“Our Finest Hour”: Democratic Insiders Support “Blitz Primary” After Blocking Primary Competition

A proposal is circulating in Washington to dump President Joe Biden and hold a “blitz primary” to choose a replacement. The proposal is the work of Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown University law professor who worked in the Obama and Clinton administrations, and Ted Dintersmith, a venture capitalist and education philanthropist. The proposal is gaining support with party insiders and repeats the hyperbolic claim that this is essential to avoid a “democracy-ending defeat.” It is disappointing to see a law professor repeating this unfounded alarmist claim. Yet, the most glaring contradiction is found in the stated desire to give delegates a choice after the party worked to prevent any choice for voters in state primaries.

The authors promise an “uplifting” path in which candidates would pledge not to attack each other. They would then have a few weeks as named celebrities like Oprah and Taylor Swift would moderate discussions. Delegates would then use ranked voting before the August 19th convention.

The authors proclaim that “we can limp to shameful, avoidable democracy-ending defeat. Or Democrats can make this Our Finest Hour. While we hope for help from Lord Almighty, the Lord helps those who help themselves.”

One wrinkle is that Biden himself spent Sunday pledging again that he is not stepping aside. He also continued his penchant for bizarre statements like stating that “even when I was running for Senate, each time I ran – quite frankly, not a joke – Philadelphia, in particularly, got me across the line. No, I’m not joking. No, I mean it, seriously. Organizationally and in terms of fundraising, the whole deal.”

Either Biden was confessing to using Pennsylvania votes to win elections in Delaware or he was hopelessly confused. Seriously.

The “finest hour” for the party is coming a bit late given the concerted effort of the Democratic establishment to strip away opposing candidates from ballots and crush anyone offering an alternative to Biden. At the same time, both the press and pundits attacked those who raised the President’s infirmity, including calling unedited videos “cheap fakes.”

For the last year, Democratic secretaries of state were trying to remove Trump from 2024 ballots and Democratic leaders in Florida, North Carolina and other states were refusing to allow other candidates to run against Biden in their primaries. For those voters, the primary might have seemed like a “democracy ending” election.

At the same time, the Democratic establishment opposed any debate where Biden’s infirmities might have been observed when there was still time for voters to make another choice. They did so even though every poll showed the majority of Democratic voters thought Biden was too old and wanted an alternative choice. (Notably, I also favored a debate in the GOP primary. While Trump did not participate in any debate, he was widely available for media questions and pressers).

Now, after quashing opposing candidates when the public would have had a chance to make a state-by-state choice, insiders are calling for an “uplifting” blitz election by the party establishment and activists.

I am still curious how this will work. Donors gave money to the Biden-Harris ticket. That money would now have to be used for different candidates. Absent a formal acceptance to the alternative slate, it could raise tough questions under federal election laws. Likewise, the DNC is coming up on a number of states with drop-dead dates for ballot changes. Finally, there is the rather awkward problem of a President who is still very much alive and running.

As Biden objects over and over again that he will not step aside, Brooks and Dintersmith are already planning his political eulogy where Biden would be celebrated as a “modern-day George Washington.”

Once again, the Democratic Party seems to be channeling Monty Python in planning for a departure of a president who does not want to go.

249 thoughts on ““Our Finest Hour”: Democratic Insiders Support “Blitz Primary” After Blocking Primary Competition”

  1. Trump is urging Biden to stay in the race. He writes:

    Crooked Joe Biden should ignore his many critics and move forward, with alacrity and strength, with his powerful and far-reaching campaign. He should be sharp, precise and energetic, just like he was in The Debate, in selling his policies of Open Borders (where millions of people, including record numbers of Terrorists, are allowed to enter our Country, from prisons and mental institutions, totally unchecked and unvetted!), to Ending Social Security, Men playing in Women’s sports, High Taxes, High Interest Rates, encouraging a Woke Military, Uncontrollable Inflation, Record Setting Crime, Only Electric Vehicles, Subservience to China and other Countries, Endless Wars, putting America Last, losing our Dollar Based Standard, and so much more. Yes, Sleepy Joe should continue his campaign of American Destruction and, MAKE CHINA GREAT AGAIN!

    1. That’s hilarious. I would add, however, that we need to be clear that these policies do not lie only at the shuffling feet of Joe Biden. These are all Democrat Party mainstream policies – from the open border to anti-israel antisemitism.

      Replacing Joe Biden won’t solve these problems. I’m concerned that by focusing too much of the responsibility for our present dire straights on Joe Biden, and not enough on the entire Democrat Party, then simply replacing Joe Biden may still appeal to voters. With few exceptions, it doesn’t matter what Democrat runs for the president, as he or she will still promote the Democrat Party agenda that has led to open borders, 10 million illegal aliens in less than 4 years, kowtowing to China, and the massive increase in cost of groceries, electricity, and fuel.

      1. Spot on, Americans need to cut the head of the snake off that is responsible for promoting this despicable crap.

  2. Who or what continues to be the biggest threat(s) to “democracy” in July 2024? biden and his wife and family? the D party? the dyed-in-the-wool Ds who support whatever it takes to defeat DJTrump and his dupporters?

  3. Liberal America’s Reaction to the Trump Immunity Decision Was Unhinged As Usual

    ” Our democracy has been gravely wounded ”
    The Trump immunity decision says: a president CAN VIOLATE THE CRIMINAL LAW if he acts within his broadly defined “constitutional authority”
    Absurd and dangerous
    “There is no basis in the Constitution for this Court constructed…”
    Eric Holder (@EricHolder – https://x.com/EricHolder/status/1807794248894292203?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&mx=2) July 1, 2024

    By: Matt Vespa ~ July 01, 2024

    [Link] hugh.cdn.rumble.cloud/video/s8/2/c/3/B/N/c3BNs.caa.rec.mp4?u=wuwcz&b=0

    The Cover UP of Joe Biden’s Mental Decline Leads Straight to Kamala & They Want Her to Take Over (VIDEO)
    Kamala Harris let the plot to cover up Joe Biden’s mental decline and possibly even dementia. The number of times that she has claimed he is mentally fit is staggering.
    But now, with Joe Biden exposed, the left wants him gone. It appears they are turning their focus to Kamala Harris to lead the Democrat ticket for the race to the White House.
    By: Grant Stinchfield ~ Jul. 8, 2024
    [Link] thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/cover-up-joe-bidens-mental-decline-leads-straight/

    1. The One Question Facing Kamala Harris…and Why It Could Kill Any Talk of Her Replacing Biden
      For every glowing story about Kamala published, reality shows up days later to quash it. Democrats who want to boot Biden don’t have time on their side, so we’re seeing all these candidates get mentioned as potential replacements, with many not wanting to run now. Maybe in 2028, but hell to the no regarding this cycle.
      By: Matt Vespa ~ July 08, 2024

      Here’s What Whitmer Said About Potentially Being Biden’s Replacement
      Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) said in an interview that she doesn’t like being mentioned as a potential replacement for President Joe Biden.
      Whitmer made the remarks in an interview with the Associated Press. She stated that she would not run for president if Biden were to step down.
      By: Madeline Leesman ~ July 08, 2024

  4. How quickly the narrative shifted from disastrous policies producing massive inflation, open borders, foreign entanglements, illegal immigrant criminals and terrorists, etc. to the concern over Biden’s mental fitness for office. Allowing the Democratic party to control this debate as if the problem was simply Biden’s health status is as stupid as it gets. Whether Biden remains or is removed from the race will not and should not matter. Whoever the Democrats eventually end up with on the ticket will still be presiding over policies that are tearing this country apart.

    1. Yep. Anyone gloating over Biden’s Brain Problems
      is falling for distractions and taking their eyes off of
      the real issues going on in America and the world.

      1. Nope. MAGA media uses the tactic that if you keep repeating a lie, people will believe it. Joe Biden doesn’t have any “brain problem���.

        MAGAts keep harping that he does have a brain problem as a distraction away from Project 2025– wildly unpopular with the majority of Americans, so Trump lies about knowing the people who drafted it— many of whom were members of his administration and also denies anything about the Heritage Foundation , before which he has spoken.

        Notwithstanding his efforts to distance himself, the official Republican platform tracks key points of Project 2025, like the concentration camps, mass deportations, taking away protections from politics for civil servants, Presidential control over the FBI and DOJ, doing away with the Department of Education, cutting taxes for the wealthy (the platform doesn’t say how the budget shortfall will be covered, and due to backlash, it claims that Social Security and Medicare will be protected, but in an interview with Squawkbox, Trump said cuts to these programs would be on the table).

        Donald Trump’s dangerous policies are the biggest issue we face. His tariffs will drive up inflation.

        1. You lost ALL credibility with Biden doesn’t have any brain problems. He’s had an anuresym previously and is now suffering some sort of cognitive impairment. Why else would there be repeated visits by a neurologist to the Whitehouse? The rest from there on is more TDS liberal talking points. Trump will improve America for Americans, even you.

    2. The goal of the democratic party in 2024 was to make the election about Trump, not about issues.

      The worked very hard at that. They were successful until now at making the election but Trump.

      And they were STILL losing.

      The debate flipped the script. I am not sure why – the country saw the same joe Biden the rest of us have been watching for 4+ years.

      Regardless, after the debate the election is now about Biden – not polices and not Trump.

      Despite a few idiotic rants that somehow Republicans are driving this – as Democratic Donors, as Democratic leaders, as the MSM increasing Beg Biden to leave, this is a purely Democrat problem.

      It is a major lose-lose. The media is suddenly heavily invested in getting Biden out of the race.

      I do not know if that is possible – and mostly I do not care.

      Let those on the left f$%k this up on their own.

      Trump is MOSTLY wisely staying out of this – he still has to campaign, but he does not need to throw democrats a lifeline.

      He can focus on his message – though honestly all the air in the room is being occupied by the desparate efforts to get Biden out of the race.

      My guess is Biden is toast. His $195m would be huge 20 years ago. Today it is not enough to get to the convention, and increasingly the big money donors are saying no more. If that is the case – Biden can not continue.

      But that is a guess.

      My hope is that Biden holds on to power for as long as he possibly can. To the election if he can.

      Regardless there is not a good scenario for democrats. The focus is on them now. If they picked a new candidate tomorow – it would still take a long time to get them to rally round that candidate. And frankly all the contenders have enormous baggage and likely will do no better than Biden.

      But the longer this takes the worse things are for democrats

      And again – this is not a crisis about Biden – the whole democratic party is complicit in this. The MSM is complicit in this.
      These people have lost LOTS of credibility and it will take a long long time to regain it.

      1. John Say, why did Jay, Washington, and the Constitution require a “natural born citizen” when it is no different from “citizen” according to you?

        Answer:  Two citizen-parents, or at least a citizen-father, as opposed to merely birth on the soil, as Vattel clarified.

        1. My daughter is a citizen. She was born in China.
          My son is a citizen he was born in Korea.

          The constitution requires that to be president you must have been born on US soil – that is the obvious meaning of natural born citizen, and it is consistent with the rest of the language in the constitution.

          1. Citation please.

            Where does the Constitution require that “to be president you must have been born on US soil?”

            I see “natural born citizen” as a requirement for president and I see “citizen” required for lower offices.

            I see a distinct difference in understanding and usage between “natural born citizen” and “citizen.”

            You see what you want to see.

            I see that Jay, Washington, and the Constitution require a different and higher form of citizenship for the office of president.

            I see that Blackstone ultimately defaulted to the “father” in his definition of citizen related to the status of diplomats in foreign countries.

            1. “I see “natural born citizen” as a requirement for president”
              Correct. That is someone born in the US – i.e. NOT my children.
              The FACT that the constitution makes exception for US citizens at the time the constitution is ratified,
              makes that clear.

              ” and I see “citizen” required for lower offices.”
              Correct – my children can hold any office in the US except president and vice president.

              Your complex construction of natural born citizen – rather than the one that flows cleanly from the text of the constitution has the problem that it creates innumerable additional categories.

              Your own remarks that Blackstone constructed it as mean born of a citizen father emphasizes that.

              The constitution has two classes of citizens – naturalized and natural born.

              You have myriads. depending on the parentage of the person and even depending on the gender or the parent.

              A rule of constitutional and statutory construction is that when many possibilities work equally well,
              the simplest reading is the correct one.

              Blackstone BTW would only be marginally relevant – the ONE huge difference between the US and UK – then and now, is that the US has citizens. The UK has subjects. The US and UK concepts of citizenship are foundation-ally different.

              Though atleast Blackstone would be more relevant to the US constitution than Vattel. Rouseau was also very influential – including on our founders. But an argument based on Rouseau would have 100th the weight one based on Locke.

            2. “I see” is not the standard.

              You make good arguments., But all good arguments are not inherently correct.

              “I see that Jay, Washington, and the Constitution require a different and higher form of citizenship for the office of president.”

              They do. They require you to be born here, rather than naturalized.

              Jus soli – citizenship by birth. is nearly exclusive to the western hemishphere. It is near universal in the western hemisphere and near universally NOT in the rest of the world.

              Arguments about citizenship using european – even UK sources are inherently weak because europe and the UK do not have unrestricted birth right citizenship – very few places outside the western hemisphere do.

          2. Blackstone presumed the natural father was involved in the “natural born subject,” the father was understood in his writings.

            You would have a child born of illegal aliens on U.S. soil become president.

            1. “You would have a child born of illegal aliens on U.S. soil become president.”
              Yes, and so would the constitution.

              Birthright citizenship – while not without problems is one of several factors that Binds the people of this country together REGARDLESS of their heritage.

              I have problems with Democrats lawlessness on immigration.
              I do NOT have problems with something very close to open borders.

              BUT that is NOT the law we have.
              Until I can change immigration law to match what I believe it should be – we must enforce the law we have.

              Not because it is right, but because it is the law.

              Most of US history involved mass immigration. That posed then and would now many many problems.
              But on NET it was then and would now be wildly beneficial to the US.

              We have brought in 10-15M illegal immigrants under Biden.

              Some are criminals. Most are not. One of the largest groups is Venezuelans escaping socialism. Are these people grateful to Biden for letting them in illegally ? Certainly – and if they could they likely would vote for him.

              But there is also excellent evidence that like all other refugees from failed socialist countries – when they or their children get the opportunity to do so – they do NOT vote for more socialism.

              Many of these people have traveled thousands of miles by foot to get here.

              I have no sympathy for that.

              At the same time, that is absolutely what I want in future citizens. Not people whose most difficult choice in life is whether they are going to identify as a man or women.

              But I am not stupid. Large scale immigration is MASSIVELY net positive.

              NET – not in all ways. Mass immigration lowers our overall standard of living (simple math add more at the bottom and the media dropps)

              It is also a disaster for the least able of those citizens already here.

              Regardless, returning to your point – absolutely I have no problem with a child born in the US of illegal immigrants becoming president.

              They are likely to value this country more than those of us who take it for granted.

              1. John Say wrote:
                We have brought in 10-15M illegal immigrants under Biden. Some are criminals. Most are not.

                Most legal immigrants (there’s about a million new legal immigrants each year – meaning about 16 million since Obama/Biden threw the border wide open, 75% of whom are eligible for American citizenship and voting by now) would consider them to be criminals. Illegal Alien criminals from the moment they decided that the legal route was for suckers and who chose the cheaper and faster criminal route of just illegally entering the country. People like me also consider them to be criminals.

                But let’s give the recent Guest Democrat Voters (which doesn’t include the “gotaways” that have some reason for avoiding the Border Patrol and Homeland Security to get their bennies and entitlements) a pass because Obama and now Biden said it was okay for them to violate their oath and refuse to enforce existing immigration laws.

                Let’s have a little Coles Notes on crimes committed by illegal aliens that never get mentioned while talking about their violent crimes, people killed in drunk driving accidents and the rest of the sexy criminality.

                8 U.S.C. § 1325 (Improper Entry by Alien – if we don’t grant them the Obama/Biden pass):
                Where an illegal alien enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers. Yep, it’s a crime punishable by up to two years in jail as well as a fine. And civil penalties can be levied on top of that.

                8 U.S.C. § 1302 (Registration of Aliens):
                Federal law requires all aliens, including illegal aliens, to register their presence if they remain in the United States for 30 days or longer. A crime, punishable by both jail and a fine – and not subject to any statute of limitations.

                18 U.S.C. § 911 (False Personation of a U.S. Citizen):
                Illegal aliens presenting themselves as U.S. citizens. For example, an illegal alien claiming U.S. citizenship while applying for and/or after being employed. A felony,punishable by up to five years in jail.

                18 U.S.C. § 1001 (Fraud and False Statements):
                Illegal aliens making false statements to the government or on official documents submitted to purchase a firearm, obtain a driver’s license, benefits, employment, etc. An example would be completing and submitting the I-9 Employment Eligibility form or a form where required to purchase a firearm. A felony, punishable by both a fine and up to five years imprisonment.

                18 U.S.C. § 1028 (Fraud and Related Activity in Connection with Identification Documents, Authentication Features, and Information):
                Otherwise known as “false ID” as the most common criminal example of this. Simple possession is enough. A felony, with up to fifteen years in jail as the penalty.

                26 U.S.C. § 7203 (Willful Failure to File Return, Supply Information, or Pay Tax):
                If an illegal alien is earning an income rather than being a welfare parasite living off taxpayers, not filing tax returns, and not paying taxes, that is a crime for them just as it is for legal immigrants and Americans like the Bidens. Fines and jail…

                [sidebar: how many billions of untaxed dollars do Illegal Aliens send out of the US and the US economy each year, back to their home countries? Often while at the same time receiving taxpayer benefits and entitlements that they aren’t legally allowed to receive?]

                42 U.S.C. § 408 (Social Security Fraud):
                This offence occurs when an illegal alien provides a false Social Security number for the purpose of acquiring a job, to acquire a driver’s license, in order to obtain Section 8 housing, as just a few examples. A felony, punishable by both a fine and up to five years imprisonment, as well as the court possibly ordering restitution.

                50 U.S.C. App. 462(a) and 18 U.S.C. 3571(b)(3) (Refusing or Evading Selective Service Registration):
                Illegal aliens, male, between 18 and 26. A felony, punishable by five years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines.

                Legal immigrants are as always an enormous benefit to America. Illegal Aliens are a doom loop of criminality that is an exponential threat to the country, the economy, the rule of law, national security, and the very survival of the country.

          3. No, I don’t believe that is quite true. John Songbird McCain was son of two US citizens however he was born in Panama. His father was in the USN deployed to Panama SA at that time

        2. Vattel was dead at the time the declaration of independence was written. While there is little doubt that “the law of nations” was influential – even amoung american founders. That does NOT raise it to the level of English common law, Blacks, Locke, Hume, or other Scottish enlightenment authors, or the constitutions and laws of various colonies prior to writing the constitution.

          You are free to cite Vattel as an influence – undoubtedly he was. But he is NOT as a christian fundimentalist would say blessed with biblical authority. The law of nations is not the word of god. It is also not more than AN influence on our founders.

          I would further note that Vattel wrote in the world of subjects and sovereigns.

          The concept of a citizen not a subject was very nearly an american invention.
          One that changes everything.

          1. Research Vattel’s activities in the Colonies and the development of the Revolution and Constitution.

            1. Your the one trying to make the argument FOR Vattel’s interpretation, which is european not american.

              Regardless, I have not argued he was not an influence.
              Your the one trying to claim he is more than influential. That HIS defintion of a phrase is authoratitive with respect to the constitution.

            2. George – many europeans influenced the colonies and the constitution.

              Your vesting Vattels definition of a phrase in an area where the US and Europe have ALWAYS fundimentally been different, with more importance than Madison,

              And Madison himself is NOT sufficient to carry your argument

              We are increasingly seeing EXACTLY the type of argument you are making from the left as they attempt to persuade conservative justices with their own version of shallow original ism.
              Some case goes to the supreme court and the left offers a strained reading of Hamilton or some obscure puritan law that is supposed to force an originalist of decide in their favor – ignoring constitutional provisions in 10 of the colonies that contradict them.

              Your reaching.

              Your trying to use SOME European works on citizenship – which WAS and still is radically different between the US and Europe.

              A British passport will get you anywhere in the commonwealth – until it wont as those in Hong Kong found out.

              While if you are born in American Samoa, the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico – you are a US citizen.

              1. John Say wrote: A British passport will get you anywhere in the commonwealth – until it wont as those in Hong Kong found out. While if you are born in American Samoa, the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico – you are a US citizen.

                Not true – for Canada to our north at least. Canada is still accepting those passports from those who manage to get out to flee the ChiComs.

                As for those US territories… yes, also a US Citizen. Except of course, you don’t get to vote in federal elections. You can vote for party’s nominees BEFORE the election – but after that you’re done. Only DC gets that vote.

                The idea of “subject” is now one that is mostly one of semantics. While Commonwealth nations still continue using the Crown as the figurative head of state, and the term “subject”, no monarch has attempted to issue any order to their “subjects” since the 1600’s, when the last one attempting that was swiftly beheaded. The surviving kin were invited to fill the role of ceremonial head of state representing the will of the elected government as long as they behaved themselves. Which they have done since then for somewhere around 350 years.

                I am not sure, but I believe other European monarchies are much the same i.e. ceremonial head of state, but no say in the decisions of governance for their countries- their elected governments do that.

                The English monarchy essentially fills a somewhat similar role as we do with the Secretary of State that we replaced the monarchy with. And unlike our Heads of State like Clinton and now Blinken who run around involved in Machevellian chicanery often hidden from the other elected party and their oversight committees in the House and Senate, the English Monarchy fulfils their ceremonial role and stays out of politics.

                I often wonder how many Americans realize that they weren’t being oppressed by Evil King George? He was the ceremonial figurehead and nothing more. That the taxes, oppression and war they were suffered were visited on them and ordered by an elected representative government of their fellow Englishmen back home, elected in regular free elections.

                You would think that we would take warning from that while watching what the elected governments of Soviet Democrats ran by Obama and now Biden are doing to us.

        3. George on of the major points at which you and I part ways, is that fundimentally you read the constitution very close to the same way those on the left do. You reason from your conclusion to the text, and then try to buttress that claim.

          The constitution though pretty good is not perfect, and I have no problem arguing it is wrong when necessary.

          But right or wrong we follow it AS WRITTEN or we change it.

          We do not engage in elaborate and strained readings to bend it to our will.

          If Madison himself had written “The law of nations” that would be a strong argument for your position.
          But even that would NOT be sufficient, absent evdence that Madison’s reading of the constitution was broadly shared. by the majority at the time.

          Vattel (and others) are influences, they are rebutable arguments. They are not authoritative.

          Even Blacks is not authoritative – though it is incredibly powerful influence.

          Common law IS authoritative – as the constitution bound us to it.

          1. John Say, you’re being circuitous and disingenuous.

            John Jay, George Washington, the Framers, the Founders et al. understood that the president must meet the higher requirement of “natural born citizen” while congressmen/senators must only be “citizens.”

            The requirement is higher for president.


            Answer: Two parents who were citizens at the time of birth of the candidate as per Vattel’s definition and Blackstone’s “grasp” and “understanding” that natural born citizen includes a father, as Blackstone defaulted to in the case of diplomats on foreign soil.

        4. Confederate racist George, cosplaying as his fellow racist Lyin’ Biden, similarly repeatedly attempts his same old lies:
          Two citizen-parents, or at least a citizen-father, as opposed to merely birth on the soil, as Vattel clarified.

          1. George’s favorite Prussian, Vattel was NOT at the Constitutional Convention and he is NOT one of the Framers of that Convention.

          2. George can not refer to ANYWHERE in the near 700 pages of Madison’s Notes on the debates that took place where Vattel’s name appears anywhere remotely close to the Framers’ discussions of ‘natural born citizen. Because the Framers never once brought up his name while discussing this subject. Zip. Nada. Not even once.

          In short, George’s favorite Prussian Vattel didn’t clarify shit, nor is he authoritative in any discussion of ‘natural born citizen’.

          The reason George doesn’t read Madison’s Notes is that the debates and the resolution of those debates recorded in Madison’s Notes does not condemns George’s racist, Confederate view of America and history.

      2. The election IS about Trump— he is dangerously incompetent, proven by his failures the first time around and the mess he left behind. His tariffs will drive up inflation. He is a convicted criminal and pathological liar. His threats to pull aid to Ukraine and pull the US out of NATO increases the risk of a world war. His hunger for total control of the entire government would upset the balance of power our founders worked to create and that generations since have worked to preserve. He promised to use the power of the federal government to get revenge against his perceived enemies. No predecessor has ever done that. Trump is an unmitigated disaster and Republicans have forgotten their core values in order to fail lockstep into the Cult of Trump the biggest threat to democracy in our lifetimes.

        1. VelmaV’s Evil Twin Sister Gigi showed up for a tag team round of Soviet Democrat channelling and lies:
          The election IS about Trump— he is dangerously incompetent, proven by his failures the first time around and the mess he left behind. His tariffs will drive up inflation. He is a convicted criminal and pathological liar.

          Meanwhile the unindicted felon and pathological liar who assures the Evil Twin Sisters that he never met with his son’s Chicom customers nor ever spoke with them is now using the convicted felon that is his son, Daddy’s Cashier Formerly Known As The Crackhead Kid, as his primary advisor while serving as president. Hunter Biden of the Russia Election Disinformation Laptop is the smartest man The Big Guy knows… not Bolshevik Barack. Now how’s that for giving Barack a kick in the nuts… a teachable moment!

          Reality bites the Twin Bolshevik Bitches on Broomsticks: over 70% of registered voters say that the Unindicted Felon now serving as the Pedophile In Chief in the White House is so incompetent that he shouldn’t even be president right now – much less for another four years.

          It DOES help when you control the DoJ and their special counsels. They can make sure the the statute of limitations on your son’s most serious tax fraud charges run out rather than indictments being filed – meaning The Big Guy isn’t ensnared when his co-conspirator bagman son is prosecuted.

          It DOES help when the DoJ you control will coordinate with police state fascists in New York to indict Trump – while your DoJ’s Special Counsels at the same time say that you have a 40 year long record of felonies throughout your political career. BUT (as long as they can protect their boss The Big Guy) you will remain an Unindicted Felon because “reasonable people” would never convict you, just as “reasonable” prosecutors would not have indicted your fellow Soviet Democrat felon, Hillary Clinton.

          Channelling and lyin’ like a Biden… it’s all that the Soviet Democrat Bolshevik B****es On Broomsticks have.

  5. Elder Abuse indeed. When you have lost Michael Moore, the writing is on the wall.

    *** Michael Moore says it’s “elder abuse” to push Joe Biden to stay in race ***


    “Imagine that was your father up there. … Why isn’t anybody doing anything? Why did they do it? Why did they even let him go out on the stage in this condition? Who was looking out for him? Who’s looking out for him right now?” Moore exclaimed. Anyone with older family members, he said, has “seen the decline of the people we love as they get older. It’s normal. It happens.” “That’s not to say that somebody shouldn’t be able to be president at 81 — I don’t believe that,” he continued. “This is not an ageist attitude here,” the 70-year-old Academy Award winner said. “

  6. JT says ” It is disappointing to see a law professor repeating this unfounded alarmist claim.”

    The SC just said the President has immunity from “official” acts while in office. Where is that in the Constitution? Where? It is not there, nada, zip. This SC has said repeatedly that they only rule on things explicitly written in the Constitution and then interpret it only the eyes of the organists. Whatever that means. They made up an argument to save trump. Where in the Constitution or in any of the writings of 1776 to 1785 do they wish our elected President to be immune to the laws of this country?

    Yes, this SC has created the path for a new king/dictator to arise and trump has repeatedly said he wants to be a dictator.

    JT, you will not be the next AG under trump. Stop being an A hole.

    1. “JT, you will not be the next AG under Trump. Stop being an A hole.”

      The above is not a reply to JT’s points. I love how lefties love to name call when they have none.

      Remember we had to destroy the village in order to save it. Sound familiar?

      And if people who think like me (and there are millions) are so irredeemably wicked, lefties should be glad to for us to secede and be rid of us.

      Sc@@w “our democracy”


    2. Where is the right to privacy in the Constitution? Where is the right to a state-paid lawyer for indigent defendants in the Constitution? To use your phrase, they’re not in there, “nada, zip.” They’re not in there explicitly. But they are by implication.

      1. Kansas Elder, right to consul is in the 6th Amendment.
        For more, see the Wikipedia page.

        1. “see the Wikipedia page.”

          Well, that about sums up the good professor. He didn’t learn learn his lesson when he used Wikipoopia to learn about the Navy CoC.

          You’d think a learned scholar would want something more reliable to reference.

    3. This SC has said repeatedly that they only rule on things explicitly written in the Constitution

      Thank you for sharing your third grade understanding of the Supreme Court and its function.

      However please cite one time that anyone on this court ever said what you claim. Just once will do.

      A chance to prove you’re not an idiot.

    4. Where is presidential immunity in the constitution ? Right out in the open.
      The constitution gives the president a number of explicit powers. These are powers no one else has.
      Their excercise quite often violates criminal laws – federal laws, state laws, foreign laws.

      Pres. Obama directed the US military to kill Two US citizens.
      No Trial.
      No Due process.
      Flat out assassination/murder.

      Few spoke out against that. They were terrorists.

      But there is no exception in our criminal law that allows the murder of a terrorist.

      The hypothetical the left raises constantly is a president ordering seal team six to assassinate a political rival.
      While that is never going to happen, it is still hypothetically possible for the US president to order the assassination of a political rivial.

      Go to the book store – there are myriads of thrillers were Presidential candidates, political movement, Governors, etc. are in the US engaged in explicit acts of terrorism.

      Further in real life Presidents violate the law all the time.

      Biden has repeatedly attempted to release students from the obligation to pay off their student loans.

      That is theft. They owe the money, they must repay it.

      FDR ordered the incarceration of almost 100,000 americans of Japanese descent – citizens, without any legal basis.
      In many instances their property was stolen from them as a result.
      That was a crime.

      FDR was not charged or prosecuted.

      The FACT is the exercise of the power the constitution gives the president can result in the president ordering criminal acts.

      The supreme court got that correct, it is inevitably part of the constitution.
      The question is how to deal with it ?

      How do we distinguish the crimes the US president may commit for the benefit or the country based on the legitimate excercise of the powers that the constitution or congress delegated to the president, from those that are not legitimate ?

      That can not be done based on the law.

      It is heavily dependent on the facts and the circumstances.
      SCOTUS got that right.

      The mistake they made in their ruling was a power grab by the courts.
      The analysis of whether a presidents actions are out of line does NOT r4est with state or local prosecutors.
      It does NOT rest with Special Counsels or the DOJ
      It does NOT rest with the courts as Roberts found.

      That power constitutionally rests with congress.

      The first step to prosecuting a president for an allegedly criminal act committed while president is impeachment and removal – that IS clearly in the constitution.

      It is not for the courts to do factual analysis as to whether a presidents actions are prosecutable or not.
      That is up to congress.

  7. When Jill finally figures out the game is over and wants to screw over all Joe’s “gaslighters”. She should make a deal with Kamala. Have Joe resign, make her POTUS, and in return, Kamala will pardon the whole Biden Crime Family.

    1. And the evidence for said crimes is? Oh that’s right the evidence is in the boxes along with all the evidence of fraud from the 2020 election.

    2. If Joe is resigning why wouldn’t he just pardon his family on the way out? Of course that is what he is going to do, either now or after November.

  8. The dems should keep biden and replace carmella with someone like mrs butterworth from georgia.

      1. Not as racist as the people saying that they won’t vote for anyone except a black woman as joetard’s replacement or joetard himself saying he would only choose a black woman. And then there are the democrat racists that require these immutable characteristics be displayed in lieu of talent for their mouthbreathing lemming-folk voters. But yeah, carmella is kinda racist, but more funny

  9. Remember it only counts as “democracy” if the end result can be controlled and correct result occurs.

    Trump = not democracy

    Orban = not democracy

    Nigel Farage = not democracy

    Barack Obama a.k.a. “the messiah” = our hope and redeemer

    Joe Biden = saved us from the evil Donald Trump but he has to go now in order to save “democracy”

    S@@rew “our democracy “. I do not want to understand, dialog or reconcile with these people, I want a divorce.


  10. Joe says he’s not leaving. He’s in serious denial about his abilities. It’s dangerous for the country but the Dems don’t seem to care about that; damage to the party seems to be the only concern. And I’m not convinced that President Harris would be an improvement.

    I’m an independent and didn’t vote for either in 2020. I was surprised at what a good job Trump did until COVID. I had a relative with dementia and thought that Joe’s eyes looked similar in 2020, so I couldn’t vote for him then. He’s been a disaster since then.

    The lengths to which the Dems will go “to protect democracy” is horrifying. Their projections have been shocking — Trump might engage in lawfare if he wins. What have they been doing? It is ironic that Joe’s clinging to his office when the Dems had accused Trump of doing that in the future. It’s clear that Joe should have left due to incompetence. Trump is wise to remain silent while his enemy is making mistakes.

    The situation reminds me of the fable of the scorpion and the frog. The scorpion tries to talk the frog into giving him a ride across the river. The frog is afraid that the scorpion will sting him, but the scorpion convinces him that to do so would cause them both to drown. In the middle of the river, the scorpion stings the frog and says “you knew what I was before you agreed to give me a ride. It’s just my nature.”

    1. He knows if he leaves, his entire family is going to jail. When he loses that power over the deep state, it’s over. They will roll over faster than Stormy Daniels in one of her movies.

      1. No Biden’s are ever going to spend one night in jail.
        The Republicans in Congress won’t even send a subpoena first, and forgo the nicely worded invitation to testify.
        The evidence is there to slam Joe and all the Bidens with CRIMINAL CHARGES.
        Now they say they want to get the White House doctor under oath.
        James Comer just said “we’ve invited him to testify.”
        Holy crap, man. Send a subpoena. No more “invitations.”
        These people are hardcore crooks playing for keeps.
        You pussy footing, play-acting Republicans are sickening.
        Grow a pair. Or shut the F up.

  11. For those who have a true love of an Athenian type direct democracy, maybe you should read up on that first. You know our founders were a remarkable group of men who were well educated and already had had some experience with democracy since each colony had some type of representative assembly. Also they knew that the true Athenian democracy barely lasted 100 years and although the Athenians had their democracy they were brutal tyrants as they expanded their empire. Direct democracy could make you godlike one year and the the next year strip you of all possessions and cast you out from Athens. Does the term tyranny of the majority ring a bell? Our founders knew all this and had the examples of the Roman republic and democracy in the Netherlands to look at. The functioning Roman Republic lasted far longer than the Athenian Democracy and there are reasons for that. I would suggest some serious research.
    People don’t refer to direct democracy as “Mob Rule” just for a figure of speech.

    1. Then there’s Switzerland. We need more real democracy, not less. I don’t know the ratio but clearly our Republic is extremely corrupt.

      1. No, we need less corrupt actors and those willing to cover for them.

        The fact we have corruption doesn’t mean we need more stupid people in the mix, we need fewer and ones with character. How freaking hard is it to find 600 honest people?

    2. The short-hand for that is “Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on the luncheon entree…”

  12. The only move the Democrats have now that Biden, Jill and Hunter, refuse to step aside is to pivot and say, “It is not Biden who you are voting for, it is his TEAM!”
    Then the flout Jill, Hunter, perhaps Obama and Michelle, maybe Hillary, and a dozen or so experts and staff members.
    Pretty much the same people who have been running the WH for the past three and a half years.
    Then, they will gaslight us on how great those three and a half years have been!
    Vote TEAM biden!

    1. The dump Biden bell can’t be unrung. The MSM and the Dem Elites can’t walk back the implied assertion that Biden has dementia. Because it is sure to manifest again. Dementia always wins.

      Agree about that the barrier to Biden resigning is Biden. That’s why Jill Biden has to be motivated to shove Joe off the ticket. Only Dr. Jill is drunk with power in playing her First Lady schtick. So that will probably mean Congresspeople putting the 25th amendment gun to Jill’s head to get her to concede to coax Joe to retire. If they do that and demand neurological testing with the results made public, Jill the Wicked Witch of the East Wing will fold.

      1. Agreed, Biden is cooked, but more so are the disastrous policies that have been implemented over the last few cycles of Democrat and RINO leadership. There is a financial reckoning coming that very well could start WW3. The Chicoms unleashed COVID on us, they cost America dearly, they hold trillions in T notes, payback is hell.

  13. Politics is ruthless. The Democrats are only doing what they have to do. They are making moves for an open convention to head off Kamala as the default. That is a good move because Kamala would be a terrible candidate, but it would also be fair since Harris was selected by Biden, not the party to be VP. The larger party apparatus should have the opportunity to consider other candidates.

    The Republicans are just as ruthless. If Biden have departed earlier and his Democrat replacement matched up well enough against Trump to suggest that he/she would beat him, the Republicans would have used Trump’s legal problems to dump and replace him, probably with DeSantis.

    At least the voters then would have had choices that did not include a sclerotic nitwit.

  14. Biden is declaring he is not stepping down!
    Let us face what it is all really about: The Biden Crime Family.
    Jill is not willing to give up the power. The status.
    Hunter is not willing to give up the access. The money.
    And they dont care about what the DNC wants. What the voters want. What MSM is saying.
    They know all those afflicted with TDS will vote for the dementia patient in the WH than Trump. Once they get past the convention in Chicago, they are expecting the DNC, all those mega-donors and the voters to fall in line and get behind Joe! Only he can beat Trump!
    I think that is the best part. If it is Biden v Trump, there are going to be a bunch of people voting for a dementia patient!!!! HA!

    1. I not sure there’s a problem. Millions of people turned out for a primary to vote for Joe Biden. They DO want him. They knew what he was like. If they have buyers remorse, that’s too bad. I see no reason his family would want him to step aside. There is nothing in that for them. Whatever graft he’s been receiving will be over the day he leaves office. It also opens up the questions of who’s running the govt? If he can’t campaign, then how can he govern? If he’s too senile to stand trial, and too senile for re-election, why hasn’t he stepped down? The only reason I can see Biden stepping aside, is if the mega donors offer him a huge payday to walk away. The only way they can really do that, at this point, is to promise him a lucrative book deal. That’s the easiest way to legally pay him off. Random House offers him a $50mil book deal, for a book no one cares about, a mega donor “buys” the books and they end up in a landfill, if they get printed at all, RH takes their commission, the Biden crime family gets their payoff. The only problem is that they’re running out of time. I think Republicans are playing this all wrong. They should be demanding that Biden remain in the race, that their primary voters should be heard, and that campaign money can only go to Biden/Harris. Otherwise, what was the point of the primary? A trial run? Trump didn’t agree to debate anyone, at any time, under any circumstances. The debate was between Trump and Biden, not Trump and “insert name here”.

  15. You soiled an otherwise great article with 1 sentence, “While Trump did not participate in any debate, he was widely available for media questions and pressers.” The Republican primary was as much a farce as the Democrat primary.

    Donald wimped out of debating DeSantis and, along with his media sycophants, attempted to sabotage the debates he lacked the courage to attend ( he recently wimped out of another debate challenge from Bobby Kennedy at the Libertarian convention.) Paid pundits and sycophants allowed him to spew blatant lies about himself and his opponents with no pushback whatsoever. “Independent” media conspired with him to push a narrative that footwear matters in choosing a candidate. Not policy, not moral character and integrity, not track record etc. but footwear! Even MSM conspired with him against the very first primary voters. Iowa was called for Trump before the caucusing even began in most locations, which most certainly affected the outcome. Trump used the exact same playbook that Hilary used in the 2016 primary, he was anointed because it was his turn, to hell with what is best for our country and its future.

    In true Idiocracy form and due to lack of robust primaries, the blue team and the red team only have on offer Joseph Robinette Ice Cream Biden or Donald John Bud Light Trump. No and hell no! I, like millions of others, am rejecting these pitiful options and am voting for Bobby Kennedy!

    1. LOL. No way any of those people is coming to close to Trump. The uniparty was pimping haley in hopes the pubs would want more wars, but no such luck.

      1. What are you talking about? Trump just told you himself that he and Nikki are on the same team and she will be in his cabinet. They both play for the Uniparty.

    2. Why would Trump debate DeSantis? Why bother and expose oneself to the MSM and Never Trumpers? Trump had the nomination in the bag, it was a smart decision. Of course you will have the common courtesy not to let anyone know I responded to you.

    3. Nothing says “I am another Anonymous Useful Idiot” better than:
      I, like millions of others, am rejecting these pitiful options and am voting for Bobby Kennedy!

      While you’re proposing Kennedy as your even more pitiful option, why not put in a plug for Bill Maher to be named the must independent, unbiased journalist of the year because he finally questioned some vaccine issues, Biden’s presidency, etc? Or propose Kennedy should have Greta Thunberg as his running mate rather than the more gentle version of her that he chose as his VP running mate (for her very deep pockets as much as her matching global warming radicalism and fascism).

      That would be the Kennedy that is an avowed Global Warming environmental nazi. Whether it’s hydro power, coal power, logging, oil and gas… Kennedy wants it dead and replaced with wind and solar powered cars and heated homes. Let’s vote for a solar and wind powered America! While voting to be TAXED TO PAY FOR IT!

      That would be the same Kennedy that says Voter ID laws are racist and Bush stole the 2004 election from Gore?

      The Kennedy that, long before Wuhan Flu, wrote articles claiming that vaccines were racist. Same one, right?

      Kennedy the millionaire Marxist like his Uncle Ted, who agrees with Princesss Fauxahontas Elizabeth Warren and Bernie The Commie Sanders et al that “the rich don’t pay their fair share” and should be taxed until they have nothing left to tax.

      Can anybody who’s supporting Marxists millionaires like Kennedy tell me what the percentage of income taxes collected from The Evil Rich is right now? So that when they tell us what percentage will finally be their fair share, we have something to compare it to.

      How many of their millions have millionaire Marxists like the Kennedy’s, Warren, Sanders, Obama, Biden, etc sent a cheque to the IRS as voluntary payments in order to get closer to paying their fair share? Nobody grifts harder than millionaire and billionaire Marxists.

      Same Kennedy that is in love with unconstitutional gun bans and would be confiscations. Which in one way makes sense: with his history of illegal drug addiction and convictions for heroin possession prohibit him from firearms ownership. But he is an attorney despite the drug use – remarkably similar to that other son who’s a scion of a political father: that other Crackhead Son, Hunter Biden. These Marxists: felony drug convictions and getting the boot from the military for drug use – but good enough citizens to be allowed to practice law.

      It’s not like Kennedy doesn’t have a life history in public office and the public eye long before he said a couple of things that caught the attention of faux Libertarian rejects and assorted Useful Idiots.

      Because he’s in tune with some issues with you (and me) don’t qualify him as your pitiful choice for president. Only one of two people are going to be president when the election is over. Neither of those two are named Kennedy.

      How much do you actually know about Kennedy, this pitiful option that you’re pimping for?

  16. There is some indication that in some cases the Covid shots can accelerate cancer [turbocancers], cause autoimmune disease [Megyn Kelly], or cardio problems. Now there are also indications that it can accelerate dementia.

    Biden was “fully vaccinated” after taking office and his mental decline has been startlingly rapid even to those, like me, who had low expectations at the beginning. I can’t help but wonder if he is the most prominent Guinea pig to display a poor outcome in the big mRNA experiment.

    I read that nobody who refused the experimental shot regrets it but that many of those who got it now worry…or are injured or are dead.

    1. No, Biden was saying mindless stuff in 2019 and before. Remember the coed he called a “lying dogface pony soldier” before he came in fifth in the 2020 NH primary.

      1. Creekan,

        I am not saying the Covid shot made Biden an idiot.

        I am saying the Covid shot may have accelerated his idiocy.

    1. Well one place for sure he’s not going is for a cognitive test!

      Where’s the leak maam, Finland!

  17. It’s hilarious to watch the sign language interpreters try to sign what Joe is saying when he speaks. They try to do a good job but you can’t miss the what the hell was that look on their faces. If you know about sign language please inform us of how to say “You know the thing” in sign language. Does it cause a hand cramp.

  18. As an independent, I don’t want either Biden or Trump. Both are incompetent blowhards who’ve spent their entire lives telling themselves how great they are. Trump took on some tricky construction projects, I’ll give him that. But then he shafted subcontractors and had to declare bankruptcy 3 times, so not a very skilled financial or risk-management guy — a narcissist who is “always right” — who lies and blames others when things go sideways, therefore cannot learn from his mistakes. Not fit for high office. Biden has accomplished way less of any import, and is way out of his league — a dim light bulb flickering at this point.

    So, bring on a centrist Democrat who can work with centrist Repubs to save the $US, Social Security, reign in the deficit spending, reform immigration (this time giving professional security experts the power to design a system that will stand up to determined adversaries over time, and cannot be undone by a new Congress or Admin).

    Bring on a candidate who can rise above party and serve the people.

    1. “Bring on a candidate who can rise above party and serve the people.”

      Spoken like a true blowhard.

    2. ” But then he shafted subcontractors”
      If that were the case they could have gone to court and won.

      Contract disputes in construction projects are common place.
      They rarely go to court.

      First Owners do not pay subcontractors – Contractors do. Subcontractors have contracts with prime contractors, not with the owner. That is why they are called subcontractors. An Owner can not screw a subcontractor. They do not pay or approve payments to subs.

      Next, by law and contract all construction projects have a formal payment approval process that goes through the architect and engineers. THEY approve applications for payment – not owners. Typically if the owner disagfrees with the architect/engineers assessment, then the dispute goes to arbitration.

      FURTHER if there is financing for the construction – then the lender has their own independent approval process using 3rd party professionals. The lender REQUIRES the owner to make approved payments or they suspend further construction funding.

      While disputes are commonplace – they virtually never go to court – because the contracts and law are very clear and people who are supposed to get paid – get paid.
      LOTS of subs complain constantly that they have not paid for this or that. Nearly always they accepted a contract, and then tried to argue that something that was part of the contract – was an extra.

      As an example I dealt with a project where a green italian marble floor was being put into a public lobby.
      The owner wanted individual approval of each peice of marble. The contract required the contractor to purchase 80% more tiles than would be used so that the owner could reject the marble they did not like.
      When the owner started rejecting pieces of marble – they tried to charge extra for replacement peices.
      They were told to read their contract.

      While marble floors are not typical – disputes are – and they very rarely make it to court – because usually complaints of failure to get paid for something really mean “I did not read my contract”.

      “had to declare bankruptcy 3 times,”
      Musk has admitted that Tesla was days away from bankruptcy multiple times.
      SpaceX cam very close early on.

      Bankruptcy is extemely common among entrepeneurs.
      People who take risks often fail.
      They are also the people who change the world for the rest of us.

      “so not a very skilled financial or risk-management guy”
      You can beleive whatever you wish.

      According to Forbes Trump is the 568th richest person in the world with a net worth of $5.4B
      He has managed reasonsble well.

      ” — a narcissist who is “always right” — who lies and blames others when things go sideways, therefore cannot learn from his mistakes. ”

      Which is why he is now pretty far outside the margin of error in the polls.
      Trump has gained nearly 15pts on Biden since nov 2020.

      That is a pretty strong indication that he is capable of learning.
      The left has thrown everything including the kitchen sink at him and he has survived and thrived.

      You and the left fight over details – but the FACT is that he has had to deal with more threats and stress as ex president than as president. He is still standing. He is smiling, He is thriving.

      OBVIOUSLY he has learned alot.

      I would note the converse is not true. Democrats keep doubling down on stupid.
      They are failing -= specifically because they have NOT learned.

      I understand that you have things you are unhappy with Trump about – so do I, so do most people.

      But Trump changing to give me – or you what you want might make me or you happy, but it would not make the majority of voters happy.

      The goal is not to give everyone what they want – that is not possible.

      “So, bring on a centrist Democrat who can work with centrist Repubs”
      Centrist democrats are extinct.

      “to save the $US, Social Security, reign in the deficit spending, reform immigration”
      All well and good.
      We will do all those things – eventually,
      But we will likely have to go past crisis to do so.

      The good news is that this country in particular, but most countries are relatively resilient.
      They can get through pretty disasterous failures recover quickly and move on.
      It is far better to solve problems early – or better still not to make them in the first place.
      But the FACT is that we are NOT approaching the end of the world.
      We will have to pay for our mistakes – and it will hurt.
      But we will survive and thrive.

      ” (this time giving professional security experts the power to design a system that will stand up to determined adversaries over time, and cannot be undone by a new Congress or Admin).”
      That is quite litterally the stupidest way to do this.
      Have you learned nothing from the mess that “experts” made of Covid.

      I would further note – there is no objectively correct answer to these issues.

      I would strongly suggesst reading “The Ultimate Resource II” by Julian simon – it is avasilable for free on the web since Simon’s death. It is chock full of data and statistics and demographics.

      The FACT is the more people the more a country THRIVES.

      Biden has brought somewhere between 10-15M illegal immigrants into the country.
      That has caused a large number of problems. LOTS of people will be harmed by that.
      He has done so in the worst possible way.

      But in the end it will actually BENEFIT the country.

      But it will not benefit everyone, nor will the benefits be distributed evenly.

      Every single immigration related choice has winners and losers.
      There is no objectively correct immigration policy.

      1. Great job standing for the bully. Do you root for the perpetrator when you watch movies? Those were working class contractors that he stiffed because he knew he could get away with it by out lawyering them. Unlike him, they couldn’t afford a big shot legal team or to be tied up in court for months. So they cut their losses and accepted what they could get, resulting in financial ruin for some and suicide for at least one. Trump is a big bloated bullying braggart. Just like all bullies, he’s a coward. Too cowardly for military service (bonespurs), too cowardly to debate (unless his opponent is a dementia patient), too cowardly to do anything while our cities burned (tweeting law and order from the comfort of a chair means nothing), too cowardly to stand up for the 3 million plus small businesses that got shut down with no due process, too cowardly to stand up to his employee Dr. Fauci, etc, etc.

        1. too cowardly to stand up for the 3 million plus small businesses that got shut down with no due process, too cowardly to stand up to his employee Dr. Fauci,

          Thats hilarious.

          Stand up to Fauci, stand up for Fauci. LMAO


          1. You must be another graduate of Trump University’s personality development course. If you were operating a small business during Covid, please tell me about your personal experience. He allowed Dr. Fauci, a real-life villain, to stand front and center while he shrugged and smiled behind him, anyone with a functional memory and a television knows that because we all watched it just a few years ago…wear a mask, don’t wear a mask, wear 2 masks. Let’s forget everything we know about natural immunity and pretend those who already had Covid wouldn’t be harmed by a vaccine for a disease they’ve already successfully fought, not to mention pregnant women and children. He still brags about approving an experimental vaccine in record time despite all the vaccine injuries and vaccine deaths.

        2. In construction contracts there is a document called a Notice of Commencement. Every subcontractor files one for that is what allows them to lien a project when Owner fails to pay. It’s tried and true statite law, they weren’t stiffed by Trump. If the project belly ups, it is the bank that stiffs everyone and is normally supported by the court in doing so.

    3. pbinca tried this lie:
      As an independent

      Your well earned reputation exposes this lie you posted, Tovarisch.

      You may well be a registered independent, but the soul behind the hand that marks the ballot at least since Bolshevik Barack ran for president is straight out Soviet Democrat. Police state fascist Soviet Democrat.

      You were Soviet Democrat well before Trump ever entered politics for use as your excuse, while Bolshevik Barack was throwing the borders wide open to criminal Illegal Aliens while using police state fascism to take out his political enemies.

      I will give you credit for not being another cowardly Anonymous, but your record here sinks you on this lie.

      a narcissist who is “always right” — who lies and blames others when things go sideways

      Equally exposing your lie is that you hit Trump with this – NOT the narcissist and pathological liar currently in the White House. The one who has done NOTHING outside of politics – other than selling the country from the VP’s office for eight years. Over 150 Suspicious Activity Reports filed with Obama’s Treasury regarding bribery and money laundering – more than any before including for drug cartels. Jack Smith being dispatched from the Obama/Biden DoJ to take out their most feared potential GOP nominee while at the same time telling Louis Lerner she can use the IRS to shut down GOP get-out-the-vote groups for “investigation” until the election is over. You have no independent concerns about that.

      Trump is your obsession – ignore your faux independent lying eyes about the rotting bag of putrid corruption whose decisions have made the change in this country in his four years from where it was during Trump’s four years. Ignore that Biden blames it – like Afghanistan – on everybody else and Trump in particular.

      Suddenly you make mild objections to Bribery Biden – after his debate wreckage and now that the Soviet Democrats think he’s got to go if they’re going to prevent Trump from winning. Before that? Biden was just fine from your independent viewpoint!

      But tell us: when during Biden’s career as president – or VP before that – did Biden do anything other than lie and blame others for failures due to his policies? Afghanistan? The invasion of Illegal Aliens he invited here during his campaign as Guest Democrat Voters? The economic costs of shutting down the country?

      As a legal immigrant, spare me the decades of outrageous and disgusting Democrat pathological lies about “broken immigration system”. Fill out the forms, pay the fees, enter as a permanent resident after being vetted. Over a million a year do just that to become legal permanent immigrant residents three years away from citizenship. So what’s “broken” about that?

      The only thing that’s broken is the successful refusal of all Soviet Democrats and some Republicans fearing defeat at the polls to enforce the existing immigration laws. Eisenhower pretty much cleansed the USA of criminal illegal aliens in just a few short months – much the same could be done now, just spread it out over a couple of years so California wouldn’t collapse.

      Eisenhower rid America of criminal Illegal Aliens with the support of unions and Democrats behind him: surely you can name all the moderate Democrats that have been pressuring Bribery Biden and Bolshevik Barack before him to enforce immigration laws?

      You DO have a list of those moderate Democrats that have been demanding existing immigration laws be enforced prior to illegal aliens becoming an issue that hurts re-election chances, don’t you? Share that list!

      We have enough citizen and legal immigrant criminals without introducing over ten million Illegal Alien Biden-like tax cheats who are criminals from the moment they enter and from every day forward. There is a cost to this criminality that the Soviet Democrats use as the life line that keeps them in power.

      Soviet Democrats: a party of criminals run by criminals, for criminals – foreign as much as for domestic. All hail “defund the police”, independent Tovarisch pbinca.

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