The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Government: Rep. Goldman Insists that the Country is Safe in the Hands of Others

Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, wrote “The President [of the Galaxy] in particular is very much a figurehead—he wields no real power whatsoever. […] His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it.”  This week, Rep. Daniel Goldman (D-NY) seemed to be taking the Hitchhiker’s Guide as a guide for government. When asked about the alarming physical and mental decline of President Joe Biden, Goldman suggested that it really does not matter. In responding to a call for Biden’s removal under the 25th Amendment, Goldman suggested that the Republic is safe because it is safely in the hands of people around Biden. It is an argument that flips the 25th Amendment on its head and embraces the idea of a figurehead president.

After the Hur report was released noting the diminishment of the President’s faculties, Goldman was one of the most vocal in shouting the Special Counsel down. He went public declaring that the President is “sharper than anyone I’ve spoken to” on public policy issues.

He has continued brushed away the growing calls for President Biden to step aside as incapable of serving another four years. Indeed, some are calling for an investigation into whether he can carry out the duties of his office until January 2025.

“So, let’s not just focus on Joe Biden here. Let’s focus on the people around him, the administration, the policies, and most importantly, the appreciation and protection for the rule of law and our democracy that Donald Trump, every single day, has vowed to take down.”

He added that Biden is “vibrant” and that “the reality is that Joe Biden has surrounded himself with an incredibly capable team with almost no turnover.”

Other Democrats have attempted to avoid the manifest confusion and infirmity of the president. This includes Democrats who repeatedly called for formal action to remove former President Donald Trump under the 25th Amendment, including Reps. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.; Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash.; Jamie Raskin, D-Md.; Maxine Waters, D-Calif., and Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

However, it was Goldman who, as usual, came up with the most vertigo-triggering spin.

The 25th Amendment was designed to specifically avoid a figurehead presidency where family or aides perform critical functions of the office. That was indeed the concern with presidents like Woodrow Wilson when a stroke left him incapable to function as president. His wife Edith hid the truth from the public and the Congress as she and others carried out his functions.

He also had “an incredibly capable team” around him, but they were not elected president.

In the meantime, the media is still struggling to explain to the public why they did not disclose the President’s condition earlier while promulgating the “cheap fake” narrative. For weeks heading into the debate, media outlets repeated the claim that videos showing Biden’s confusion were false and misleading. Some are now reportedly admitting that they did not want to confirm “right-wing media” accounts — an admission of shaping the news for political purposes.

The greatest threat to President Biden may ultimately be the political calculus. For most of these members, their loyalty to Biden ends at the point that he endangers their own hold on power. A couple dozen members are reportedly preparing a letter calling for possible removal in the hope that they can replace Biden with someone who has a better chance of beating Trump. It is no easy feat, but Democratic operatives are furiously working out the complications under federal election laws and state laws.

In the meantime, the 25th Amendment process is looming. More citizens may become convinced by what Pelosi said about then President Donald Trump: “Congress has a constitutional duty to lay out the process by which a president’s incapacity and the president of any party is determined…A president’s fitness for office must be determined by science and facts.”

323 thoughts on “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Government: Rep. Goldman Insists that the Country is Safe in the Hands of Others”

  1. Breaking

    Joe Biden hears voices!

    Biden claims that Trump was “yelling in his ear” while he was trying to answer questions, and he got confused.

    Of course, there was a split screen that clearly showed a silent Trump, letting Biden dig his own grave. Also, mics were turned off when the oppo was answering.

    Did Steph challenge this excuse???

    Of course not.

  2. Biden blamed his confusion on Trumps 28 lies.

    I’m surprised Trump could find his way home after Joes 61 lies.

    He then went on to explain how in his second term he is gonna fix the tax system and make sure all of these people get all this stuff.

    Its like he thinks he is the country’s banker.

    Then he added another lie…that he put NATO together.

    And how about this one…we are checkmating China

    And my favorite…I’m the one who shut Putin down.

    WTF? Was Putin operating a lemonade stand without a license??

      1. Well, he has called J6 “July 6” multiple times.

        It wouldnt be surprising to learn he thinks independence day is santas day.

  3. The Joe Biden interview by George Stephanopoulos on ABC tonight just confirmed what Everybody has been thinking.
    Joe Biden is -Done-, to wore-out and out-to-lunch.

    Why on earth did they do that (Interview) and why are they putting this Man through this when it is obvious that he is in decline.
    It’s Elder abuse – Televised!

    Who is George Stephanopoulos?
    George Stephanopoulos is the current anchor of the ABC News programs “Good Morning America” and “This Week.”
    He is a former Democratic Party advisor and served as the White House communications director and later a senior advisor for President Bill Clinton.

    Shame on Stephanopoulos and the ABC Producers for doing this. It was Totally uncalled for.
    As Bernie Sanders once said on the Senate Floor: “Shame Shame Shame”

    Trump shouldn’t even debate him (a 2nd time), showing Biden some kindness and understanding with mercy.
    Being a stand-up Guy, is the right thing to do (for the Nation as well).

    Trump 2024 🇺🇸




      IT IS A SHAME,



    2. Mercy to enemies is a fool’s gambit.
      Utterly destroy your enemies without mercy as you would expect them to do to you.
      Honor in victory; The bigger the victory, the greater the honor.

  4. When the next presidential debate of 2024 takes place and who will moderate it

    President Biden and former President Donald Trump have agreed to one more showdown on the debate stage before the 2024 presidential election.
    The September rematch will come after both candidates formally accept their party’s nomination. The first debate, hosted Thursday by CNN in Atlanta, came unusually early in the election season given that both are still the presumptive nominees before their party conventions.
    When is the second presidential debate?

    ABC News will host the second debate between President Biden and Donald Trump on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time.

    Who will moderate the next debate? ABC News has yet to announce the moderators of the second debate.

    The qualifications are similar to the first debate, making it unlikely that non-major party candidates will meet the ballot access and polling requirements to earn a spot on stage. Candidates need to earn at least 15% support in four approved national polls and be on the ballot in enough states to be able to win 270 votes in the Electoral College — the threshold to win the presidency.

    How many more debates will there be for 2024?

    There are no more presidential debates scheduled before the election. Mr. Biden and Trump agreed to only two debates — one hosted by CNN and the other by ABC News.

    They are bypassing the tradition of three meetings organized by the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, which has overseen presidential debates since 1988. The commission’s three debates were scheduled to take place in September and October at universities in Texas, Virginia and Utah. This year’s debates were agreed upon without any involvement by the commission.

    The commission met with sharp criticism by both Trump — who has accused the commission of being biased against Republicans — and by close advisers to Mr. Biden who view commission procedures as outmoded and fussy. The co-chair of the commission, Frank Fahrenkopf, told CBS News’ podcast “The Takeout” that top White House communications adviser Anita Dunn “doesn’t like us,” and he said on a Politico podcast that this was the reason Mr. Biden’s team went around the commission to negotiate directly with Trump’s campaign.

    CBS News invited both campaigns to participate in a vice presidential debate on either July 23 or Aug. 13, which the Biden campaign accepted. Trump has yet to name a running mate.

    By: Caitlin Yilek ~ 6/27/2024

  5. So the new bar that Democrats have set for Biden is that he look alive and awake. Wow!

    Biden Forcefully Rejects Efforts to Push Him Out of Race

    In a reminder of Biden’s challenges, as the president walked on stage for the event, a young man standing in the camera shot behind the president displayed a sign that read, “Pass the torch, Joe.” Other attendees gave him high marks. “I thought he looked alive, awake and enthusiastic” and better than he does on TV, said Jill Enerson, 56, a teacher and small-business owner.

    Meanwhile 4 months ago, the Italian TV show, Fratelli di Crozza, the equivalent of America’s once funny “SNL”, mocked Biden’s not so alive nor awake disposition. Italians have the cojones that the American media lack. If Biden does not drop out, post-election results will reflect that the Democrats will cease to exist as a political party and be the butt of jokes forever.

    Run, Joe, run!!!


  6. Now, Business Insider is calling for Hur’s tapes of Biden to be released! It’s off to the races!

    “Neither White House representatives nor Bob Bauer, Biden’s lawyer representing him in the Hur investigation, responded to Business Insider’s requests for comment.

    The notion that Biden has any sort of privacy interest in the audio — particularly when the transcript is already public — does not make any sense.

    There is “colossal public interest” in the audio, as Charles Tobin, an attorney at Ballard Spahr representing the press coalition, wrote in a court filing.

    Hur invoked Biden’s mannerisms in his report, referring to his “pauses, hesitations, mannerisms, and intonations” to describe the president as having “diminished faculties in advancing age, and his sympathetic demeanor.” It’s the audio recording that can help Americans see that for themselves as they evaluate Hur’s recording.

    “The health of our democracy relies on transparency into and trust in our government,” Tobin wrote. “That trust in the Special Counsel’s weighty decision is best served through public review of the Recording on which the head prosecutor expressly relied.”

    1. Floyd/Estovir,

      You posted that Book of Revelations on June 27th which disabled the thread. That was just a practice run for all your Latin spams. But we’re supposed to think the Latin wasn’t you..? That’s a tall order!

      Floyd, are you in-country or off-shore?

      1. Floyd didnt post that, dum dum.
        You really stink at this puppet watch thing. Its no wonder your business is no profit lol.

        The latin was elvis bug, who has never had an independent thought but copy catted my hecklers veto.

        Which, by the way you earlier took credit for. You were crowing that your obnoxious name calling was what prompted the disruption.

        You dont still want credit for it???

    2. Yeah, Floyd, we know because you are me, and I am UpState Farmer, Whimsical Mama (ahem, Whimsical Papi), James, Thinkitthrough, Shakdi, Darren, Traveler, and…..

      When I went to medical school, Lithium used to be the drug of choice for manic episodes. Clearly Peter Shill / Gigi et al need something other than Lithium. Perhaps Electroconvulsive Shock Therapy, Frontal Lobotomy or to get laid? Just saying!

      The Book of Revelations in Latin? Pfft. Idiot. If you knew me, you would have picked Saint Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica. Hint: check my avatar, you imbecile

        1. LOL

          He does provide free entertainment tho’. I used to think Peter Shill was David Brock. recall that David Brock was called “bat sh** crazy” by his peers hence my reference.


          I am starting to like Neera Tanden. She is President of the Center for American Progress, a left-wing think tank that coordinates closely with the Democratic Party. Until he left to run Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, John Podesta ran CAP, so he is her former boss. From the Podesta emails that have been dumped by Wikileaks, it is obvious that Tanden and Podesta are good friends who write one another candidly. The most revealing of the Wikileaks/Podesta emails are generally the ones between Podesta and Tanden, with no copies to anyone else.

          So Neera Tanden let us know what she thinks of the appalling David Brock:

          To: john.podesta@***
          Date: 2015-02-11 08:30
          Subject: I hope
          Hillary truly understands now how batsh** crazy David Brock is.

          1. Whatever is wrong with it, it is beyond its control at this point. OCD to the max, with other comorbidities. It has to do the things that it is doing, or do something else that will feed its sick needs. It is fun watching it devolve.

        2. All I know is that I really seem to get under its skin, and it misses me when I’m golfing.


  7. It is beyond belief how arrogant these left wingers have become. Goldman should keep his big mouth shut, because he is a proven liar and gaslighter for this beyond pathetic, failed administration. Yet he can’t keep his big mouth shut, and just continues to lie to run cover for this disaster. He has ZERO credibility, and he knows it.

  8. “Live updates: Biden sits for high-stakes interview with George Stephanopoulos”

    “ ‘I don’t think I did,’ Biden said when asked by Stephanopoulos if he watched the debate after the fact.”

    LOL LOL LOL — “I don’t think I did.” — That sentence is 2 words too long.

    The demented clown is trying to reassure people that his “brain” (for lack of a better word) still functions, but he isn’t certain about whether or not he watched a replay of the debate.

  9. I remember when Democrats demanded Trump take a cognitive assessment test, without any signs of dementia. He promptly did so and released it to the public. I remember when they demanded a physical, when Donald Trump walked slowly up a ramp, once. He released those results, too.

    The same Democrats who kept urging Vice President Pence to 25th the 45th, were silent when Joe Biden refused to take the same cognitive test and release the results. They made excuses for Joe Biden’s regular falls, the shuffling gate, and requirement for his wife to lead him by the hand off the world stage.

    Trump today sounds the same as Trump of 10 years ago. Love him or hate him, he is essentially unchanged. There were signs Joe Biden was mentally failing in 2020. The Joe Biden today, of 2024, is a shell of the man he was from a decade ago.

    I’m Gen X. I remember Joe Biden in his prime, when he was the slick, consummate politician with a ready, toothy smile. He never made good foreign policy determinations, but at least he was smooth. That man is gone.

    1. I’m a boomer, I’ve watched Biden for his entire political life. I was once a registered Democrat, until Bill Clinton. The Democrats are now Communists, their policies stink, they care less for our Nation. This election should end this nonsense and corruption oncea and for all. America is upside down, they are destroying us from within. If they remain in power, they will crash the economy like you’ve never seen since the Great Depression.

      1. My son is a teenager. In agony, I have watched terrorists and hostile foreign governments make bold moves the moment Joe Biden got elected. The total rout in Afghanistan and abandonment of Americans there was blood in the water. Then Russia invaded Ukraine, Hamas committed the Oct 7 genocidal terrorist attack, China is making moves to conquer Taiwan, and Haiti fell apart. There have been attacks on American soldiers abroad.

        Geopolitical destabilization, and the reversal of fortunes of the US, cannot be laid solely at Joe Biden’s shuffling feet. He’s long since lacked the ability to function as President. The current situation is the fault of the Democrat Party itself, and if Joe Biden is replaced with another Democrat, it solves nothing.

        It was Barrack Obama who set out on an “Apology Tour”, bowing to world leaders for US sins of the past, which in reality reflected an earlier time in its evolution. He ludicrously bowed to the King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, a country infamous for human rights abuses and its own history of slavery. The concept that America’s position as a super power is something to be ashamed of is rooted deep in the Democrat Party.

        War began brewing with Joe Biden’s election. This may be the seeds of WWIII, and I fear for my son, and boys his age, paying the consequences of disastrous foreign and domestic policy.

        1. Karen S. : why do you keep repeating the same swill— Trump’s weakness is responsible for Afghanistan—DJT is the one who drew down troops from 14,000 to 2,500, turned loose 5,000 Taliban and didn’t get people out or arrange for an air base. This is one of the messes that were left behind by Trump.

          Under what theory is Hamas’s attack Israel, Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the blather about China Biden’s fault? Do you think that fat, bloviating, lying and convicted criminal Trump intimidates people, especially other world leaders? Dream on. Other world leaders know he’s a weakling whose ego requires attention and power. It’s all part of the show—Mr. “tough guy” who thinks men admire him for his sexual behavior and who brags about assaulting women. World leaders are not impressed. What could Trump do that Biden can’t?

          If you fear the start of WW III, then you should educate yourself-NATO is the best way to keep Russia in check, and it’s stronger than ever before—due to Biden’s diplomacy. If Trump gets in office, he’ll try to pull the US out of NATO and pressure Ukraine to let Russia take over by pulling US aid. Putin won’t stop with Ukraine—he’ll go after Poland and the Baltic countries, which will destabilize Europe. All to thank Putin for helping Trump cheat his way into office. Trump’s stupidity is one of the biggest existential threats to world peace, without even considering his economic plan that will push inflation higher and destabilize international trade. America is a world leader in global trade, and we are admired. Trump’s stupid tariffs would destroy that.

          Exactly WHAT “foreign and domestic policies “ of Biden’s are you talking about? Biden is the one who mended relations with our allies and strengthened NATO. Biden is the one who brought us back from the brink of a depression. What effect do you think Trump’s increased tariffs will have with our relations with China, which you have expressed fear of? It wouldn’t be good.

          1. Gigi thinks 2 quarters of positive gdp growth is the brink of a depression

            Gigi still seems to be unaware that they are now Bidens tariffs and he recently added more. .

          2. “DJT is the one who drew down troops from 14,000 to 2,500”
            Correct, that is how you get out of a war that was only supposed to last a few months, and that Both Bush and Obama promised to end

            “Under what theory is Hamas’s attack Israel, Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the blather about China Biden’s fault? ”
            Biden is president – as Harry Truman said – “the Buck stops here”.
            Regardless each of these has been explained to you many times.

            1). Weak leaders embolden our enemies.
            2). Biden’s idiotic energy policies empowered Russia and Iran
            3). Biden’s stupid remarks regarding Ukraine and NATO resulted in Putin doing exactly what he promised if Ukraine appeared to be joining NATO
            Putin has invaded a neighbor EVERYTIME there was loose talk of that neighbor joining NATO.
            Regardless the US pro missed Russia that NATO would not come within 1000 miles of the Russian border – we ied.
            4). Biden ended the financial constraints on Iran and Iran used the money to destabalize the region – funding Hamas, Hezbolla, the Huthi’s and others.

            These are not all Biden’s mistakes. Just the short list.

            It is also not bloviating – it is FACT.
            It is consistent with Iran and Russia’s past behavior under similar circumstances.

            It is consistent with Promises that Putin has made.
            It is consistent with the predictions of independent Geopolitical experts such as John Merscheimer.

            For the Coup De Grace

            Every single US president since Carter has involved the US in a new foriegn military conflict – EXCEPT Trump.

            You seem to think that is a matter of luck.

            “Do you think that fat, bloviating, lying and convicted criminal Trump intimidates people, especially other world leaders? Dream on. Other world leaders know he’s a weakling whose ego requires attention and power. It’s all part of the show—Mr. “tough guy” who thinks men admire him for his sexual behavior and who brags about assaulting women. World leaders are not impressed.”
            And yet no new wars under Trump – for the first time since Carter.

            “What could Trump do that Biden can’t?”

            Not F#$K up us energy policy giving Russia and Iran leverage
            Not release fiscal constraints on Iran that stopped them funding terrorists.
            Not doing stupid things to provoke Putin to invade Ukraine – as he promised he would do.

            “If you fear the start of WW III, then you should educate yourself-NATO is the best way to keep Russia in check, and it’s stronger than ever before—due to Biden’s diplomacy.”

            Russia is a failing nation. This war litterally proves that NATO is not that important anymore and certainly does not need massive US support.
            It is self evident to all but moron’s that Russia does not have the military power to take on almost any two European countries.
            Whatever the outcome of this war – Russia will be unable to attack anyone else for decades.

            There is only one serious threat Russia poses – and that is posessing half the worlds nukes.

            A wise president leaves sleeping bears lie.

            “If Trump gets in office, he’ll try to pull the US out of NATO”
            Nope, he will merely expect that NATO start paying more of the cost of Europes defense.
            I would note this is NOT major difference between Obama, Trump or Biden. The only difference is the Rhetoric,
            and that under Trump the “leadership” of NATO will be more european.
            The US will remain a MEMBER of NATO. It will not be nearly all of NATO.

            “pressure Ukraine to let Russia take over by pulling US aid.”
            There is going to be a peace deal NO MATTER WHAT. From March 2022 forward Biden has been the impediment to that deal.
            In broad terms the deal is simple.

            Ukraine does not join NATO EVER.
            Pre-war borders are restored.
            Russian control of Crimea is recognized
            The eastern areas of Ukraine – currently russian occupied remain part of Ukraine but have substantial autonomy.
            These areas have Russian Ethnic majorities already.
            The US will provide financial and technical assistance to Russia to rebuild the Russian energy infrastructure destroyed in the war.

            Putin signalled long ago that a deal on terms similar to that was acceptable.

            Biden tanked that deal. Since then almost 300K ukrainian soldiers and probably 3 times that Russian soldiers have died.
            Without a deal this will grind on possibly for years.
            It is highly likely that Russia will win a war of attrition – it has 5 time the population of Ukraine.

            “Putin won’t stop with Ukraine—he’ll go after Poland and the Baltic countries, which will destabilize Europe.”
            Of course he will. Putin/Russia has bit off more than they can chew with Ukraine.
            Russia does not have the manpower to fight another war of this scale.
            Further Poland and the Baltic states ARE NATO members and have been for a long long time.
            It is near certain that Russia does not have the capacity to take on Poland – even without NATO.

            One of the things that should have become clear – even to left wing nuts like you is the military weakness of Russia.
            Russia is managing in Ukraine because it has stockpiled equipment all the way back to WWII, and because it has a population 5 times the size of Ukraine and can endure the massive casualties of what are essentially human wave attacks.
            However capable you think Ukraine is – Poland, German, France, the UK are more capable.
            It has become obvious to most that almost any two european countries can defeat Russia.

            I would further not that Russia is in a demographic death spiral. Only China and Japan have fewer young people and more old people.

            This is Russia’s last gasp. No matter what the outcome of this war – Russia is done militarily for several decades – if not much longer.
            They just do not have the population to support another war like this.

            Worse still Russia has an imbalance of men/women – with more women than men. Russia has one of the worlds worst male/female life expectance gaps.
            And Russia has lost about a million men in their prime reproductive ages in this war.
            That was a disasterously stupid demographic move for a country with upside down demographics.

            What the US needs to prepare for is NOT Russia invading Poland, but the near certain collapse of Russia – a nation with 1/2 the worlds nuclear weapons.
            That is not happening tomorow.
            But it IS happening.

            ” All to thank Putin for helping Trump cheat his way into office.”
            The only candidate who received “russian” help was Clinton
            Do we have to keep up this thoroughly debunked nonsense.

            “Trump’s stupidity is one of the biggest existential threats to world peace”
            And yet AGAIN Trump was the most successful president in foreign policy since Reagan.

            You continue to ignore the FACT that during Trump’s presidency – the nations of Asia formed a NATO like alliance to contain China.
            That even Biden has continued.
            That the largest peace deal in mideast history was struck – and it has HELD even through Biden’s HAMAS WAR.

            That Iran was contained and not exporting terrorism all over the mideast.
            That Europe was increasing spending on its own defense.
            That Conflict in the mideast was declining and the US was getting out of the mideast.

            That Europe was taking a greater political and military role in
            Europe, the mideast and Africa. Beause fundimatally those are critcial European spheres of influence NOT areas of significant concern for the US.

            The US no longer has any dependence on the mideast for energy. The US can meet its own energy needs, and also receives energy from Canada, and Mexico,
            and south america.

            The US is a major exporter of LNG as a result of Trump – which is the only thing that has kept Europe from suing Russia for peace.

            Whether you realize it or not – US national security interests are NOT in europe or the mideast.

            Russia is NOT invading Europe or poland or the baltics – they would be massively defeated.
            They can barely handle Ukraine.

            The US does NOT care about mideastern energy anymore – But Europe cares GREATLY – the mid east is a MASSIVE national security concern for Europe.
            Further Europe needs US LNG as well as Mideast Energy as a means to preclude Russia from Blackmailing Europe using energy.

            Democrats do not understand the absolute critical important of energy with respect to National Security.

            “without even considering his economic plan that will push inflation higher and destabilize international trade. America is a world leader in global trade, and we are admired. Trump’s stupid tariffs would destroy that.”

            Gigi, you are clueless.

            Inflation is ALWAYS AND EVERYWHERE a monetary phenomena.

            If Trump spends like a drunken sailor – financed by the FED printing money – as Joe Biden has, then there will be inflation.

            Inflation is NOT magical. It is NOT caused by wars. It is NOT caused by spikes in the price of energy or any other good.
            It is NOT caused by tarriffs.

            Inflation is too much money chasing too few goods and services. AGAIN it is MONETARY.
            Biden trippled down on already extensive Covid Stimulus spending and the FED financed that spending by printing money.
            It does not take a rocket scientist – Inflation.
            Further inflation and particular energy prices started rising as soon as Biden started spending, and Gasoline prices had near doubled
            BEFORE Putin invaded ukraine.

            with respect to the world view of the US I woudl strongly recommend reading “The Ugly American” – the book is 70 years old, but remains true today.

            Absolutely America – specifically americans are admired througout the world. The US government is NOT and really never has been.
            US foreign police for much of the history of this country has been abysmal. While the US is not a colonial power – we have been far worse at foreign policy than all colonial powers. Do I need to list the countries the US has F#$Kd up throughout the world ?

            Nearly every nation in the world is happy to see our businesses, our missionaries, our people. But both their governments and their people are either overtly or covertly hostile to the US government. Whether it is Bush or Obama or Biden – or Johnson or Nixon from another era – the World would be perfectly happy to see more americans, and far far far less of our government and foreign services.

            As to Tarriffs – economically they are a bad idea. But that is not their only use.
            The US has restricted trade with Russia and Iran – though Biden botched the latter. Trade restrictions are roughly the equivalent of n infinite tarriff.
            They are economically an abysmally bad idea.

            But they are often a useful tool of foreign policy.

            Trump used threats of Tarriffs to negotiate free trade deals with Canada and Mexico. While these were good deals, they were mostly just tweaking NAFTA.
            Trump makes a far bigger deal of them than they were. Regardless, those deals remain in place today.

            As do the trade restrictions on Russia and China – in fact Biden has expanded both of those.

            If Trade restrictions and Tarriffs are so important to the economy – Biden is Worse than Trump.

            That FACT is that tarriffs are a tool of foreign policy and trade negotiation – and Trump is inarguably a better deal maker than any recent president, possibly any US president ever.

            Regardless, every actual Trump tarrif that was put in place remains in place today – except some of those regarding Iran.

            “Exactly WHAT “foreign and domestic policies “ of Biden’s are you talking about? Biden is the one who mended relations with our allies and strengthened NATO.”

            First – I do not really give a schiff what Europe thinks of the US. That said – world leaders – before left wing nuts, knew that Biden was incompetent.
            As to NATO – while the US is not leaving NATO, the FACT is that NATO does not need the US.
            You keep ranting about Russia. Russia is 5 times the population of Ukraine and is suffering 3-5:1 casualties in Ukraine.
            In what world do you think that Russia can defeat Ukraine and move on to poland ? Poland has a larger population than Ukraine, has a military tradition dating back centuries,
            Has a surplus male population under 40 – both Russia and Ukraine have deficits of males under 40. Has a population curve that is not as top heavy a Russia or Ukraine.
            And is a NATO member.

            “Biden is the one who brought us back from the brink of a depression.”
            US GDP growth 2020 Q3 34.8% – the largst single quarter GDP growth in US history.
            2020 Q4 growth was 4.2% – Bidens AVERAGE for 2021 was about 4% – mostly from Covid recovry that would have occured no matter what.
            Q1 2022 GDP was NEGATIVE 2%, Q2 was NEGATIVE 03% – that was technically a mild recession. Biden’s average growth after 2021 has been in the low 2%
            Q1 2024 was 1.4% – that is Obama level Growth.

            There was no depression in 2020 – US 2020 Growth – as a result of Covid was 0% we had the worst single quarter decline in US history followed by the largest single qtr rise in US history.

            ” What effect do you think Trump’s increased tariffs will have with our relations with China, which you have expressed fear of?”
            They will weaken China and force China to negotiate.

            While Russia has shown great weakness in the Ukraine war – economic warfare against Russia has been relatively ineffective.
            Putin has spent decades firewalling Russia’s economy against sanctions. China has not, and can not. Fully 1/3 of China’s economy is dependent on foreign trade – most of that with the US. Further under Trump the US created a NATO like alliance of asian countries to contain China. Biden has benefited from that.

            Regardless the big issues regarding China are:

            Xi really truly is an Actual Fascist. This is a change from post Mao chinese leaders. Xi has draatically increased nationalism in China
            China is in extreme economic and demographic difficulty.
            China has a history of starting wars to distract from internal difficulties.
            We are in the tail end of the last chance that China has to militarily conquer Taiwan.

            While the odds of China moving on Taiwan are low – less than 20% the consequences are disastrous for the entire world.

            China invading Taiwan would either result in the quick fall of Taiwan or a direct military confrontation between the worlds two largest superpowers.
            It is highly likely that if the US defends Taiwan that China will fail.
            But even if such a conflict avoided going nuclear, any conflict would make Ukraine look like a skirmish.
            This would be a massive war, with enormous casulties. And while Chinese casualties would with certainty dwarf those of the US.
            US casualties would be very large very fast.

            Trump did everything possible to avoid that.
            You may not like Trump’s style – but it worked.
            Biden has thus far successfully manage to continue to contain China.

            But China is likely to remain very dangerous for atleast a decade.
            They have very large internal problems and they are very nearly as fascist as Nazi Germany.

            Further Like Russia there is a great danger that China will collapse as a country – possibly suddenly in the near future with no means of predicting how that will play out.

            Whether you like it or not Trump did well with China, and Biden has continued Trump’s politicies if not Trump’s style.

            Biden failued economicially.
            He failed in afghanistan,
            he failed in Uktaine
            he failed in Iran.

            But he has managed China – which is actually the most consequential threat by far.

    2. One of the problems with Biden is that he was NEVER competent. Even when he was not demented

      Alzheimers proceeds slowly. Hurr indicated there were signs in his 2016 interviews with his ghost writer

      I doubt Biden could have passed a MOCA in 2020. Even in 2016 his score would have shown problems.

      This is not something that emerged suddenly.

      While some forms of demensia move rapidly most take decades to get where Joe is now.

      1. Well for someone who is incompetent, Biden has done an amazing job of turning around the economy, growing NATO, improving our relations with allies and helping keep Russia in check, which is stabilizing world peace. He also got multiple big pieces of legislation passed.

        Hur is a political hack who is not qualified to diagnose anything.

        Occasionally forgetting a word or misspeaking, or tripping are NOT signs of dementia or Alzheimer’s, no matter how many times Hannity says they are.

        1. Lol your lies are getting so pathetic they arent even worth responding to anymore.

          I have to wonder if thats your goal.

        2. That political hack, as you call him, protected Joe Biden from criminal prosecution for stealing classified documents for decades, when he served as Senator and VP, without any right to declassify anything. He then kept that classified information in his unsecured garage, shared it with his drug addict son Hunter Biden, who referenced that information, verbatim, in emails to foreign entities, in his corrupt scheme to collect millions of dollars in exchange for political favors from Joe Biden. He also shared this information with the Chinese-funded Penn-Biden Center. Finally, he shared the classified information with his ghost writer.

          He does not have any immunity for these acts, because the thefts we know about occurred before he was president.

          The only reason why he was not charged is because Hur found him mentally incompetent, a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” whom a jury would sympathize with. Of course, he was not an elderly man with a poor memory at the time he committed these thefts of classified documents.

          You can’t have it both ways. If Hur is wrong, and Biden is not an elderly man with a poor memory with whom a jury would sympathize, then he is competent to be charged and stand trial for the many felonies of theft and mishandling of classified documents.

          If Hur is right, then Joe Biden escapes criminal prosecution, but he’s mentally unfit for office.

          You have to choose.

          Finally, even Nancy Pelosi has acknowledged that concerns about Joe Biden’s cognitive and physical health are appropriate. It’s not forgetting the occasional word or tripping. He’s freezing often, including last night while watching fireworks, acting confused, mumbling, whispering, making wild claims like he was arrested with Nelson Mandela, forgets cabinet members’ names, requires his wife to lead him from the podium so he doesn’t get lost, other world leaders have had to take him by the hand and guide him where he’s supposed to be. He forgets what state he’s in. He claimed that Trump was shouting at him which made him confused during the debate, when we all saw Trump standing there quietly. He says bizarre things, like “We beat Medicare”, or “I’m the guy who stopped Putin” (tell that to Ukraine.) He can’t even remember that J6 happened in January, not July.

          Anderson Cooper is openly questioning Joe Biden’s mental state. Major Democrat donors are pausing contributions unless Biden is replaced.

          Did you not hear the press conference with Karine Jean-Pierre after the debate, when journalists asked her if Joe Biden has Alzheimer’s or dementia, has he taken a cognitive test, and is this an “episode or condition”?

          Read the room. You were late to abandon the Russia Hoax. SCOTUS already ruled prosecutors improperly charged Jan 6 participants, and you’ll be late abandoning the absurd claim that protesters on Jan 6 were trying to overthrow the entire US government through the clever use of blue face paint. You were late to admit Hillary Clinton really did have an illegal server in her bathroom with classified information, and she didn’t just “wipe it with a cloth”. You’re now late to admit Joe Biden has rapidly advancing dementia.

          It’s a trend with you.

          1. Karen S,
            Another epic take down of Natasha and all her lies.
            Sad part is, she believes them despite all the glaring evidence before us.

          2. Karen S: people like you are what will bring down America–MAGAts who believe whatever MAGA media tells them. There wasn’t any “Russia Hoax”–How many times is it necessary to cite to you a REPUBLICAN led Senate committee investigation that proved that Russian hackers did help Trump cheat by spreading lies about Hillary Clinton? WHY don’t you believe that?

            “Stealing” involves deliberate, intentional taking of property, knowing that you were not entitled to possess it. Did Mike Pence “steal” classified documents–i.e., wrongfully intend to take them, knowing he shouldn’t have them? When the matter of Trump’s deliberate theft of classified documents came to light, both Pence and Biden went through their papers and self-reported to the NARA that they had found some classified documents–which they immediately returned. Where’s the proof that Hunter Biden disclosed classified documents to anyone? You believe the Republican lies about Hunter Biden being involved in some quid-pro-quo criminal scheme to purchase favors–but, where is the evidence? Republicans haven’t come up with any, despite years of hearings. But, you still believe Mark Levin when he speaks of a “Biden Crime Family”. WHAT were the “political favors” and upon whom were they conferred? You can’t say because it isn’t true. But, you still believe. “We” don’t “know” anything about such matters–stop pretending that MAGA speaks for most Americans.

            Hur is a political hack–he’s not qualified to diagnose anything. In fact, he doesn’t have any proof that Joe Biden committed any crimes, because committing the crime of theft requires an intent to take documents to which one is not entitled, but he had to get in a few good licks for the team, which is what he did. All of the BS you posted about Biden’s alleged confusion, needing help, etc, comes directly from MAGA media and it’s all a deflection away from Trump’s lie fest and Project 2025, which Republicans and Trump are trying to pretend they don’t know anything about and that it’s not the agenda for the future. All of this lying is paid for by the wealthy, who want to put Trump into office so they won’t have to pay their fair share of taxes. Biden pledges to keep Social Security and Medicare solvent by making the wealthy pay their fair share of the tax burden. THAT’s what underlies most of this lying, which the wealthy will spend their money to try to make happen, THAT plus Project 2025 that Trump tries to pretend he doesn’t know anything about, even though members of his former administration are the head of the project and drafted key parts of it. Trump has spoken to and is supported by the ultra right-wing Heritage Foundation: Here’s how they describe their agenda:

            “Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts said in July 2024 that “we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”[9] Paul Dans, the project’s director, said in April 2023 that Project 2025 is “systematically preparing to march into office and bring a new army, [of] aligned, trained, and essentially weaponized conservatives ready to do battle against the deep state.”[10][11] Dans acknowledged it was “counterintuitive” to recruit so many to join the government to shrink it, but pointed out the need for a future president to “regain control” of the government.[3]

            Project 2025 envisions widespread changes across the government, particularly economic and social policies and the role of the federal government and its agencies. The plan proposes taking partisan control of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of Commerce, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC), dismantling the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and sharply reducing environmental and climate change regulations to favor fossil fuel production.[7][12] The blueprint seeks to institute tax cuts,[13] though its writers disagree on the wisdom of protectionism.[14] Project 2025 recommends abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be either transferred to other agencies, or terminated.[15][16] Funding for climate research would be cut while the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would be reformed along conservative principles.[17][18] The Project seeks to cut funding for Medicare and Medicaid,[19][20] and urges the government to explicitly reject abortion as health care.[21][22] The Project states that life begins at conception,[19] and seeks to eliminate coverage of emergency contraception under the Affordable Care Act[19] and enforce the Comstock Act to prosecute those who send and recieve contraceptives and abortion pills nationwide.[22][23] The Project seeks to infuse the government with elements of Christianity.[6] It proposes criminalizing pornography,[24] removing legal protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity,[24][25] and terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs,[3][25] as well as affirmative action[26] by instead having the DOJ prosecute “anti-white racism.”[27] The Project recommends the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrants living in the United States by using the military to capture and place them in internment camps.[28][29] The Insurrection Act of 1807 would be used to allow the military to engage in domestic policing and assist capturing undocumented immigrants.[30][31] It promotes capital punishment and the speedy “finality” of those sentences.[32]’

            You don’t know anything about what the SCOTUS ruled–they found that only ONE of numerous charges brought against your “patriots” could not stand–almost all of them were charged with and/or pleaded and/or found guilty of multiple other charges. And, the SCOTUS is packed with ultra right-wingers installed by an invalid POTUS who cheated to get into office. Four of them LIED about their stance on Roe v. Wade, and Alito and Thomas should both have been recused–Thomas because his wife was directly involved in the insurrection and Alito for flying the US flag upside down in solidarity with the J6 rioters, and then lying by blaming his wife, Martha-Ann for this. Contemporary police reports prove that there was NO beef with a neighbor as Alitos have claimed at the time when they flew the US flag upside down. Thomas and Alito are both ethically compromised. Any other judge would have been forced to recuse. But, Republicans have an agenda, and ethics do not matter.

            Hillary Clinton was cleared of wrongdoing. YOU and people like you refuse to budge from the lies you’ve been fed are truly dangerous to the future of America. Whatever MAGA media tell you–you believe.

    3. I find this story interesting – much like the Hunter Biden laptop, the collusion delusion, the Putin wants Trump, the FBI is spying on Trump, The many covid lies and on and on.

      ALL these stories were CLEAR lies from the start – or shortly after.

      Yet every single one took most of the country years to accept what was obviously true,
      and some the left refuses to accept the truth even now.

      I did not think Biden did all that badly at the debate – Meaning he did as I expected. I was surprised that those on the left suddenly abandon Biden.
      He has done worse nearly every week for the past several years.

      Somehow the debate was a magical “the emporer has no cloths” moment – when the left, the media, democrats and independnets finally saw what has been obvious for years.

      Further Exactly like the emporer’s new cloths – each and every one of them KNEW this for years.

      This was not a moment when the scales fell from their eyes.
      This was a moment when they could no longer pretend anymore – because EVERYONE saw this and there were no “cheap fakes” spin that could be put on.

      The BIG deal is NOT Joe Biden’s demnsia. It is not even Jill or the WH hiding things.

      The BIG deal is that the left, the media, democrats are all complicit in this lie and have been since before 2020.

      The BIG deal is NOT that Joe is too incompetent to be president – that has been true probably since 2016.

      The BIG deal is that having gotten non-compis mentis Joe elected – the democratic party – NOT Joe, has mismanaged the country for the past 4 years.

      Joe’s abysmal presidency is NOT the result of demensia.

      It is the result of DELIBERATE Poltical choices that Predictably FAILED.

      Joe Biden’s demensia made him the perfect slate for the left to impliment a long list of their bad ideas.

      Joe shares one thing in common with Trump.

      The Biden administration actually implimentaed a signifcant portion of the left most of Biden’s platform

      The difference is Trump’s policies worked. those of the left DID NOT.

      Whether Democrats drop Joe or not – does not matter.

      The failure of the past 4 years is NOT Joe’s failure – he was not competent.

      IT is the failure of the democratic party.

      This is also why this election is likely to be more than a route of the Democratic president.
      It is likely to be a route down ballot.
      Not because of the weakness of the presidential candidate.
      But because the failure of the Biden administration is a failure of the entire party

      1. And yet Gigi still denies it.

        Percentage of people who think Joe is cognitively capable of being President is now at

        SIX PERCENT.

        More people still believe the pee tape is real LMAO

        Yet Gigi still believes it was a cold.

  10. Well, I just read that Biden is threatening Medea! I am not sure if he meant the place in Algeria, or the Not-So-Nice Greek woman who murdered her own children and fleeced Jason out of his legacy. Probably the woman, based on this insight:

    “In his book The Happiness Hypothesis, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt quotes Medea talking about her struggle between her love to Jason and obligation to her father, as an example for “The divided Self” and the conflict between Id and Superego:

    “I am dragged along by a strange new force. Desire and reason are pulling in different directions. I see the right way and approve it, but follow the wrong.[41]”

    1. OK, I tried to find the link to the story again, but it disappeared. Could it have been “media” and not “Medea”??? Crap! Getting old sucks!

    2. Floyd- Estovir, hey man, what’s up with that Book of Revelations post on June 27..? Puppet Watch is saying it’s you. I just went back and looked. You and Estovir both posted long, long long texts that night.

      1. Yea thats right, genius, they were trying to veto their own posts.

        You just outed yourself as puppy. watch with that complete suspension of logic.

  11. Speaking of puppets, and the problems of old age, and leaders becoming inimical to the interests of their own people, there is a place all three things intersect, with some mental illness and sex mixed in. Gilgamesh Puppetry Theatre! Here is one such video:

  12. “Biden beats back critics at Wisconsin rally: ‘I’m running and going to win again’”

    “In his first major rally since calls for him to drop out reached a fever pitch, President Biden fought back against his critics Friday, forcefully declaring that he is staying in the 2024 race despite calls for him to step aside.”

    LOL — “major rally” ? ? ? — LOL — This “major rally” was held in the CORNER of a JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL GYM:

    “Biden’s Biggest Rally Ever! Biden’s Highly-Anticipated Wisconsin Rally Held in Corner of Middle School Gym”

    The rally was televised by Fox, and silly Gomers were cheering wildly after virtually every statement Joetard uttered. The word “fake” is too good to describe the stuipidity of the production.

    1. Here’s what England’s newly-elected leaders think of Trump and the insurrection–from “Newsweek”:

      “The day after the violence, Sir Keir told the BBC: “President Trump has to take responsibility. What happened was appalling, it wasn’t a protest, it was an attack on democracy and responsibility lies with President Trump—no doubt about that.”

      He went on: “I think this is the culmination of years of the politics of hate and division—and this is where it leads. And that is why we all have to make the case for tolerance and respect and changing that culture. This is where hatred and division gets you—and it’s a very, very bad place.”

      Similarly, the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, Angela Rayner, wrote on January 6: “The violence that Donald Trump has unleashed is terrifying, and the Republicans who stood by him have blood on their hands. Our spineless Prime Minister and toadying Foreign Secretary have to also take their fair share of shame for not calling out his lies after the election.”

      She has made other disparaging comments about Trump, calling former Prime Minister Boris Johnson a budget version of Trump, in the wake of a report revealing the extent of the British government’s bad behavior during COVID lockdowns, where they were found to have broken their own rules multiple times.

      Rayner said at the time: “(Boris Johnson) continues to act like a Poundshop Trump in the way in which he tries to discredit anybody who criticizes his actions.”

      It’s amazing that MAGA media have blinded so many to the truth that other world leaders can see.

      1. Hey Gigi

        First of all, who a rats behind what those lefties think of us? Did they save our bacon, EVER? They’re not gonna speak about Joe falling asleep or shitting his pants.

        Surely you have something better than that for us today.

        I know, let’s talk about Joe being the first black woman vice president. Wasn’t that something? I wonder what those “world leaders” think of that.

        1. Estovir,

          Can you explain why you posted the Book of Revelations on June 27th at 7:40 pm? What was that about? And why should we not think you were behind all those Latin texts?

          This malicious green anonymous of yours is getting too easy to spot. It’s pure Floyd all the way! And Floyd is ‘you’, of course.

          Puppet Watch

          1. Moderator

            Why are you removing replies to this jack ass, yet leaving his comments, accusing commenters of being trolls and sock puppets? ad hom attacks in clear violation of the civility rules. In fact, as far as one can tell, its the only thing this commenter ever posts.

      2. LOL — If they had won the Revolutionary War their opinion(s) might mean something. But they lost that war, if our July 4th celebrations mean anything, and Great Britain is currently moving in the opposite direction than the rest of Europe.

      3. Gigi

        Lets talk about lie number 27 of 61, from Biden at the debate.

        “If elected, I’m going to restore Roe v Wade”

        Knowing what you learned today about how the Senate works, please tell us EXACTLY how Joe is going to do that.

        Surely you know. Please, tell us. You can even look in Wikipedia if you want.

      4. Gigi, I really like your dedication!
        This long-running ‘Defend the Dems no matter what’
        performance art thing you’re doing is fantastic!

      5. Donald Trump told his followers at a peaceful rally to protest election interference and fraud, to let their voices be “peacefully heard.” In no way, shape, or form, did Trump tell his followers to riot.

        In fact, camera footage from inside the Capitol shows most of them peacefully walking around, smiling, and taking selfies. It was a small group that broke off and tried to protest on the Senate floor, and it was when they tried to break through the door that this group transitioned from protestor to rioter.

        In not way, shape, or form, was this protest an attempt to overthrow the entire US government, and the claim is absurd on its face.

        Democrats have protested, rioted, looted, committed arson, seized entire city blocks in autonomous zones, thrown homemade bombs at federal buildings, occupied the state capitol of Wisconsin for an extended period of time, burned down a police precinct, threatened to burn entire cities unless juries decided their way, and they routinely interrupt political proceedings. The Democrat Party is the party of riots. It was the albatross around their neck. They were absolutely thrilled when Republicans FINALLY engaged in one small riot, because they then promptly demanded millions of Americans just forget all about the more than a year of riots, and the long history of Democrats rioting when they get mad, and make the ludicrous claim that the entire Republican Party represents riots and are a threat to democracy. The total suspension of logic is astonishing.

        1. Karen S: we’ve been over this and over this. The insurrection was PLANNED–there were meetings at the Willard Hotel. A British embedded journalist with the Proud Boys testified that he went with them on reconnaissance missions to plot on the easiest entries to the Capitol Building–the plot was to distract the Police away from a vulnerable point to another point to clear the way to break in. Many wore flak gear, plowed through Police barricades in combat formation, several had weapons, and there was a cache stored at a hotel in Virginia across the Potomac. Trump declared victory at about 2:00 a.m. even though all of the ballots had not been counted yet and he was behind at that point. Giuliani suggested that he just say he won anyway–which he did, and being DJT, didn’t and never will back down. He went on unprecedented “Stop the Steal” rallies to gin up the faithful to believe the Big Lie, told them to come to Washington on Jan 6, and promised it would be “wild”. Steve Bannon said “strap in”. Trump said: “if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country any more”. He promised to join them, but didn’t. Trump watched the property damage and beatings of police officers for over 3 hours, basking in the glory of his power, while his family and staff begged him to stop. He only called them off after finding out that Pence was going to stay at the Capitol to finish the job of accepting the certified votes for Biden. And, on those occasions when Capitol Police didn’t try to stop the invaders, it was only because they were outnumbered. And, it wasn’t “most of them”, either. They broke in because Trump lost and lied to them. Ashli Babbitt died believing the Big Lie. Trump still refuses to acknowledge his liability for causing her death. Instead, he tried to use the tragic murder of a woman by a migrant against Biden–how outrageous–Trump is directly responsible for Ashli Babbit’s death but tries to blame Biden because a migrant killed someone.

          Your effort to change Trump’s effort to prevent Americans from having their choice as President in order to stay in power to a “protest” is lame. Trump’s efforts to force his presidency on the American people is the very definition of insurrection and overthrowing of the governdment. Americans made their voices heard–Trump didn’t like it. He wanted power. He wanted to control what laws get passed. He wanted to keep his minions in government agencies and direct what they do. These things ARE the government, and he tried to prevent the will of the American people from taking effect.

          You really need to stop harping about the protests following the public murder of George Floyd–that was short-lived, it wasn’t endorsed or organized by the Democrat party, it wasn’t based on a deliberate lie by a narcissistic sociopath, it wasn’t based on trying to cheat to stay in office, but rather, decades of pent-up anger and frustration over black men being killed by white police officers with impunity. There is NO comparison.

      6. At Biden’s behest, Johnson squashed the peace deal between the Ukraine and Russia in Istanbul in the spring of 2022. Hundreds of thousands have been wounded or killed because of Biden. And the killing continues today. All because of Biden.

    2. Anything on a teleprompter is irrelevant. The best test would be a long unscripted press conference. He won’t do that, likely because of what it would prove.

      1. Daniel: the best test is not regurgitating rehearsed speeches– but results. Compare what Trump was handed with what he left. Compare what Biden was handed with where we are now. THAT’S all of the proof anyone should need. But,even if that’s not enough, consider the future. Biden wants to work to keep America on the path to success he has facilitated. Trump wants to implement Project 2025–an authoritarian take over of our government, including law enforcement to be used to get revenge on his perceived enemies, taking away protections for career professioals in administrative agencies and replacing them with minions who will take steps to pay back donors by rolling back consumer and environmental protections and refusing to enforce regulations; then there’s cutting taxes for the wealthy and cuts to Social Security and Medicare to pay for the tax cuts. Economists say that Trump’s tariffs will tank our economy, which is the world leader right now. Oh, and they want to enforce the Constock Act that bans pornography, sending birth control and/or abortion medications by mail, plans to allow discrimination against LGBTQ folks, doing away with marriage equality, banning contraception and all abortions. Trump wants to round up tens of millions of migrants, put them in concentration camps and deport them. They want prompt executions, too. The future under Trump would be bleak. We are still recovering from his last term in offce.

  13. Maybe we all looking at Joe Biden thru the lens of own biases. Because being smart and cognitive, is a relative thing. To a four-year-old, Joe appears very smart indeed, and he can even ride a bicycle without training wheels! To your average Democrat base member, Joe might indeed seem smart and coherent, because let’s face it, Democrats ain’t the sharpest pickle in the drawer. And to your higher functioning Democrats, those who have been to college, intelligence is more a matter of credentialing Well, Joe has been to college, was in the top half of his law school class, and has three undergraduate degrees! Old Joe is not much dumber than many of them. And that class of Democrat is not even sure what a woman is!

    Sooo, maybe we should all just take a chill pill. So what if Joe forgets words, thinks he is a black woman president, makes up nonsense words, and falls asleep at inappropriate times. Remember, he did beat Medicare!

    1. Heck, just compare Joe to Gigi.

      He looks like mensa material.

      Or an idiot savant.

  14. In case you missed it

    Biden began his “rehab my image tour” yesterday with theese doozies

    “I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman, to serve with a black president.”


    “the first president [who] got elected statewide in the State of Delaware.”

    Yea, Goldy, he is “sharp as a tack”

  15. Turley: you are such a MAGA tool. I wonder whether your reputation can ever recover. Today’s little toadie assignment: 1. reinforce the lie that Biden is utterly incompetent–to do so requires ignoring all of his successes and making up lies that Jill Biden is feeding him information via a secret earpiece; 2. feed the lie that the country is really being run by someone other than Joe Biden; 3. attack up and coming Democrat rising stars like Rep. Goldman and 4. continue the diversion away from Project 2025 and Trump’s stream of mendacious vomit and arrogance at the debate. But for Biden’s gaffes, the news would have been all about Trump and his lies. MAGA media has a tool to use now, and they keep harping on it. They certainly didn’t cover the June jobs report–Biden’s economy is still thriving, with hundreds of thousands of new jobs created.

    I notice that NO ONE on this blog ever tries to defend Project 2025–and I KNOW why–because it is nothing more than a wish list of Christian Nationalist goals, all of which run counter to the values and beliefs of most Americans. Excerpted from “Wikipedia”–footnoted sources cited at that website:

    “Project 2025 envisions widespread changes across the government, particularly economic and social policies and the role of the federal government and its agencies. The plan proposes taking partisan control of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of Commerce, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC), dismantling the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and sharply reducing environmental and climate change regulations to favor fossil fuel production.[7][12] The blueprint seeks to institute tax cuts,[13] though its writers disagree on the wisdom of protectionism.[14] Project 2025 recommends abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be either transferred to other agencies, or terminated.[15][16] Funding for climate research would be cut while the National Institutes of Health (NIH) would be reformed along conservative principles.[17][18] The Project urges government to explicitly reject abortion as health care[19][20] and eliminate coverage of emergency contraception under the Affordable Care Act.[21] The Project seeks to infuse the government with elements of Christianity.[6] It proposes criminalizing pornography,[22] removing legal protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity,[22][23] and terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs,[3][23] as well as affirmative action.[24] ….

    The Project recommends the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrants living in the United States.[28] It promotes capital punishment and the speedy “finality” of those sentences.”

    Republicans haven’t said HOW MUCH we, the taxpayers, are going to have to pay to fund the concentration camps established for migrants, who are now working and supporting themselves, nor for the transportation costs to deport these people. Republicans haven’t admitted that the tax cuts will be paid for by cutting Social Security and Medicare.

    Hilariously, Trump is trying to distance himself from the more-unpopular aspects of this radical plan–such as banning all abortion and IVF–but he’ll do anything to get power–ANYTHING–including starting an insurrection via spreading lies about being cheated out of his “victory”. Equally hilarious is the notion that “Christians” would support someone like Trump, who is the antithesis of Christian moral values. They’re against pornography, but their hero brags about grabbing womens’ genitals and has been found liable for paying off a nude model and porn actress and falsifying business records to cover up these acitivites? Hypocrixy much? But, the real issue here is POWER to force their agenda on the majority of Americans and to reverse decades of progress in civil and human rights–so they’d sleep with the devil himself to get what they want. Isn’t “greed” one of the cardinal sins?

    One critical point–Republicans would have to control both houses of Congress to accomplish their upheaval of government. So, they hire “experts” like Turley to help their cause–ergo the attack on Rep. Goldman.

    1. “One critical point–Republicans would have to control both houses of Congress to accomplish their upheaval of government.”

      Gigi the liar, here engages in her normal sophistry and projection.

      Who is the ONLY party to take a vote in the Senate to ABOLISH THE FILIBUSTER? DEMOCRATS

      Of course we, as people with more than a 3rd grade understanding of civics, know that “upheaval” isn’t possible without cloture. Unless you count $6T worth of new laws, using “reconciliation”.

      Gig the pathological liar.

      1. Why don’t you talk about Project 2025, Christian Nationalist values and how Trump is the antithesis of them, and what polls show about how most Americans feel about their agenda–I’ve decided we’re not talking about me or you any more. AND, if you have issues with what Wikipedia published about Project 2025, read their sources–footnotes left in–and take up your quarrel with them.

          1. Who is the ONLY party to take a vote in the Senate to ABOLISH THE FILIBUSTER? DEMOCRATS

        1. If anyone here was the least bit interested in what Wikipedia has to say, or were interested in being informed by that cesspool of shit, they would go there an read it. When you repeat nonsense here, you are the LIAR here.

          1. Wikipedia is not a reliable source for anything. I can go onto that site and make up anything I want, throw in some fake sources, and get people to believe it. Gigi must believe if it’s on the Internet, it’s true.

            The Project 25 is not in Trump’s agenda. His agenda is clearly stated on his campaign website. The majority of Americans likely don’t know what this is, those who do, recognize it for an over zealous wish list.

            In actuality Project 25 is
            Organized by the Heritage Foundation. Spencer Christie is the
            Associate Director, 2025 Presidential Transition Project at The Heritage Foundation.

              1. I dont care about footnotes. Is that the stamp of validity for you? And i dont care what Wikipedia says.

                I love that you get your politics from wikipedia.

                When wikipedia comes here and makes false claims i will quarrel with them.

                In the meantime, your lies are getting more and more pathetic. You sound desperate.

        2. Also, Wikipedia didnt make the totally ignorant statement that controlling both houses and the pres means upheaval. YOU are the dumb ass that said that.

          In our Republic, it takes SIXTY VOTES IN THE SENATE to pass meaningful legislation. Unless you’re the dirty ass DEMOCRATS.

          THATS what bipartisan is. Not, oh look, we got one pissed off senator or Congressman to vote with us.

    2. Here Gigi engages in the tried and true Democratic playbook of the the last 50 years. Telling people what the other guy’s policies are. They don’t get to speak for themselves, nooooooo. We will tell you where the opponent stands on everything. What does he know?

      So pathetic.

      1. Nope–Project 2025 if the Republican platform. It’s not ME saying that–it’s them. Project 2025 is 900 pages long. Wikipedia condensed the key points of the Republican agenda, run by Christian Nationalists. Take it up with Wikipedia if you disagree-they allow this.

        1. NOPE

          Project 2025 SPECIFICALLY SAID they are not the Republican Platform. Thee head of the RNC has also said this.

          YOU don’t get to tell them their platform sorry. As much as you want to.

        2. Take it up with wikipedia??? You’re daddy???

          Its no wonder you are so misinformed.

          1. From “The Daily Beast”:

            “Kevin Roberts, president of the key conservative think thank The Heritage Foundation, drew up Project 2025. Now Trump is claiming he does not know either Roberts or his think tank as the Republican rushes to disavow the far-right manifesto.

            Other aspects of Project 2025 include making it possible for Trump and his aides to fire tens of thousands of government workers by ending their protection from political interference. The idea is based on claims that a “deep state” is trying to prevent Republicans enacting their policies, but it would then allow Trumpworld to stuff their followers into government positions.

            Trump’s claim that “I know nothing” of the people drawing up Project 2025 echoes his long history of denying that he knows people with whom an association might be damaging. Among those he has denied knowledge of are white supremacist David Duke; the Proud Boys; never-Trumper George Conway whose wife Kellyanne was his campaign manager; jailed 2016 campaign aide George Papadopoulos, whom he had previously called “excellent”; and most expensively of all, E. Jean Carroll. Despite being adjudicated to have sexually assaulted her by a New York jury, he has continued to claim not to know the former advice columnist, to whom he has been ordered to pay $83.3 million in damages for defaming on top of $5 million for the sexual assault.”

            Republicans are planning to hold their platform meetings in private–specifically to HIDE from the American people the truth of what they plan to do to us because they know that most Americans do not approve of their agenda.

            1. LMAO Gigi, who are you talking to hear, numbskull. NOBODY cares what you think of Trumps platform or Project 2025.

              Is that really all you have for us today, to try to redirect the conversation?

              LOL if you think anyone here is going to discuss one word of that Project with you, you are NUTS.

            2. Gigi, I bet your act is even more hilarious in person!
              All this practice making perfect. Sharing such comedy gold with us!
              Just doing it from the goodness of your heart. Bless you!

    3. “HOW MUCH we, the taxpayers, are going to have to pay to fund the concentration camps established for migrants, who are now working and supporting themselves,”

      There are 6.6 Million unauthorized immigrants currently in the US who are NOT employed and 8.8 Million who are uninsured.

      I doubt seriously that you are a taxpayer.

      1. How are those people getting fed and housed? How are they getting medical treatment?

        So pathetic, Gigi. So very pathetic.

      2. Source for your claim and statistics? Trump said he was going to incarcerate and deport 11 million people. So did Project 2025. Where is the money coming from to pay for this?

        1. Source for any of your claims about trump? Wikipedia doesnt say 2025 is trumps platform. You made that up. Even wilipedia isnt dishonest enough to claim that.

          From the 6.6 million being housed already you idiot, where do you think. And from the 8.8 million getting free medical care, numbskull?

          Maybe he can just print another $6T to cover it.

          Biden says he can pay that $6T off with $500 billion.

          Or was it $500 million billion

          Rain Man Biden

    4. Hey Giggly, did you catch Joe yesterday???

      “I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman, to serve with a black president.”

    5. What’s HILARIOUS is that Gigi thinks that bad mouthing Project 2025 HERE is productive.

      LMAO…”Here is what you people believe and I don’t like it”—-Gigi


    6. Project 2025 is not part of the Republican agenda, and even less so of the Trump campaign, your wishing so notwithstanding.
      The Trump official agenda is on its website and is nothing like Project 2025.
      You should read up some before making up and posting non-sense.

      1. The Republican Party will have its official platform meeting at the convention and, unlike previous conventions, it will not be on C-Span.

        1. Stop liking your own ignorant replies. That is so pathetic.

          Link to the previous c-span videos

        2. Who is the ONLY party to take a vote in the Senate to ABOLISH THE FILIBUSTER? DEMOCRATS

          Will that be in their convention platform?

    7. Just curious if you have ever once stopped to consider what an insignificant flea you are on the leftist apology train of retards? Do you honestly think anyone remotely gives a shit what you have to say about…..anything? You clearly have some type of mental disorder that makes you seek attention at any cost, even if it is negative. You were undoubtedly one of those kids i high school who was a complete loser, and now desperately seeks to somehow be relevant….you’re not.


    Noting again that there have been no

    “REGARDING ABOVE” or “Key points from above” posts since Puppy Watch and Bigus Dickus arrived.

  17. Dear Prof Turley,

    Brandon is not going anywhere. Sharp as a tack. The best Biden ever.

    Quite frankly, that’s probably true .. . afaict, his first fifty years in high gov. office has no redeeming attributes.

  18. The demoncrats are now so dirty we might as well throw them in the pig pen, open the gate, and let them all run into the water and drown, as Beelzebubba and Molech overtake them completely.
    Freedom is never free.

    1. PS It isn’t that I learned nothing from Adams and Jefferson yesterday, it’s just that I’m not 84 or 93 years old.
      Give it time, you’ll see you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

    2. The democrats and some of the republicans are simply the evolution of organized crime from the streets then the boardroom and now the government. How dom you think biden ever rose to VP – there were other white ctholics that could have tokened for obamma

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