppet Margot Ballhere plays the ‘smart cookie’; a woman not easily fooled. Jaelynn Unafraid is that same character by evening.

      But how many real women would use Margot ‘Ballhere’ as their handle? None..!! No prostitute would be that crude. Ballhere is an insult to women. That’s Floyd Estovir.

      Even Whimsical Mama is convoluted. The jolly fat lady, perhaps. Laughs at stupid liberals. A defiant, mocking laugh. The kind liberals hate!

      This week might see the return of Waters as leading puppet paired with sidekick Traveler. Waters inadvertently turned into Floyd the week before last when confronted by a real commenter.

      Waters was kept off-stage for several days until we’d forget. But now he might come back as though nothing happened. So he and Traveler can lead the fight. Floyd Estovir likes that buddy concept.


      A California-based non-profit




  6. Somebody help me out here with linde vs freed and qualified immunity. Was all barretts lindke vs freed dicta? Or are injunctions viable ? Under 1983 for state actor prior restraint? Yet is prior restraint – cabininning content as the conduct-cussing is an art form able via criminal? Hence the gosh bad prior restraint? After all. It’s the color of law?

  7. Either way there’s an effort to institute WEF education goals here. Reimagine and Remake Education, one way or another. 🙁

  8. Does anyone else feel we’re living in an up-side down world?! How can all this madness be happening and when will it end?

    1. The madness is happening because TPTB want it to. They have a “catching crawdads”, “everything, everywhere, all at once” propaganda/psyop campaign going. It will end when they want it to end.

      It will take a miracle to open enough eyes to the mess we all are swimming in.

      1. When Congress votes for term limits . . . in other words, “NEVER!”

        It’s going to take a lot more than a majority vote in Congress to enact term limits.

        Which should lead most sentient people to conclude that anyone promising they will work to legislate term limits is a grifter as well as a phony, treating their audience as uneducated useful idiots.

        Would LOVE to see some form of term limits come into force. But then, I’d also love to see choosing Senators returned from popular vote to the original format: chosen by their State.

        I doubt ever is going to happen. We collectively probably are as dumb as they treat us as being.

  9. I have heard the Democrats say they want to save “democracy”. From what and how they say it, I do not believe their use of the word conforms to any dictionary definition so far. When they say “democracy”, they really mean “Democrat-acy”, which means any public office that the Democrats hold or want to hold. They want a one party rule…their party.

    1. They are helping to “catch crawdads”.

      “They want a one party rule…their party”…their statist, corporatist Uniparty.

  10. Joe Biden is on video (a) bragging about offering a quid pro quo to a Ukrainian prosecutor to stop investigating a company in which his son (and thus he, the big guy who gets 10%) had a financial interest, and (b) stating he will commit the worst act of industrial sabotage in history (and release the most carbon into the atmosphere of any event in history) – destruction of Nordstream. Why is that not disqualifying?

  11. This was the plan all along. Party bosses and the “donor class” plan to dump Biden but didn’t want messy primaries where people like RFK Junior or Tulsi Gabbard could start talking about things like the Ukraine fiasco, israeli genocide, lab origins of Covid, release of JFK assassination records etc. etc.

    So the un-Democratic Party invented fake primaries that the bosses control. So disgusting.

    1. So you want to not be involved in Ukraine but want to make demands of and micro-manage Israel. Is it your stupidity or your hatred of Jews that is your guiding light?

  12. In the city of the Dem convention (Chicago, also the professor’s home town), at least 120 people were shot over the holiday weekend, 19 of whom died. Most or all of the guns used were handguns, not so-called assault rifles.

    1. Wait, were those handguns responsible for those deaths?

      Also, I thought Chicago had strict gun laws…

  13. Niether Oprah Winfrey nor Taylor Swift should moderate any debate. I don’t think any celebrity whose opinion can sway millions of people should tell anyone how to vote.

    If Taylor Swift told the Swifts to vote for Joe Biden, that man would likely stay in office for no other reason than Taylor deemed it so. I wish Taylor Swift would expend her energy in teaching young male and female music artists the business side of making music, rather than just tell everyone to vote Democrat, no matter the consequence to the country.

    Everyone has the right of free speech, including Taylor Swift. I just think that before someone with that kind of power tries to influence an election, they consider the consequences of using that power carefully. People like Bill Maher, Elon Musk, and Russell Brand argue politics on camera, and make their case, but they can’t just point their finger and tell half a billion worldwide followers that they have chosen a successor to the throne, I mean White House, and to vote for that person if they live in the US, or pressure others to vote for that person if they don’t live in the US. Taylor Swift could just point at the candidate she chose, without having to explain or convince anyone.

    1. Karen S,
      Ya know, that, Swift telling her . . . Swifties, to vote for Biden and he were to win, is the ONLY way this election could get anymore bizzarr.
      Could you imagine how that would look in history books?

      1. Upstate – Maybe then her ex’es would then form an organization to counter her public statements, Taylor Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

  14. The Democrat Party won’t have to worry about election law. Election law is their weapon, not their foe. Dinesh D’Souza went to prison for organizing a couple of friends to exceed campaign contribution limits, which is normally a fine, while Democrat donors like Rosie O’Donnell, who contributed under multiple different spellings of her name, faced no such consequences.

    DA Alvin Bragg essentially created his own election law, and applied it retroactively, by claiming Donald Trump’s bookkeeper should have entered an NDA as a campaign contribution to Trump’s own campaign, rather than a legal expense. He netted 37 felonies out of that. Obviously, this won’t be applied to Joe Biden for the money he spent denying Hunter Biden’s laptop was real or that he was in cognitive decline. I doubt every dime he spent on those schemes were entered as campaign contributions to himself.

  15. When I first heard the Philadelphia remark, I just assumed Philly and Delaware were contiguous at some point not obvious. Turns out they sort of are so let’s cut Biden some slack. Let’s forget his silly remarks and just concentrate on the claim of no service people dying on his watch, of being first to offer Medicare beneficiaries $35 insulin*, of securing the border, of saving Ukraine** from destruction, and all the other outright falsehoods he parrots endlessly
    *This whole Medicare insulin thing is malarkey. Only 4% of people on Medicare use insulin and only 1/4 of them (1% of all of the people on Medicare) have had to pay anything or much for it because of George Bush’s 2006 SS/EH LIS program and SPAPs; those relatively few that did have to pay were rich by Medicare beneficiary standards and could choose Part D riders if desired. Then Trump put the $35 limit in place in 2020, effective 2021 (Biden does deserve credit for extending the $35 cap to Part B, but a very very small percent of the already small percent of people on Medicare who use and have to pay for insulin use Part B to get it)
    **The country deserves a long debate on this subject alone given that we are only one slurred incoherent Raytheon-written speech away from committing American service people into the Russian Civil War (special ops guys are assuredly already there)

  16. Miranda Devine

    New fake narrative forming: Joe Biden is loved and admired in the Democratic Party. Actually he’s always been a figure of fun because of his preposterous lies and venality. Put that in the Biden BS bucket with “decency”, “humility”, and “poorest man in Congress”.

    The condition of being susceptible to bribery or corruption.
    The use of a position of trust for dishonest gain.
    The quality or state of being venal, or purchasable; mercenariness; prostitution of talents, offices, or services, for money or reward.
    “the venality of a corrupt court; the venality of an official.”

    1: capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration : PURCHASABLE
    especially : open to corrupt influence and especially bribery : MERCENARY
    a venal legislator
    2: originating in, characterized by, or associated with corrupt bribery
    a venal arrangement with the police

    1. Crooked Joe Biden is a “political prostitute” whose family has been shamelessly running an illegal racketeering, bribery, money laundering crime syndicate.

      What happened to Comer’s impeachment inquiry? Where are the subpoenas? Indictments? Prison time?

  17. Senility/Dementia: what to make of the doddering old fool, his wife, any smattering of kin who reside temporarily at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC. Are they grafters, transients, thieves or disciples of the democratic parties’ hegemony? What do they offer for the future of America?

    A couple of quick quips from Jack Kerouac:
    “I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running from one falling star to another till I drop. This is the night, what it does to you. I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.”

    “I was surprised, as always be, how easy the act of leaving was, and how good it felt. The world was suddenly rich with possibility.”

  18. Latest Biden campaign slogan: Biden 2024! Make the White House a Nursing Home Again! 🙂

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